East End District Leader Ralph Ford’s psychology background comes in handy toiling in the schizophrenic world of city politics. The good doctor has negotiated his share of patients to study in active practice or civic engagement. On March 6th Ford will have neighborhood activists knocking on his door, and they won’t necessarily be patients. He’s facing a different kind of patience–Democrats seeking new political leadership, including Wanda Simmons aligned with the Connecticut Working Families Party and Debbie Sims, a supporter of former Mayor Bill Finch, who once occupied a seat on the Democratic Town Committee. A number of district primaries are in play.
The 139th District joins Black Rock and the Upper East Side as another battleground for future control of the party led by Town Chair Mario Testa. The 139th District is African American rich where Mayor Joe Ganim ran up huge pluralities to defeat Finch in a 2015 Democratic primary on his way to a general election victory. Simmons made a strong case for herself last September coming up a bit short for City Council in a primary, edged out by incumbent Eneida Martinez and Ernie Newton, the former state legislator, who has returned to the seat that launched his political career. Simmons also ran in the general election on the Working Families Party line.

In March she will once again challenge Martinez and Newton, both aligned on Ford’s slate. Ford, a survivor in city politics for decades, earned the declaration by OIB friend Tom Kelly “the Ford dealership.”
Joining Ford, Martinez and Newton–Charlie Coviello, Clem Young, Elizabeth Ann Barnes, Maurice Barnes, Keith Williams, Barbara Pouchet.
Simmons and Sims will have slate company from Vaughn Sims Jr., Phylicia Brown, Eric Stewart-Alicea, Bonita Whitaker, Lezlie Geter, Felicia Boston, Ronald Donte Jones.
Two years ago Eric Stewart-Alicea joined a slate led by school board member Maria Pereira that won all nine seats in the Upper East Side 138th District. He has since relocated to the 139th District.
Testa and Ganim must keep a close eye on the local action because the 90-member Democratic Town Committee endorses candidates for public office and selects party officers. Testa desires another two-year term to influence Ganim’s run for governor and if that fails his mayoral reelection next year. Shortly after the March primaries officers will be selected.
It’s now late January, just three weeks from pitchers and catchers in spring training, so let the games begin. Excuse me, do games ever stop in city politics?
Play Ball!
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” The people of the East End won’t be fooled by a group of carpetbaggers.
The group of individuals running with Ralph are long time East End residents, business owners on the East End and homeowners on the East End, yet this other group are from where? No one knows them with the exception of Vaughn and there is doubt whether he lives in the East End or using his fathers address.
C’mon now send this people back to their real districts, to their real homes and leave the East End alone. Send these
unscrupulous opportunist back to where they came from.
You have an interesting view of this race. Sadly, you facts as usual leave lots to be desired.
I’ll start with me. My family has been on the East End for more than fifty years; my late grandfather was a pastor on Stratford Ave for more than 42 years. Community roots, yup we got them.
Ronald D. Jones, is a business owner also on Stratford Ave., there’s another hole in your viewpoint.
Phylicia Brown lives in the same townhouse community as Mr. Coviello. Said community requires the occupants to own the property.
We have roots, business ties, and property ownership from a few members of our slate.
What we don’t have are employees of the city, immediate family members working for the city, city councilors hedging their bets, and most of all entrenched machine operatives that have done nothing for the East End except fatten their pockets; I‘m sure their district leader could educate you on that.
You’re a little quick on the defense, Eric.
Hey, hey, hey only a hit dog howls. I merely ask the question, where is this other group from? I’ve known Ralph and everyone running with him over thirty years and several over forty five years, I know where they’re from.
All of them, unlike you and I, stayed and worked to make the East End a great place to live, to raise a family and Never moved out. Not just a few members that you alluded to in you’re response to me. The people running with you and you, not so sure. Where is Ronald Jones business I’ll stop and introduce myself?
Tae’s Lounge stop and enjoy a drink.
I grew up on the East End. It looks the same as it did 30 years ago.
These folks haven’t done much over that time span to make the East End a better place to live. Newfield is underutilized, Stratford Ave should have never had an S curve leading to it; these are some of the things that have fallen through the hands of our leaders.
Don’t get me wrong; I love to see Ernie up and down the Ave meetong with the people, I am of thr opinion that CC members shouldn’t be on the DTC.
I’m sure we all want the East End to come up and its current residents to prosper in place. Right now, and up to now that hasn’t been the case.
Eric Alicea, I’m confuse so maybe you can correct this. Above it states, “Two years ago Eric Stewart Alicea joined a slate led by school board member Maria Pereira that won all nine seats in the Upper East Side 138th District. He has since relocated to the 139th District,” so when did you relocate to the 139th district?
Like that saying: Only a hit dog howls!!
But it just isn’t true. Watchdogs howl, and bark, and yap, and bay, depending on the breed they can make a lot of noise…….but watchdogs in Bridgeport have died off, given jobs with the City, moved away, silenced in multiple manners, and the sound of the dogs is only from memory.
All of a sudden in different parts of the City barking and petitioning and knocking on doors in January and February (not just summer and fall) is part of the City game.
And Eric, quality candidate that he is answered your questions pretty completely for a DTC slate. What does “never moved out” mean as a qualification for office? Did it provide service and necessary change as time moves on everywhere? Or is it a sign that people were stuck, just as the entire City was when Ganim1 succumbed to his devils, made choices that seemed good for him and forgot everyone else? And the price tag to the City folks who have stayed here since then paid taxes and seen checks and balances fall apart? At least hundreds of millions?? And loss of watchdog lives? Time will tell.
Eric I was in Tae’s several weeks ago and had a drink with Mami on my way down to the Tree Club.
How is it the current politician’s fault that Newfield Park is being underutilized? There are more amenities there today then when we utilized the park 49 years ago, where if you didn’t win in basketball you might had to wait two hours to get another game. It’s a different day, kids aren’t outside playing like we did and you as well being younger than me.
I’ve taken both Ralph and Ernie to task in this forum when I thought Each could do more with respect to the East End as well as Enida Martinez, but I think all involved can and will do better. Those running with Ralph are ALL committed to a better Bridgeport and several of them are not go along to get along people.
I think this vote will come down to, do we support someone who has fought for the community even though they could have done better or for someone who we don’t know and is running just to be running.
Eric, let’s not forget most elections are popularity contests and the other side is loaded with East End popular candidates. The brother that owns Tae’s might slip in there, but the rest ???????? A coup d’état in the 139th, I don’t think so.
I’m not saying that it’s the fault of Newton part 2, he just got in. Newton’s first stint and Martinez’s current incumbency has yet to show something tangible in the East End, unless you count honorary street signs.
Eric Alicea
I was not going to respond but i had to Ive know your family before you knew them.We have been working on this CIVIC Block New Library New housing and commercial stip.You mention Unless you count honorary street sign Did you forget We Named a street after your Late Grandfather Bishop Steward because of his dedication to OUR Community. Let me say this to you Ms Martinez and myself will continue to fight and bring the changes to the Eastend and Mill-hill section.so yes we honor people who we feel have made contributions to Our City and Community. Your Grandfather and Grandmother Aunts and uncle always treated me as Family.Ms Martinez and myself will put our record up against anyone on your slate.
My grandfather’s sign is great. It’s an awesome tribute to a man who chose to make the East End his home although he had the means to move out. He placed a high value on being in the community he served as a pastor and civic leader.
The East End has the most “ceremonial signs” in the city. A few of them are frivolous.
I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt, since I believe you have matured into your new role after some tumultuous times in the past.
Please feel free to call me, send a smoke signal, email on what truly had changed in the East End I the past 30 years.
Eric, when did you move into the 139th district because two years ago you ran on Maria Pereira 138th district?
My friends you all make your opinions and memories known to all, but, there comes a time when the incumbents must step aside, mentor, teach, guide and share experiences with the next wave. Nothing changes unless new voices and energy are invited in, not held back by some who just can’t let it go. I’m presently one of many still running for a seat on one of the slates in the 132nd district; I will do my best because the slate involves what I have described above, but this is it. I love Bridgeport, I will always be willing to assist candidates I believe are worthy, but it’s time to share experiences with new candidates.
Eric, if the white mayor or the white Director of OPED aren’t inclined to make the East End a priority as it relates to economic development then what are the district leader or the CC from the 139th to do? That outage should come from the voting public with which the mayor is not only accountable to, but depends on their vote to get elected.
Why are you demanding a higher standard of excellence from the local politicians than you are demanding from the white politicians who hold all the cards in the development of a particular area of the city? Is it the fault of Ralph, Ernie or Enida that the East End is a food desert or does that belong to current and past white mayors?
The white politicians were put there by a combination of black, hispanic and white voters. As you well know the city is 80% minority. Yet in the history of Bridgeport we have had only 1 serious candidate for mayor from the black community, Charles Tisdale.
the problem is the power players for the hispanics and the blacks are to busy telling each other they should be in charge and i the interim a white person becomes mayor.
Retreads like Ralph Ford should be put out to pasture. He has b een around forever and done nothing for the east end residents
Andy Fardy you just spoke reality, a reality that unfortunately has not resonated and probably won’t until the political bubble in this City changes. Charlie Tisdale had his vision, he tried, I listened and watched as he tried over and over again to encourage evolvement from many in a position to do so. He was, and still is, the only person who was able to bring together Blacks and Hispanics to force inclusion in the local political establishment, it lasted a short time; then the “bad guys” ended it creating division so that the “old white boys” club could take over again. Personally, I surrender, I’ve tried for more than half my life to be a little part of “Charlie’s dream of evolution” I now know it won’t happen in my lifetime. Just a little bit of trivia, one-third of the sitting TC members in the 132nd district have an average age of 81. Since I’m not on that TC I’m not sure how the rest play out, but to venture a guess, the rest have an average age of 65. This is disgusting and embarrassing.
The 9 members of the 132nd have an average age of 81? of the 9 e already seated are any of them near 81? If you were on the TC wouldn’t you be the oldest on the committee? When you did your computation did you count Marcus Brown? What happened to age and wisdom? You keep talking about your experience Lisa, yet you talk as if you are an outsider. As though ou and Bob Keely haven’t been around for over 40 years in Politics. You keep talking about Ernie Newton and how wonderful he is , yet you think he needs to go. I believe CHANGE can be a good thing. Change for the sake of CHANGE is not a good thing. There are confused younger dems that are Working Families Party supporters pretending to be Democrats.
I am happy everyone wants to run. In the 139th I thing the slate of Ralph Ford is a good slate. Ernie and Eneida are out there daily tryng to bring back the East End and end the violence. I wonder if Eric Alicea would want to bring a Magnet School into his district or does a Magnet school go everywhere else in the City? The Classical Academy should go to the under untilzed Dunbar School. Chris Taylor spoke before the Common Council last week and stated how easy a fix it would be and not take millions of dollars and community angst to force it into the Catholic Center . A Magnet School would be amazing for Pride in the area. Just how many students from the East end actually have an opportunity to attend such a great school? Dunbar is a perfect fit. A beautiful property. Enough Parking and move in ready. You would think the BOE would have the common sense to make this happen. I am hopeful that Aresta Johnson will acknowledge this so Classical would have a new home in the East End before all of the current families children graduate before a new school can be found and completed.
I do think Eric Alicea and Phylicea could be a nice addition to the district. However, if they do not believe their neighborhood is worthy of a Magnet School I’d say Keepthe Entire Ralph Ford slate. That of course is only my opinion. I do not vote in the East End but I consider every area of Bridgeprt my own. I am always grateful when anyone gives their time to run.I do agree with Lisa Parsziale. Sometimes you just need to know when to let go. When you keep losing and have been around for 40 years , it is time to let the youth move in.
Dude you keep missing the issue.
Magnet schools are funded and authorized through the state. Governor Malloy froze magnet funding 3 years ago in favor of your beloved private (charter) schools.
I know you were only a sub in the system, but for you to be so detached from what’s really going on is scary.
Eric, your response shows you did not read my post. There may be a freeze . I am talking about your broken record about Classical Academy that your children attend and I always found to be an enjoyable experience. I am suggesting you take the advice of Christopher Taylor and support Dunbar School as the replacement of Classical Academy. We don’t have millions to satisfy the few that love the Catholic diocese. The East End deserves to have a great school in their district. I would personally like Classical Academy in my district, down the street from my home. I wish they would take over the magnificent location of the former Stop and Shop, but Chris Taylor made an amazing speech. No nonsense and an immediate fix to the Classical dilemma. I am supportive of Private and Charter Schools but let’s be honest, I haven’t any children in our public schools. I pay high taxes. I am hoping the BOE takes the advice of Christopher Taylor just that Classical Academy doesn’t sign up for every speaking slot at the Common Council for the next 3 months. Has nothing to do with me subbing in Fairfield or Shelton and certainly nothing to do with my support of Private or Charter schools . This has to do with Classical Academy which is a lot better shape than at least 12 Bridgeport schools that I have been in regularly for 6 years.
We asked for it and was denied. Again, you speak without knowing the facts.
Eric, who denied it? That will change- Mark my words. Thank you Erik for your 2 cents.
Don’t waste your time arguing with this baboon.
Lisa, thank you for laying out the history of the divide and conquer tactics:
Divide and rule (or divide and conquer, from Latin dīvide et imperā) in politics and sociology is gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into pieces that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy. The concept refers to a strategy that breaks up existing power structures, and especially prevents smaller power groups from linking up, causing rivalries and fomenting discord among the people.
Although my time on the DTC was from 1991 until 1999 I was able to see first hand of what you have post Lisa at the same time. Pitting blacks against Hispanics, buying loyalty with jobs, appointments to committees. Then you have district leaders making deals. Some district leaders bitch and moan about Mario but then they nominate Mario and give seconding speeches.
Lisa, remember this, in 1982, Leonard Paoletta won reelection, defeating both Democratic challenger Charles B. Tisdale and Mandanici (who ran under the third party “Taxpayers Party” ballot line after losing the Democratic primary election to Tisdale). Paoletta received 15,606 votes, Tisdale 14,358 votes, and Mandanici 9,728 votes. Think about this, Charlie Tisdale got 14,358 votes and didn’t win in any other year that was much more than wining mayors got, the key issue for Charlie lost, being black.
Steve, I didn’t bother to read beyond the first few sentences of your comments since, again, you can’t resist inserting yourself in matters that have nothing to do with you. No, I did not include my age because I’m not on the TC. My comments are correct, and unless you can prove otherwise, I respectfully ask you again to mind your own business. I have no idea where you live, but I know you don’t live in the 132nd district. Is it any wonder that you are attacked and criticized on this blog? You can’t seem to help yourself or maybe it’s just pathology, don’t know, don’t care, just leave me alone!
Lisa, you are beyond you expired date. Stop running. Your district has sent you a message over and over again. I am entitled to post on this blog as Lenny allows. It has given me understanding into your sociopathic personality. You support people and attack. Classless. NowI realize how you are you are no longer important to me and I certainly announcement longer interested in your opinion about me or my posts. There is only one MARIa PEREiRra and Honey you are no Maria PEREiRra. Give up. John Stastrom moved up to be a big boy in local and state and here you are always giving commentary about your amazing experience. Bridgeport was really thriving under your leadership. I used to hold you in high regard. Now you are just invisible !
Announcement….. No longer
Steve A., because I now know that you’re “wiring” is mutated and that there is nothing modern psychology can do to change your malady, I will pray that God has mercy on you as you complete your journey in life. As a wife (twice) mother, grandmother and now a proud great-grandmother, I have been responsible for bringing good, decent humans into this world. My contribution in life is far more profound than serving on the TC or any other public office. Just a suggestion, while I know you biologically can’t contribute to the human race by procreating, you should try finding a husband it may just keep you human.
Lisa you are just a sad played out politician . Thank you using the public forum to discuss your habits and mine. Thank you for reminding me about my lack of contribution to the Hunan race. It does not change the fact that you are a sychophant to the max. You kiss ass one week and your vile vitriolic comments do not have people warm up to you. Why, on this blog you have come a bitch is beyond me. Oh yes because I do not agree with everyone on this blog. I think you need to get laid. Ido regularly and when I meet the man of my dreams maybe I’ll get married. Maybe I will adopt and contribute to the human race. I suggest you retire. People don’t want to think you are controlling the fresh new voices of Marcus and Kyle. You can’t keep telling people you are their advisor. It makes people cringe. Now Lisa, my talk show will be the last word with Steve. Keep talking like a lunatic and digging up personal stuff. It makes you look ridiculous. Seriously Lisa, what has become of you???
Don’t bother, Lisa. Talking sense to Stevie A. is a waste if good air. You may as well try talking to a hyena.
I know Kid, but he’s such easy pickins!
Stevie/Stephanie, what do you prefer being called. You’re girlie ways are rearing their ugly head again, I thought you said you were getting off the blog? Now Stephanie, take a deep breath, pick a restaurant for an evening bite to eat, we are all aware of your obsession with food, it could almost be compared to some kind of oral fixation. Oops!!!!!
Hahahaha! I’m sure there’s a happy hour somewhere offering free chicken wings…
Lisa, Stephanie thinks you are a dried up hag- Now give it a rest because I will have the last word and you are looking more and more like a real asshole. Stephanie? really, How am I supposed to react to that on this blog- Last week I asked you to Fuck yourself – Lennie took it down. I don’t know why. You are played out. The audacity to talk about Constance and Lauren – these 20 somethings are way past your finsished line. Lisa honestly, What contributions can you really take credit for in this city. If Tom Bucci wants to comment on this blog rhat would be great. I will assume all of the gay men and woman you know as well as the ingle men on this blog that are asexual without families and nevered sired children what about them. Do you think Lennie ha not contributed to society, Grin Ripper, Bridgeport Kid. on and on and on. You know L’isa it doesnt take much but 7 minutes in the back of a chevy to accomplish what you have done . Now since you are past your prime and shriveled, shut the fuck up. Seriously , you sound like an idiot! Is anyone calling you and telling what a great job you are doing insulting me? I’d put my character against yours any day of the week.Go tell Michael Gianotti how much you love him and then call him Michelle. You tired old bitch- give it up!
Lisa, I am going to assume that Dementia ahas set in and you really didn’t mean anything you said. I forgive you because sometimes elderly people do not have a filter. It reminds me of the comments Maria P made against Carolanne and her age. Well it does apply to you. I however have o problem with elderly people serving the city. Apparently you do and you re the closest to 81. Now give it up. Stop talking about AB’s and how accomplished you are. I have never heard anyone on this blog blow as much smoke up their own ass as you do. Now stop please.
Lisa Whats you point? I love food and have an oral fixation and you? The difference between you and me is that there is nothing you know about me only what I choose to share. You however have been documented over 40 years , The good the bad and the ugly. Now I am not sure about your oral fixation or your marriage or all of the politicians you have done , but I do know that the list is long. Mine , well you’d have a very hard time identifying one. One of us is an optimist and very discreet. The other is a negatve miserable hateful waste of humanity. I am the optimist. You only G-d knows . I will say that you have become a very evil, wicked bitch and did you imagine I was going to allow you to attempt to imitate Maria P. and Donald Trump – Lisa, you are the biggest phony in the city of Bridgeport. I am gay . I’d choose to be me.
Eric, when did you move into the 139th district because two years ago you ran on Maria Pereira 138th district slate for the DTC?
Good morning Stevie/Stephnie, it’s obvious by your ranting and raving you didn’t take my advice last night. An oral fix was what you needed after a stressful few hours of venting. I’ve heard it said that food is good for the….. well you figure it out. Since interacting with precious children as a substitute when a real teacher is absent, you should begin your day with a positive, uplifting mindset and attitude. I know how disappointed you were back in the, 70’s when you didn’t make the cut at the “Brook.” Remember that little venue where some went to impersonate the group of (YMCA?) Sorry Steph, you just didn’t have it, you were attempting to compete with handsome, charming, talented individuals, I believe that left an impact on your sense of self and you take it out on everyone and anyone who displays confidence. Now it’s time to move on, you’re an aging man with a very little chance of catching up with the desires of your youth. Stephanie, after your difficult day of substituting, again I suggest, go have something to eat. No pun intended.
Again Lisa Parziale, You are a barking up a wrong tree. Your attempt to bully and public shame me makes you look ridiculous. Let me say publically I ave been gave since I was 6 years old. There is nobody I have ever hid it from. I didn’t go to “The Brook ” until I was 21 and Stopped when my “Patner was Murdered in 1991. You are literally attacking every Hay person in an ignorant outdatted approch to humiliate me. So to be clear. You are no different than so many other Catholics publically bullying Gay people because you find them appaling. You are also insulting others that you supposedly call friends. The thing is while you were giving free blowjobs to politicians I’ve been listening to people like you my whle life. So sister let me say this. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned unless that woman is a gay man and you are a bitch and one day you will wonder how you went from oh Steve I just love you to calling me a faggot on a public blog becaue I wrote a post You know lLisa you are a phoney skank, and people see it, My phone has been ringing off the hook regarding this thread. Has yours? The answer is n . Why?because your oral fixation could not be satisified and you imagined that an old dried up hag was going to get the last word, So again Lisa Fuck off I wouldn’t wipe my hot ass with your face and I wouldn’t fuck you with TRUMPS impotant dick. Now move on Lisa we have copies to print and distribute to your constituents!
Okay Steve you’ve gone to far.
Really Ron? Now you have something to say.Notice how isa P doesnt’t comment on you or Donald day for your commentary and involvement in the 139th?? Day iive in Stratford. No Lisa has crossed the line with me and she is a political whore and there isn’t anyone in the city of Bridgeport that doesn’t knw it. To think we were friends we have been reduced to this? Well it is what it is. Stephanie may accept this but Steve does not. She ironicllly looks like the worst drag queens at the Brook and her knowledge of that place may be because at one time she was a fag hag and went there for attention.
Stephanie’s back. Did you have an early lunch? If so, what did you dine on, or may I say who? Poor, lonely Stevie/Stephie, who kidnaps at least a person a month to call a friend. Basically, people are kind and understanding so they go along as they wink!!! So how’s that pot belly of yours making out? Poor Steph, trying so hard to get rid of all that stuff he puts in his mouth. Lucky for Stephanie/Stevie it comes out the other end or is it in the other end. Oops forgot, I’m old and I may have gotten that one mixed up. What says ye Stephanie?Does it go in and out, or in and in? Well, whatever the answer, some of it seems to get stuck in that big belly.
Steve and Lisa, let’s call this battle a draw and please move on okay?
No Lennie sorry- you have again lost control. To allow Lisa to tell me when and when I can not post is enough. My phone has rung off the hook. I guarantee you that hers hasn’t . Why I allowed myself to get causght in her demented tirade is beyond me. Just a week ago she was posting on my facebook page – Oh Steve I love you I am so happy to have you in my life. That is not the evil bitch on this blog. My world is full of good friends – she is just a political whore that can’t let hgo of her glory days. Again Lennie. Good luck! Let me know when you have another pitch for me . In the mean time I will continue ripping Lisa Parziale a new one because I will have the last word and she needs to go back to her Dr. and get her Meds.
No Stevie,
You are out of control. Fetch your pink tutu and give a little dance.
Stephanie, after this post runs its course, perhaps you can learn the art of innuendo, it’s far more effective than the verbal napalm you must resort to. Liar, liar, pants on fire. Poor Stevie/Stephie, I’ll take you on until Lennie erases this tirade. Now rub your big belly and wish for hair to grow back on your little head, all that pounding it takes must take a toll on the hair follicles you once had. Oh, tell all those who are allegedly calling you I said hi.
Eric, when did you move into the 139th district because two years ago you ran on Maria Pereira 138th district slate for the DTC?
Lisa, once a whore always a whore. I am not into inuendo, I call it like it is. I do not know what reduced you to gay bashing. I will assume you were hoping to drum up others it to be honest. My email and phone has been rocking off the hook. Call me a queer, a fag a homo a butt fucker whatever bully’s like you want to say. It doesn’t hurt my feelings Lisa. I have no idea what my personal business has to do with you or this blog. Maybe you should pick up a few steaks.. after you pay for them of course and we can chat like adults..Not gonna happen. I’ll buy my steaks if you get my inuendo you low life!
Lisa why not ask Mr. Day why he is concerned about the139th? Oh yeah, this is a public blog and he is asking Eric a simple question.
Stephanie/Stevie it’s so easy to bait you and make you lose it. As a young I girl resided in public housing and learned the art of self-defense. verbally and physically. A punk like you wouldn’t last ten minutes in that environment. I was taught by the best most of whom went on to become successful, contributing individuals to their respective choices in life. I suspect by your lack of self-control that you have spent most of your life having to “stoop to conquer.” Again, no pun intended. I made you look like a fool, not that that’s hard to do, and I never had to use profanity, lies or use the claim of people allegedly calling to cheer me on. By the way, would you be willing to name these people who called you to encourage you on? I don’t think so! One more thing, don’t you dare mention Donald or Ron Mackey, in even a facetious way while you are interacting with me. You try it and I’ll show you my game! I have many friends on this blog and those two MEN are special to me, you too Kid.
Lisa We know you love everybody until you don’t. You are a true phoney and I am certain you have a few friends on this blog.I may not have any, but in the real world I have many and I do not think you do. I forgive all of your insults. Don’t look for Ron Mackey or Donald to now defend you Lisa- Nothing you have said on this blog is defensible and I am truly embarrassed that I lowered myself to y0ur level and that Lennie allowed it to continue. I think I had more calls and Emails from people than post on the blog. I am grateful for friends. That I have many. LisaP. I wish you well and I ever utter a kind word to you again in this lifetime may G-d strike me dead.
Lisa, I have nothing but the utmost respect for you now and back in the day. I think you are truly a remarkable lady, one which Ron Mackey had talked about in glowing terms years prior to my meeting you.
Having said that like you I never thought, felt or believed that my or Ron’s name should have been evoked in his dialogue with you. It was outlandish for him to get angry about anything you had to say because he said some of the most vile and ugly things I have ever read in this form and all that you did was stoop to his level after he initiated the vitriol. My opinion of you haven’t changed one iota what this dialogue did for me was to reinforce my opinion of him.
Thank you Donald Day and I have absolutely no respect for you. Thank you for that. I will remember that fondly. And wave at you as you are Driving Miss Daisy.
I’ve been blessed with a life lived longer than many, mostly the ones I love. One of the attributes of my nature is to never give up, even when it becomes necessary to fight fire with fire. That’s who I am and I will never change that part of me. Words are just words, some like Stephanie use them in an attempt to intimidate or hurt others because they know they are insecure and realize they are “lesser than.” If I have to stoop to Stephanie/Stevie’s level to fight him, I will. What surprises me is that it took Stephanie so long to bring someone else into the dialogue. I’m a big girl/lady, I can give it as well as take it. If Stephanie chooses to engage with me, I have a lot more waiting for him.
Don’t bother, Lisa. No point in arguing with a fat lob whose “contribution” is eating and farting all the time.
Lisa my name is Steve , you are as disgusting and low as a human being can go. You so impressed with keeping this going. actually this is probably Lennies last exciting Post. You have embarrassed yourself. I feel bad for you. Having Derik and Donald come to your defense is laughable. It only shows how much they dislike me because I have recieved 50 emails and calls from people supporting me and were concerned . I thanked them . I am not thin skinned but I am beyond disappointed in you and ashamed that I had ever been associated with you. These are just the facts – nice to have support from Derik and Donald. The people that called me were people that I respect and have red Lennies blog in total disbelief.
Whatever. They must be cowardly friends if they are not stepping up to the plate to defend your name calling and vile comments. You’ve interacting with juveniles too much. The adolescent’s tasteless sense if humor has rubbed off. You ought to retire from teaching, get a job making sandwiches at a Subway franchise. I hear the meal discounts are good. That would work out for a gluttonous pig like you.
Steve, Two years ago Eric Stewart-Alicea joined a slate led by school board member Maria Pereira that won all nine seats in the Upper East Side 138th District. He has since relocated to the 139th District.
Steve, I’ve asked Eric Stewart-Alicea three time when did he moved to the 139th district, there nothing hard about that question.
Don’t bother, Ron. Little Stevie’s a self-important gasbag that thinks he knows everything. His attitude is “If you must ask I’ll never tell…”
Why are you asking me – He is friends with Maria and Lisa Parsziale
Steven Auerbach // Jan 25, 2018 at 3:02 pm
Lisa why not ask Mr. Day why he is concerned about the139th? Oh yeah, this is a public blog and he is asking Eric a simple question.
Ok. I get it– My point was that Lisa has a problem with me “inserting” myself into any of Lennies posts that “are none of my business”yet you live in the South End and are asking Erik where he lives and Donald Day I think asked the same question. My answer was that Lisa knows him and Maria – I suggested you ask her.
However, As fae as Erik Alice goes, Does it matter how long he has lived in the district. Are people going to question Aaron Turner who lived in my neighborhood and moved into Ed Gomes district so he could run?
This is Town Committee, Whether you like Eric or not he is an intelligent and articulate man. The 139th should be proud to have him running. I am not taking sides in this TC election . I like many on the Eneida/ Ernie slate , but lets be honest. Eric offers new blood and new ideas and the length of time he lived in the district is really not important. His commitment and desire to serve should the important issue. So whether Eric answers your question or not, He is entitled to run and according to Lisa , you living in the South End should not be concerned with the 139th and Donald Day who lives in Stratford should certainly not be questioning Erics length of time at the address. We should be happy that the 139th has a spotlight on it as it has been neglected for decades and Eric is correct. The entire slate will not win as in the 132. It really is everyman for himself. You know the absentee ballots most people will have them only voting for themselves. The most votes win you know that.
personally I like the Ralph Ford slate but I can see Eric and Phylicea making their way on to that TC. Just my opinion Ron Mackey
Steve, Lennie wrote “two years ago Eric Stewart-Alicea joined a slate led by school board member Maria Pereira that won all nine seats in the Upper East Side 138th District. He has since relocated to the 139th District.” I just ask Eric when did he moved to the 139th district.
Ernie asked Eric, “Did you forget We Named a street after your “Late Grandfather Bishop Steward because of his dedication to OUR Community,” well, I knew Bishop Steward especially during the Mt. Trashmore marches every Sunday. Like Don we both lived in the Est End and played basketball at Newfield Ball Park when the basketball court was all dirt was a big rock in the middle of the court and we still have a love for the East End. I didn’t attack Eric I just asked him a simple question.
Thanks, guys good advice and accurate observations. I will take it because you all know how much I admire and respect you. God, it feels good to be interacting with men. I just left an enthusiastic group of people on a challenge TC slate, the energy was palpable. I was with another group, already qualified, on Saturday, and I’ll be meeting with a good friend of Ron and me, Ron I’ll fill you in on that by email.
Stevie is the elephant in the room. Imagine how he would react if he saw a mouse. Christ, he’d jump on chair and shriek like a female impersonator.
Steve at his best.
The Galloping Gourmet meets his match!
Steve: “Eek, a mouse!!!”