On June 3, founders of the political committee Bridgeport Generation Now Votes publicly endorsed State Senator Marilyn Moore for mayor on the Broad Street steps Downtown, the candidate in attendance. That very day, Niels Heilmann, the wealthy Black Rock treasurer of the group, donated $350 to Moore’s candidate committee, according to Moore’s latest campaign finance report.
The latest GEN NOW VOTES report also shows that at least $2,000 was spent to endorse and benefit Moore’s candidacy that day which the candidate attended. In addition the report shows that more than $5,000 was paid out to Gen Now Votes campaign workers to benefit Moore including pay days for Gen Now Votes founders Callie Heilmann and Gemeem Davis. The report also shows that the group has earmarked nearly $100,000 to advance Moore’s candidacy, but doesn’t disclose specificity about the source of the loot.
On June 8, Callie Heilmann and Davis donated $1,000 and $100 respectively to Moore’s campaign on the day she held a fundraiser at Bank Sports Bar Downtown, according to Moore’s fundraising report. Davis attended the fundraiser.
State law prohibits independent expenditure organizations such as Gen Now Votes from coordinating spending with candidates it supports. That means operatives from the respective camps cannot consult, discuss strategy, banter how funds will be spent: it’s a firewall to provide fairness in elections.
In this case, a fire hose was poised to water it down.

Moore, Davis and Callie Heilmann have been tight allies for years. Davis also served as Moore’s 2019 campaign manager for mayor.
Gen Now Votes has glorified itself as the leader of change, demanding government transparency, holding public officials accountable while backing a candidate who describes herself as the “honesty and integrity” celebrant.
The dubious relationship tells a much different story about flouting campaign finance laws, failing to practice what they preach, that includes an incumbent state lawmaker who isn’t shy about calling out other public officials misdeeds.
The relationship is also causing Moore grief on the campaign trail, according to insiders, and some buyer’s remorse for clinging to such a cozy, dark-money relationship, especially as someone who has tried to frame herself as a rebel against the establishment.
It’s never good when a lawmaker either flouts or is disengaged from laws established by the state legislature and overseen by the State Elections Enforcement Committee. This is not the first time Moore has run astray. As a candidate for mayor four years ago she was fined $300 by SEEC for illegal circulation of petition papers to make the ballot.
Moore also hired to oversee the 2019 campaign’s absentee ballot operation a woman who one year prior entered guilty pleas for her absentee ballot role in a Stratford race.
Callie Heilmann and Davis as well have drawn hypocritical criticisms from political corners for announcing the mailing of 19,000 absentee ballot applications to Democratic electors after for years condemning – Moore as well – the proliferation of absentee voting.
Hearing footsteps, it appears Callie Heilmann, Davis and Moore are doing their best to maintain appearances since OIB broke stories about an illicit relationship – keeping distance at public events including last week’s Democratic Town Committee endorsement for mayor.
That doesn’t change, however, the obvious: The clingy relationship for years, fundraising on her behalf, dollars spent on her behalf and Moore attending Gen Now Votes endorsement of her in which thousands of dollars were spent to benefit her mayoral race.
Moore just happened to show up, right, wearing Gen Now Votes regalia after the organization blasted an upcoming endorsement announcement on its social media pages.
The reality is if Mayor Joe Ganim was in the same position, considering his troubled history, selective news outlets would be all over this story.
Six weeks from a presumed Democratic primary for mayor this power-grab story isn’t going away.
The reality is, including today, Marilyn Moore has been untouched by selective news outlets.
You are the one who endlessly presses the buttons of illegalities and criticism.
Mayor Ganim has deep pockets and so do his rivals. Power grabbing is a game and it’s hard to think Gen Now doesn’t know the rules.
LE, Gen Now has played by its own rules and now that the state rules hit them in the face they are running for cover. This is nothing but a Gen Now power play to control City Hall with Moore suffering buyer’s remorse.
What you call buyer’s remorse might become AB-delight for Generation Now. The train hasn’t left the station yet. Justifiable mania awaits the election’s winner and even a fraction of 19,000 votes can sway the outcome.
And then there’s the un-started campaign!
I see a lot of ammunition on both sides with two upstarts still going strong.
It’s a four-horse race but you’ve already picked your pony.
Every election is a power play and Gen Now is a manmade substitute for the mayoral platform — its purpose is victory. If playing by their rules has bad consequences, so be it.
None of their actions are secretive.
Moore with possible legal issues, Daniels is Fabrizi , Finch & Woods ticket back into city hall ( file under same old shit ) & Ganim has the absentee ballot queen on his side.
Gomes by far the best of a flawed field is doing it legal & in Bridgeport nice guys finish last unless the state steps in
Moore has no legal issues but imagine being sued by some one who just failed to regain their law license?
Don’t be surprised if the absentee ballot queen loses her throne, crown and castle! She doesn’t have a monopoly on the USPS. Here’s why:
Great strategy, the more A/B’s to chase, the harder it is for the machine to chase em’. Use those A/B’s to vote GOMES!
Gen Q’s Flucking dark money, the so called 100k, Gen Q’s Shaman’s Niels Heilmann and Callie Heilmann, and Shaman Gemeem Davis the leaders of this Dark Money Cabal “Generation Now Votes” and the Moore Campaign, has turned their noses up to the law’s of this State and the voters of Bridgeport, two questions remain, what kind of Mayor would State Senator Moore be for Bridgeport under the rule of this Dark Money Cabal?
And where’s (Tony Barr) now that she needs him?
Recipients of dark money (as with any contribution) “knows exactly who she owes a favor”, but voters are kept in the dark about connections between donor and politician when favors are paid back.
Three Democrat campaigners reaching out to the public for petition signing to appear on the Democratic primary ballot 2023. That represents the level of discontent, disbelief, and lack of solidarity with the bulk of the citizenry for Ganim2. The primary will be held, and Ganim2, as the incumbent should do well, as incumbents most frequently do. But the tone among folks, whether they work for the City, just rent or own, or whether they are optimistic about the ‘bones of the City’ and the undeveloped potential, is gettint bolder.
There is a general feeling that Ganim’s return from the Federal “time-out” was not handled in a manner appropriate to show a change of heart from his former ‘pay to play days’. Personal remorse was poorly stated at best and not re-stated as new ground on which to build, unfortuately. Folks, in general, do not feel that he cares to lead a diverse, multi-racial city, with a large population yet lagging development leadership on multiple sides.
Imagine a State’s largest population, but no hotel? Where will folks interested in city investment stay? Out of town? How does that make sense? (But aren’t we going to have a hotel open in Bridgeport Landing Development, or so it has been predicted for some time? And a movie theater, too?) Speaking of movie going, we have historic shells of former Main Street downtown theaters, but not one operating in the entire city for Hollywood products on a regular basis. How does that help our ranking among “largest cities?”
But we have a book store in the downtown Arcade, Kindred Thoughts, where local people have invested in a focused independent book store. Hurrah.
Taxes did not go up this year, but warnings about next year are in the air. Public safety issues appear under control though stressed for new employees in the case of police and fire personnel. The City Council may see some competition of office also which is a positive sign that the Democratic Town Committee does not have a stranglehold on power, just a dominant influence, that needs to be challenged.
Find a candidate who appeals to you. Listen to the person for ideas, energy, and a story about change from whatever matters to you that is absent or undeveloped today. Enter into conversations and support those who care and who will follow through if elected. Do diligence and oversee the facts in the future. Do you expect to get fooled or disappointed? Time will tell.