With labor roots in the union, State Senator Marilyn Moore reports on her mayoral campaign Facebook page that she’s been endorsed by a Connecticut-based local of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters.
From Moore:
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America local 326 joins the growing number of organized labor unions to support #Marilynformayor. Thank you for your endorsement! Dealing with the labor challenges of today requires #solidarity, #foresight, and the will to #fightforwhatisright. Thank you for all that you do to support workers in our state!
Four years ago, the Connecticut carpenters endorsed incumbent Bill Finch over Joe Ganim in the Democratic mayoral primary. After Ganim won, the carpenters–as did most other unions–supported Ganim in the general election.
In 2015, most union leaders endorsed Finch. The larger question becomes: how does leadership endorsement translate down to the rank-and-file union worker?
If it resonates it means extra boots on the ground and potential campaign bucks. Moore, in her early career, was a member of the carpenters. She has strong organized labor credentials. The carpenters have been mighty backers of Moore as a state senator.
Will other unions follow?

The carpenters enjoy a strong labor presence in the city, working on high profile projects such as the growing Steelpointe Harbor redevelopment area and Cherry Street Lofts project in the West End.
This endorsement will not sit well with Ganim as he eyes another four-year term.
For Moore it’s a nice boost she could possibly leverage for other union endorsements. It depends on their standing with Ganim.
Since her announcement for mayor in January, Moore has largely waged a low-profile race against a skilled retail incumbent. In her first quarter fundraising period she raised roughly $68,000, a healthy start to bank the dollars needed to wage a competitive race. She must duplicate that for the next quarter. Ganim will likely have more than $400,000 to spend in the September primary–he’s already banked roughly $250K–presuming Moore’s effort to thwart Ganim begins there.
Moore has not yet specified publicly if she’ll challenge Ganim in a primary or take it straight to a general election running as a petitioning candidate or as the standard bearer of the Connecticut Working Families Party where she is well regarded.
There could also be a strategy to position in a primary with a Plan B for November if September comes up short.
Ganim will leverage the power of incumbency in the next several months to persuade voters to return him to office.
For Moore, she must hammer home two basic declarations with voters: here’s why you should fire the incumbent and here’s why you should elect me. And yes, powered by money and boots on the ground.
Congratulation Senator Moore, this is a very important first step in getting the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America local 326 endorsement instead of the incumbent mayor Joe Ganim.
It’s a Karen Carpenter kind of endorsement.
Congratulations to Senator Moore. Its nice to be able to say that. Ronald Mackey, It seems now you have the incentive to write a check. 1000.00 from her number one ass kisser that can actually vote in Bridgeport. An endorcement is always a plus. Ask Donald Trump, he was endorsed by Klansman across the country.
Lennie hit the nail on the head. The Unions endorsed Finch- Not one but all. Every Past Mayor endorsed Finch- I endorsed Finch. Finch lost he endorsed Foster- The anyone but Ganim Mantra was so sad. Now I am not diminishing the honor that Moore received.I always give credit where credit is due.
Tomorrow it will be forgotten as the gorgeous flowers that are blooming all over the Park City. Lot of effort and manpower to plant them- you’d think the dept. of economic development or marketing would have a photographer taking a million pics in every corner of the city to market it. The window of opportunity will end just after Easter and in the middle of Passover. I will say the timing was excellent and the Park city looks amazing. The squirrels could have had a field day with the city wide buffet of tulips and daffodils.
Tell them I’m available and already set up as a vendor with the City. I’ve done that sort of thing once or twice before –> http://www.catherineconroy.com/bridgeport
Catherine Halstead, I love your photography! You should contact the Mayors office or the Office of Economic Development. It would be money well spent.
Everyone on Facebook will tell you that I take the worst picture ever. You however, have an eye. You should take the pictures for your portfolio all over the city and sell them to the city or the Ganim Campaign. I have no clue who the contact would be. Good Luck!!
Thank you for the suggestion! I appreciate it.
Hey Steve, you said, “Ask Donald Trump, he was endorsed by Klansman across the country,” well the ass that you kiss to get your City appointment from Joe Ganim is the same Joe Ganim who was at his friend 45’s inaugural, “birds of a feather flock together,” now that sounds about right, Klansman, 45, Steve and Joe Ganim.
Ron Mackey, I never think it is funny when dementia strikes. I had a friend that had early onset dementia I take care of a 91 year old mother that by the grace of G-d has all of her faculties. You, something happened to you. You used to post some intelligent things. You sad slow onset started with your inability to let go of my supporting of Anthony Musto, He probably wasn’t the best choice but at the time I supported him and for some reason you felt I had no right to support a candidate of my choice. This has been going on for years. As for Ganim and Trump. Friends? You believe that? I on’t think Trump has friends just celebrities du jour that feel important when they handg together. I had a dinner with Trump during the Moran Administration, I dined with him when working for Larry Ganim and Lori Christienson at the Bridgeport Business Digest. I didn’t care for him then and I don’t care for him now..
Now back to you- Write Moore a check- she needs your money Moore than an endorsement.
Steve, you are a sad person, you have this need to be liked by those who are already in power then they get their ass kicked out by the voters you jump on the bandwagon of the winner. You truly can’t think right because your face is so far up which ever Democrat gets elected that your head is lost up in their ass and that for you is happiness.
yes Ron I have a need to be liked by those in Power– you are just plain stupid Ron- I’ll leave it like that- I think you are an asshole- You think I am- lets just agree and move on- your constant obsessive compulsive rants drain me . Stic to your circle and I’ll stick to mine. One thing is for sure – we will never support the same candidate and you will never respect ayones choice that is not yours- Not sure how that mentality played out for you. For me it has played out exactly the way I intended- I do not spend my days being redundant on this blog. I “had ” a friend like you once. You could take abreak for any length of time and the conversation would still be the same . Like someone that was traumatized in High School and still acts like they are in High School, whose world has always been a 2 mile radius of High school and still thinks it is 1964– Snap out of it!!!
Hey Steve… Did they insulate you from all the questions from the Feds in regards to the Position you took over to cover Thousands of Stolen Funds during the transition from the Police Department to whomever is your Boss? Who manages Public Facilities now actually? Ive been away from corrupt Politics for some time…
You must be some kind of an asshole– Not surprised Lennie would allow you to post that disparaging remark Thanks Lennie– I am totally don with your blog. You have been away from corrupt politics for some time?? Yet your remark is by far extremely personal– Thanks lennie– See you Nov. 7th . Best wishes to Mayor Ganim . Sorry Lennie your blog really does suck and you let it happen– This individual WFlores must be a very important piece of shit to be able to post. incognito No longer interested in arguing or conversing with negative disparaging pieces of shit. Honest to G-d.
The flowers die quickly, better the city saved the tax dollars and manpower and spent the funds on the school system.
It is disgusting that Bridgeport underfunds the BOE and expects the other 168 towns in CT to pony up 70% of the education budget.
Ganim can keep the tiny tax decrease we’re getting on our Bridgeport property, better it buys a couple of textbooks.
stay away from the blooming flowers. 🙂
Everyone knows Governor Ganim is liveing – off Bill Finch’s good deeds and it’s really starting to show.
The only so call scam project that Governor Ganim keeps crowing about, is his bogus (nonunion ) $400 million theater /housing Scam!
Great indorsment Sen. Moore, please go right for the General Election and let the unaffiliated pull you over the top!
I have to agree with Jim Fox. Absolutely go to the general election. Make History- Working Family Party line 3.
Frank Gyure, Just letting you know the the DTC has a huge party coming up and I thought maybe you’d be interested in meeting some positive optimistic people that believe in Bridgeport as opposed to being a stooge for out of towners that loves your incessant insults to our Mayor. I know the feeling. The Finch supporters loved me. This is not the first time you have been invited to the DTC. You want change – Talk to members in your district. Get on the DTC be the change you want to see. Sitting on the sidelines whining just gives pleasure to Bob Walsh who couldn’t even write a check for 10 dollars and apparently Frank, neither did you.
Joe Ganim has no empathy for the hard working people in the Greater Bridgeport Area. Ganim likes the white collar business owners who live in the suburbs but who can take a drive into Brewport and then get on I-95 and get out of Bridgeport. I made a comment here on OIB where Marilyn Moore was with the Stop&Shop workers RIGHT AWAY. Joe Ganim and his consigliere did not see that and Ganim got to a picket line 72 hours too late. That’s where the striking Stop$Shop workers are on Ganim’s political radar.
We’ve heard that bullshit a dozen times and like a boomerang your punk ass keeps coming back. All it took was, “Did they insulate you from all the questions from the Feds in regards to the Position you took over to cover Thousands of Stolen Funds during the transition from the Police Department. A hit dog howls.
Did they insulate you from the questions of the FBI? Good riddance again.
Don, thank goodness this ass kisser won’t be blogging on OIB,he needs to lawyer-up to answer the questions from the feds and will he 45’s Michael Cohen.
Good job Mayor Ganim in your selection of key personnel in your administration.
Public Facilities Director John Ricci, whose department is embroiled in an FBI criminal probe, is now facing a pair of sexual harassment complaints from one current employee and an ex-staffer.
Having a behind-the-scenes campaign aide for Mayor Joe Ganim and a close friend of Democratic Town Chairman Mario Testa is more important than having a person of integrity and character working on behalf of the City of Bridgeport. Shame on Mayor Ganim. Shame on Mario Testa. Shame on Steven Auerbach who like 45 supporters refuse to acknowledge an outright lie and who continues to support a liar and an a den of thieves.
The Stop and Shop story is larger than a venue for political photo ops, no matter how fast you get to the picket line or comment on the Rabbi blessing which has been argued by a US Senator? Personally Stop & Shop offers me good locations for food shopping and banking which I regularly use. Strikes happen when there are grievances genuinely felt and union leaders ready to lead the way. What is the strike about? Not about jobs it would seem as the strikers had jobs when they voted to strike, but about benefits….where 100% of health insurance payment is sought from management which is ONLY PAYING 90% or such according to some in the know. And a 401k program is looking for S&S to match contributions, or at least that is the sense on the line.
Over in NY S&S employees have no union and some of these see no reason why the CT workers went out. And some have returned, where management sends them to other locations.
Paying attention to the folks willing to cross a picket line because they are poor, have no job and no benefits, I respect workers associating with each other to gain some respect from management and compensation including benefits to support the quality of their lives. But like everything else, balance needs to be sought, and Open, Accountable, Transparent and Honest governance can work between labor organizers and managers. Watch out for decisions made in the dark or behind the screen by “leaders” who can only see one side of a story. And shoppers who had personal reasons for continuing to shop at various locations have been outraged by the words, actions and hostile confrontations including suggestions to go to other stores. Negative union behavior to past and future (?) customers? Does anyone care? Time will tell.
It pains me to say this but I have read an Anti-LABOR attitude in many of your posts. These people(Stop$Shop employees)n are fighting to maintain a basic living to be able to live in this area. I recall a survey that says a person needs to make low 20 dollars per hour to live in BRIDGEPORT! Not Fairfield…Not Trumbull but right here in Bridgeport. And,JML, you end your posting with a negative remark about the strikers. JML..I suggest you do a little searching in United States History and look at the sweatshop conditions,child labor,The Triangle Fire Massacre in NYC,Henry Ford and Alfred Sloan sending out their goons to attack strikers. It was the UNIONS in the early 20th Century that created the “weekend.” Prior to that, employers could schedule employees to work any time or under whatever (bad,awful) conditions.
John,maybe talk to Marilyn Moore and she could inform you of what is going on in the working class/paycheck to paycheck/one day to the next survival tactics of the working poor and the “lower” middle class.
BTW… I have gone out of MY way to not cross the picket lines. For people in Black Rock, Stop$Shop virtually holds a MONOPOLY for shoppers. What happens when a MONOPOLY is existent? The MONOPOLY wins and the “customers” lose out.
IT IS ABOUT JOBS. The Quality about those jobs. These people are fighting to have just a “decent” living and the supporters of the Stop$Shop Corporation(maybe….like you) are willing to screw the employees and we end up in Darwinian Economics. The Strong shall prevail and the weak will fall to the wayside.
Most respectfully…but get out of your comfort zone. Extrapolate what the Stop$$Shop strikers are trying to protect. They are fighting for the ability to live(and pay) in this area of CT.
JML, what the hell are you talking about? Do you remember child labor laws, sweat-shops or even slavery? What power do workers have, the only right they have is to with hold their labor they always at the mercy of the owners.
Frank and Ron,
Read my entries again, please. Personally I reference the role of unions in each generation of my family in maintaining a voice for workers and fair and just compensation and rights. I still have questioned this particular strike and the reasons the CT or New England workers were striking when workers from NY State, non union thought that CT employees were compensated in a way they wished to be.
Would each of you and anyone else who feels that I have not been objective to your liking care to talk about what has happened in Bridgeport over the past 20-30 years with the union representation of the Police Department? Frank and Ron, where is the Police contract at this time? What are the issues? What is it that the union is seeking? What will be the expense to the public for meeting their issues? Is it fair to open this subject to public airing? Why does the Bridgeport public continue to pay taxes without protest when unnecessary financial burdens are placed on them and born because the citizenry fails to ask questions and study results? Time will tell.
JML, do away with the police and fire unions and instead bring in the National Guard and have a volunteer fire department.
Reductio ad absurdum??
Is your unwillingness to look into the ways that union/management issues play out absolute, Ron? You are very much aware that unions cease to represent former workers when they retire. Who represents that retired worker, especially when he is a taxpayer? And when Corporate management representing stockholders faces striking workers, at least there are two parties duking it out, though perhaps not singing the same words from the page. But when municipal unions exercise their rights who represents the paying public and recounts the epic battle? Where is management, and what is their strategy for long term? Time will tell.
Steve, you made this comment about me, “Like someone that was traumatized in High School and still acts like they are in High School, whose world has always been a 2 mile radius of High school and still thinks it is 1964– Snap out of it!!!” Steve, I’m a Vietnam Era veteran as a firefighter who proudly serve this country and I’m a retired Lieutenant from the Bridgeport Fire Department, Steve, I’ve serve my city and country and put my life on the line like many others including the Andy Fardy, that is apart of how I view things beside being a black man in America, what have you done Steve?
JML, a worker has only one thing of value in the work force and that’s their ability to work, a honest day of work for a honest day of pay, now management can close down their business, sell it and move but the worker can only with hold their ability to work as their only way to protect their interest. Police and firefighters CAN NOT with hold their labor from their employer. So JML, what should firefighters and police do in order to get their employer to negotiate in good faith?