Okay Class, City Finances 101

Bridgeport financial watchdog John Marshall Lee has produced the first of a series of YouTube videos about city finances. Check it out. He also pens his latest to members of the Charter Revision Commission:

I am John Marshall Lee, a 25 year Bridgeport resident and property tax payer, a businessman as well as a Board volunteer to many organizations in the region over the years. In recent years I have paid increasing attention to fiscal governance in the Bridgeport. Let me share a few serious concerns:

• about Charter language that is not followed by the fiscal administrators;

• by ordinance language created by the City Council for which no reporting, auditing or public info has been available during the Fabrizi and Finch administrations;

• with the budget preparation, watchdog and oversight process of the City Council sub-committee, Budget and Appropriations. The group has the Charter power and an annual budget to secure training, advice, and to request greater detail for all financial reports that come to them. There are also balance sheets, the Comprehensive Annual Financial Review and Management Letter, grants and capital accounts to monitor. As our only fiscal ‘check and balance,’ these other budgets must fall under their oversight or the City may consider a specialized Finance Board to do the heavy lifting for the citizen and then let the City Council exercise its power.

I have attended meetings of the City Council and provided copies of my comments for their five minute time allocation. There is no dialogue or response although these comments do become part of the public record. I have attended Budget and Appropriation meetings at which the public has no standing to speak, question, or comment. I have still submitted written suggestions for change and reform. I write regularly as BEACON2 about such City fiscal matters on Only In Bridgeport.

Recently I have commissioned a graphic artist to help me connect the dots of financial concern here in Bridgeport, to tell the story as I see it of Bridgeport Finances 101 to the public at Library locations. Many in attendance have been alarmed by the picture I present. They have told me to reach out to the larger public through current technology. I hereby submit my first YouTube presentation. More are in design and preparation.

You have been called to revise our Charter. I have been in regular attendance at your meetings and have petitioned in word and writing to address you. That has been unavailable until today, Wednesday March 7, 2012 when you scheduled your first public meeting. It was not published on the City web site or listed as one of your Commission meetings unfortunately. I discussed broad concepts with two of your representatives but not as a matter of public record. No one else was present.

In the past few weeks I have:

• watched the Mayor present his ideas on educational powers (and talk about accountability);

• seen the Chief Administrative Officer report changes he deems ready (without addressing any fiscal watchdog functions in Chapter 8 and 9);

• listened to the City Council President request that you not diminish Council powers such as they are, (but again he made no comments about the functioning of fiscal checks and balance or strengthening accountability process.) His final comment to you, is not contained in the Minutes of the 3-1-12 Meeting, but related to the City administration not having an “internal auditor” for many years. Budgetary narrative accompanying documents of this year indicate such an “audit staff” as part of “internal controls.”

• on the past Tuesday evening heard three education experts provide advice to you regarding an increase of Mayoral authority over education. You heard them tell you that community “history and culture” are critical to your structural change. History and culture would include a near bankruptcy 20 years ago, one party political control, low election turnout, a declining City unrestricted and undesignated Fund Balance, increasing City debt and obligations, an annual budget padded with unfilled and vacant positions creating more than $4 Million of uncounted slush funding in the current year, and more.

• heard Superintendent Vallas who embraces open, accountable and transparent functions and process for public education. I support that statement fully and many who have shared concerns about past BOE activity would indicate that it was secrecy about money and jobs, lack of transparent process and failure to be open and accountable that brought about Board gridlock and frustration.

There are good lessons to be learned and teachable moments if you will compare and contrast the material I present today and in the near future across the entire Bridgeport governance structure. Limited public opportunities for respectful sharing of information, including both telling and listening, creates a ‘dialogue sickness’ that increasing those opportunities can cure. I hope that you will work on this most immediate and necessary governance healing for this City, which may not be “increased Mayoral power over education,” if Paul Vallas develops his intended momentum of success. OPEN, ACCOUNTABLE and TRANSPARENT are the watchwords! Time will tell.

John Marshall Lee
March 8, 2012



  1. And that’s the morass of Bridgeport in a political nutshell. I would include the need for TERM LIMITS, recall provisions for elected officials, and fiscal accountability for all elected and appointed political officials.
    This was a terrific analysis, John. Your insight should be used as a guide to responsible government, something that doesn’t occur in Bridgeport, Connecticut.

  2. It is impossible to agree with anybody 100% of the time, but John Marshall Lee is more right than wrong on this issue. Also, he’s got personality, style and conviction–needed traits for any investigative reporter. If he were working this story on his feet, instead of a keyboard, he’d have holes in both shoes.

  3. Tonight the Charter Revision process continues at City Hall on Lyon Terrace at 5:30 PM. Tom Mulligan has been invited by the group to address them, presumably because he was appointed to the BOE by the Mayor and promptly assumed the task of Finance Chair. I am sorry to miss his comments but I have an overriding obligation out of town at that time. I hope others will listen carefully to his comments.

    Tom Mulligan has generations of Bridgeport governance service in his blood. While I have lived here he has been a Council member (though I do not know which Committees he served on), Board of Public Purchasing currently and then BOE (Finance) until July, 2011. He has patiently listened to my questions about Bridgeport fiscal practices, and remembers at least one of the most important: the June 30 Monthly Financial report to the Council and City at large. He has told me at his law firm he gets the last month report from their finance department. It is how he knows whether they are in surplus or deficit position. Depending on the level of detail in the law firm report, he can also see whether there is variance from this year’s budget from last year’s actual and/or an averaged trend of past three or five, whatever has been set out for revenues and for expenses. Tom knows we do not have that. He has also seen the past BOE process. He should be a voice for Open, Accountable and Transparent. And he probably has some other insights on money and jobs in the City. Time will tell.

  4. BEACON2,
    Has the Committee on Budget and Appropriations set their meeting schedule yet? I don’t see anything on the website, but maybe I’m looking in the wrong place.

    1. When you go to the City site and click on City Clerk on the upper tool bar you come to Fleeta Hudson’s page. On the left side are Committee meeting agendas and minutes for the current year and several in the past as well. Very useful and friendly way to archive.
      The Budget and Appropriation Committee shows March 12, April 9, May 14, and June 11 as their regular monthly meetings. However, they have already canceled the March meeting. (Is it because the ‘green’ they’ll be pursuing on that evening comes in a glass at the St. Patrick’s Scholarship Dinner? Perhaps a quorum can be found at the Holiday Inn?)
      There is no Special Meeting schedule yet posted as far as I can see. Now it’s March Madness (and UConn men have been handled by the Orange again) and perhaps the City is holding its breath to see if the Education Budget is passed on March 26 at the BOE meeting. It sounds like they will be presenting an approved budget for the current year as well as the work they have done for next year. There will be much to consider on all sides.

      The single meeting per year that is open to public speaking to the Council is not posted either. We are actively recruiting candidates to serve on our informal Budget Oversight Bridgeport 2012 working group. All you have to do is agree to attend one or more of the B&A sessions. We will run an intro session. You get to sit in a comfortable chair and listen to the important discussions about department objectives and accomplishments, work tasks and difficulties, number of employees authorized including unfilled and vacant positions and requested budget line items for the coming year. Short report on pluses and minuses to hand in and you can select committees to observe that fit your interest.
      You may also care to tell your Council person about the process if they are there. Won’t they be happy to see you there, observing their contributions to the City governance process? Time will tell.

      1. BEACON2,
        Thanks. Yes I can see their regularly scheduled meetings posted. I was interested in the specific meetings they have with each city department to discuss the budget. I did not see those dates posted and was just wondering since you are so involved if you had gotten the dates from Angel or anyone else on the committee. When you become aware of the dates would you please post them on OIB?

  5. Community Forum
    Bridgeport Public Schools

    Please join us as we take a look into the District’s Financial and Education Plan
    Date: March 15, 2012
    Location: Central High School
    Time: 5:30

    (via email)

  6. Mrs. Fountain’s 90-year-old mother-in-law has gratuitously (for as long as I can remember) provided our family with her famous sweet potato, pineapple and apple pies every Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
    Why? Because my husband is good friends with one of her sons.

    That’s what the Fountains do.

  7. Andy does not need anyone to speak up for him. He has chosen not to participate in the video. He and I together guided the B.O.B. 2011 effort and will be doing it again. He has said it best to me, we each have our role to play. (Since you know BEACON2 is John Marshall Lee and town committee is Andy Fardy, perhaps you would courageously like to reveal your true identity? Or maybe not.)

    Since you are attempting to be personally provocative to me in your two posts today, why don’t you redirect your aggressive questioning and put it to your two Council representatives? See what their reaction is to the info reported? They are the blindfolded watchdogs you may have seen in the video before you dozed off.

    By treating this whole fiscal governance mess as a celebrity or personality deal, do you not realize nothing is going to change because of name calling? What we have in Bridgeport is at least a corruption of the Charter process that allows the current administration to selectively use, as well as apply the rules they wish, to make the City Council into lapdogs by putting them on an information diet that gives them no energy, and then reward them regularly with compliments and smiles for being part of the team. So we get no curiosity, no real questioning, no personal training on subject matter to get our structures performing up to a best-practice level. Do you ever wonder what the Mayor and his cabinet really say about the way they are able to handle our legislative body in this City to accomplish what the executive branch wants to do???

    Committed individuals see the problems and search for solutions. Others become commentators or critics on “personality, style and YouTube videos.” Get off the bench and help us lever that large rock that is sitting on all of us in Bridgeport. Why don’t you join Andy and me and do some heavy lifting? Then you can tell all of us what you know or have learned, maybe? Time will tell.

    1. You have your own reasons for doing what you do. Just like the “gals” who posted at primary time, never adding to the information, but rather diverting attention to personality, idiosyncrasies and irrelevancies in terms of the pursuit of better governance for all.

      You are rambling today.

      No one is all-knowing and that is why this site is important to dialogue about reality and facts (as well as opinions).

      If you like editing posts or videos, start cutting yourself (or perhaps wear a bow tie and show a little style. I will show you how to tie one if you can accept such assistance without fearing I have designs on your throat).

      Time will tell.

  8. BEACON2, thank you for taking this on. It is a huge cover-up and has been for some time. The more people you educate, the better off Bridgeport will be in the future. Thank you.

  9. I too want to thank JML and Andy Fardy for keeping this critical set of issues front and center. Bridgeport needs an elected Board of Finance with five super-competent and experienced individuals who understand municipal finance and pension investments to take on this set of issues year ’round. You see how complicated this is from all BEACON2 writes. Please let the Charter Revision Commission know you support the creation of a Board of Finance. Thank you BEACON2 and town committee.

    1. countdown,
      You are right! The people of Bridgeport should thank Andy Fardy and John Marshall Lee for their efforts. They work countless hours reading through reports and budgets and trying to understand the state of finance the city is in.
      I met JML last year at an MJF fundraiser and became aware of his BOB efforts. I personally attended most of the budget meetings. I never would have unless I had been introduced to JML.
      So a big THANK YOU to both hard-working men.

  10. *** Not bad for an interested observer on the “outside looking in” at the city budget! General questions; just how much ($) would be needed to run and meet all city legal and operational obligations during a fiscal budget year according to the Mayor’s “recommended” budget? What’s the city’s bond and financial rating, how much does the city need, how much ($) do they have, how much ($) do they owe, how much money is coming in, and how much money is going out? After that comes the 5 W’s and taxes, no? *** RESIDENTS 1-NIGHT, 3 MINUTE, BUDGET PUBLIC SPEAKING IS NOTHING MORE THAN A VENTING OPPORTUNITY ON A NON-TRANSPARENT MAYOR’S RECOMMENDED FISCAL BUDGET THAT MOST TAXPAYERS DON’T UNDERSTAND! ***

  11. Mojo,
    Right on … and the public thinks the City Council understands the financial status as they ultimately vote on matters of fiscal importance. Follow their questions, look at the answers they receive, see the minimal material presented by the City other than at “budget review” when the City Council authorization or approval is required or sought … look at Council and Committee minutes on the City web site. There is no track record of thoroughgoing discussion and debate as public dialogue. B & A “babysits” the budget review process and members are happy when it is over and they can return to cancelling up to half of their scheduled monthly sessions for “lack of public financial business” or lack of quorum or perhaps just plain lack of training and orientation to what it means to be a public fiscal watchdog??? Time will tell.


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