City Council Approves 13-Member Charter Revision Commission

For the first time in decades, a newly empaneled Charter Revision Commission has an opportunity to take a holistic look at the document that governs municipal rules and regulations.

The City Council Tuesday night approved a 13-member panel that will take the next several months to review and make charter revision recommendations for changes that presumably will be presented to voters to decide in the November general election.

Some notable charter members are Chief Administrative Officer Tom Gaudett, former school board member Joe Larcheveque and regular OIB commentator John Marshall Lee.

The complete panel

Gaudett, Democrat

Lee, Democrat

Larcheveque, Republican

Aishah Wright, Democrat

John Hosier, unaffiliated (chair of Parks Commission)

Kim Eaton, Democrat

Kelly Nims, Democrat

Terri Williams, unaffiliated (police commission)

Steve McKenzie, Republican, (chair of Ethics Commission)

Moises Gonzalez, Republican (pastor)

Faith Sweeney, Democrat

Susan Martin, Democrat

Daee McKnight, unaffiliated

It’s still unclear the size and scope of the charter review.

Reduce the size of the City Council?

A paid City Council?

President of the City Council chairing meetings rather than the mayor?

Civil Service classifications?

In the next day or so a first meeting will be scheduled to elect a chair.

The commission must present a draft report to the City Council by June 16. A public hearing will follow prior to the council issuing comments back to the commission in preparation of a final report. The council will decide if questions are broken out separately or contained as a package with one question for voters to decide.

See resolution below approved by the City Council.


Concerning the Establishment and Appointment

of a Charter Revision Commission

for the City of Bridgeport


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Whereas, pursuant to the provisions of C.G.S. § 7-188 (b) at its meeting on January 21, 2025 the City Council of the City of Bridgeport voted to initiate action to amend the Charter of the City of Bridgeport; and

Whereas, the City Council seeks to establish and appoint a Charter Revision Commission in accordance with the provisions of C.G.S. § 7-190.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Bridgeport that:

  1. Pursuant to C.G.S. § 7-190 (a) the following thirteen (13) members are appointed to serve as members of the Charter Revision Commission:


Aishah Wright Abdullah (D)


John Hosier (U)
Kim Eaton (D)


Kelly Nims (D)


Thomas Gaudett (D)


Terri Williams (U)


Joe Larcheveque (R)


Steve McKenzie (R)
Moises Gonzalez (R)


Faith Sweeney (D)
Susan Martin (D)


John Marshall Lee (D)
Daee McKnight (U)



  1. Pursuant to C.G.S. § 7-190 (b), the Charter Revision Commission appointed herein, shall consider, among other items which may arise during the public hearings and Charter revision process:
    • Proposals to modernize and improve the City Council as the City’s legislative body including, but not limited to, potential compensation for Council members, the composition of the body, and powers of the City Council President over the Office of Legislative Services; and,
    • Proposals to modernize and improve the City’s civil service provisions; and,
    • Proposals to update and modernize the City’s Boards and Commissions including, but not limited to, their composition and terms of office; and,
    • Proposals to comprehensively update and modernize the language of the City Charter generally including, but not limited to, integrating inclusive and gender-affirming language, correcting syntax and other grammatical issues, clarifying poor internal references, eliminating references that are not no longer applicable to modern government, and updating language to be consistent with state statutes.
  2. Pursuant to G.S. § 7-190 (b), the Charter Revision Commission shall submit its draft report no later than June 16, 2025 in order to assure that the final report, proposed charter, and questions will be submitted in order to be considered at referendum in the general election of 2025.
  3. Pursuant to C.G.S. § 7-190 (c), the Charter Revision Commission shall terminate upon acceptance or rejection of its final report by the City Council.


  1. Among several considerations: Restore the 2-year mayoral term; add 10 at-large members to the CC, or reduce the number of CC reps to 1 per district and add 10 at-large members…

    Good move including John Lee on the commission. (Congratulations, John!)

    1. Okay Lennie, let’s start with a shorter name for this Commission— MS-13. I am absolutely sure that City Council member Alfredo Castillo will love the name.
      Lennie, what’s your beef with John Marshall Lee? You’ve reduced his identity to just “Lee”. I’ll just take it as a Lee of absence.

      Lennie, why are you protecting Mayor Joke Ganim? Last night, he lived up to his new name. When Joke Ganim was about to end the meeting, he said, “I hope the Commission considers approval of an 8 year mayoral term”. Yes, folks, he went there and then repeated that he was just kidding. A classic Freudian Slip.

    2. I agree Jeff, but I died laughing when CityCouncil member Jorge WEEEPA Cruz expressed how delighted he was to see JML on the Commission. I could hear the flow of questions coming as soon as I heard the name.

  2. I have to chime in on this, John, you made the cut? 🤣

    Is it just me just, and Thomas G. going to be the new Mario of the Port? DTC Chair. One that actually works though, more than just try to scheme and steal everything that’s not bolt down. 🙂

    In the Spirit of DEI if the council size is reduced to one seat per district than any mandate to diversify the council is kaput. 🙂 Good lock on the CC voting it eliminate themselves. Thought I guess ti can be put to a vote by the people in the next Mayoral election. Let democracy take a crack at it. 🙂

    I don’t like the paid CC idea. 12000 stipend seem reasonable, Perhaps a 3000 of it can be expended for more personal/time use.

    At any rate, try to keep it cordial in chambers CC Members Good luck Port.

    Think about it.

  3. Thank you fellow writers on OIB and Lenny for recognizing my invitation from the City Council to serve in a Revision (or at least a Review) of the Charter.

    The accompanying instructions note that a draft is due to the CC in June, and there is an expectation that things can proceed to a community vote with a referendum, or question, on the ballot in November. A tight schedule when both Mayor Ganim and President Aide Nieves were reported in agreement to look at the Charter in January 2024 but only required 13 months to settle on process and people.

    I will continue to keep my ears and eyes open to problems, issues, and concerns that are reported by citizens when they come to public hearings, or personally, as often happens. Introduce yourself to me by email where i am located and tell me what you don’t understand, what bothers you, or where you seek Charter change. (

    Where do you want responsibility to reside and with what power in the City hierarchy? How does a citizen track continuing enforcement of the rules and laws? What are the duties and obligations of citizens who want to know and practice all their rights? How do we apply “better practices” that gain trust, respect, and quality governance, from, by, and to all?

    Those of you who read my words, hear my comments, or see me in activities in the City will please forgive my early comments at this moment. But knowing how I finally came to the selection process, so late in the day, will understand that I am excited in this time of global, national, and even local governing concerns, chaos, or catastrophe, it is time to get up and perform democratic activity for the benefit of all today and onward for futuer generations. Time will tell.

    1. “Thank you fellow writers on OIB and Lenny for recognizing my invitation from the City Council to serve in a Revision (or at least a Review) of the Charter.”

      OIB writers? I know you’re not including me, yet alone yourself. That leaves just Jeff K, Robert T, and my favorite white boy from Black Rock Jim Fox
      Lennie recognizing you? Get over yourself!
      Lennie has simply reported the names of ALL CRC members.

      Only one Hispanic–Moises Gonzalez, Republica (Pator). We are not related but, who knows, my dad fathered 27 children and a few more not known much about. The fact of the mater here is very few people showed interest in becoming a CR member. One couldn’t pay me enough to join any commission or office here or the State. OIB is my pedestal.

    2. “Those of you who read my words, hear my comments, or see me in activities in the City will please forgive my early comments at this moment.”

      You fucking wimp! Begging for forgiveness for asking question after question? You should have ASKED for forgiveness instead of “…please forgive…” You will NEVER hear or read an apology from me for comments I’ve posted, unless, I’ve gotten it wrong and crossed lines that shouldn’t be crossed.

      “But knowing how I finally came to the selection process, so late in the day, will understand that I am excited “.

      Had you for once stuck around for a Council meeting, instead of leaving after hearing yourself ask questions, you would have heard the great news, live in real time. Excited? You come across like an old child in a candy store. Remember this: You sleep with dogs, you catch fleas. By the way, when you meet the other 12 CRC
      members, can you please make sure that Moises Gonzalez is NOT Ernie (Moses) Newton in disguise using my last name?

      1. Joel,
        You have a loud mouth, but how far does it carry? You berate me for departing at the start of “a Council meeting”.
        A City Council Meeting with the Mayor as Presider may be called a Council meeting, but when is substantive material discussed or debated in front of the public with the Executive present and the Council President also present but not leading her legislative partners? How does this fit into fair, equal, or authentic ‘checks and balance’ process???
        As a matter of fact, the rumor mill shared that I was not on the “final list” prepared and typed previous to the meeting. Likely an out of public hearing expanded the size of the “final nominated group” and my name was penned in!! My presence and viewpoint is likely located where I determine my voice, or my listening to learn, will have most value.
        For the past 20 years I have used the term “financial listener” to describe my professional activities. It has been well received on behalf of the ‘red boots’ with one titled OB (for operating budget-revenues and expenses) and the other titled BS (standing for balance sheet where City net worth is learned by subtracting City financial obligations-debt, from the current value of assets). Is there any financial issue in the City requiring more long term information, citizen-taxpayer input, or oversight? Haven’t heard any suggestions or requests to that subject? Curious? Time will tell.

        1. A loud mouth? I’m writing not speaking. Last Tuesday night, I attended the meeting. You, Cecil Young, and I were the only ones in attendance, sitting as close as we could. I totally ignored you! I didn’t just look in your eye, I heard you thoughts.

          By the way, Cecil Young has a show on Channel 88. Perhaps JML can make an appearance and ASK QUESTIONS.

  4. Two years was enough time for all of the previous mayors (up to G1) — who actually moved things in Bridgeport in the right direction — to get things done, including P.T. Barnum, Jaspar McClevy, Samuel Tedesco (Hi Ho Mall), Hugh Curran (Bridgeport’s only “high rise”), and John Mandanici (Boston Avenue Industrial Park)… And all of those mayors served longer than four years by doing (mostly) the right things and answering to the people every two years — a time span where memories and ideas stay fresh and too much damage is less likely to be done… ACOUNTABILITY is key in getting politicians to be productive and behave! Two years = 2X ACCOUNTABILITY!

  5. JML, here’s one suggestion for Charter Revision. Mayor Joke Ganim did in fact wished for an 8 year mayoral term. Keep it at four, go ahead and pay the council a salary, blah, blah, blah. Then hit them with this:

    Mayoral Recalls
    A supermajority vote is normally needed to start the recall process from the council. Four states also allow the direct recall, where citizens may sign a petition to trigger the recall vote.
    Recall election – Wikipedia


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