: Former Mayor Joe Ganim and the head of the Police Union supporting his comeback bid say Police Chief Joe Gaudett violated department policy by attending a “residents dinner” event for Mayor Bill Finch’s reelection at Bridgeport Towers on Shell Street, a major battleground area for votes at the Aquaculture School precinct. Gaudett issued an order July 8 prohibiting officers from using official capacity to influence an election after the Ganim campaign opened an unofficial police substation staffed by city police officers following an increase in violent crime at Trumbull Gardens. On Friday Ganim filed a complaint with the State Elections Enforcement Commission asking it to look into the matter.
Ganim claims on Monday he spotted Gaudett in full uniform “leaving the vicinity of 55 Shell Street almost immediately after Mayor Finch’s re-election campaign hosted a dinner for local residents. After witnessing the chief in his full dress uniform leaving the vicinity, I spoke with area residents who told me that the Chief had indeed attended the political campaign event and spoke to them at the behest of the mayor on a number of public safety issues.”

If the chief was in full uniform was he doing this on his own time to respond to law enforcement concerns by the public at an evening meeting? Is he a 24-hour chief?
Police Sergeant Chuck Paris, president Bridgeport Police Union Local 1159, is quoted in a Ganim campaign news release, “I find it very disturbing that the chief puts a memo out and then violates his own policy. Any other member of this department would have been immediately disciplined…and possibly even suspended … for committing such a flagrant violation of this order.
Ganim penned a letter to the city’s seven-member Police Commission, some of whom support Ganim, requesting they look into Gaudett’s actions. Police Union leadership is supporting Ganim in part because they want Gaudett out as chief. His five-year reappointment comes up at the end of this year. Bridgeport’s police chief, appointed by the mayor, can serve two five-year contracts.

“I ask the members of the Commission to please investigate this matter,” Ganim’s letter reads. “If it proves to be true that Chief Gaudett did indeed act in his official capacity as a department head to participate in an event that was clearly political and non-governmental in nature, I would request the board take whatever action it deems necessary and prudent.”
Very LOL! Geez.
Really!!! Joe Ganim is protesting alleged corruption? THAT IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!
Knock it off, Sunshine; your attempt at “tongue in cheek” is pathetic!
Yawn, really getting tiresome, Lisa. Defend the candidate more and scold those who disagree with your viewpoint less, please.
Jennifer, go back where you came from, you interloper.
This trashy minion interloper is not welcome under Joe’s big tent? Shucks. Gotta go “shop” for some meat.
Jennifer, I know you’re a smart lady, but sometimes you just sound nuts.
So he discussed safety issues and he is accused of endorsing Finch? That really is hysterical considering all the anti-Finch bloggers believe he is like a 50lb lead weight around the mayor’s neck. Whoever advised Ganim to write the letter, thank you for your excellent sense of humor.
I want to know what they were serving and why wasn’t I invited? 🙂 This is hysterical in that every fundraiser Finch is having there are Ganim people photographing everyone attending. Honestly, it’s like going to a red carpet event, except they stay in their cars and are clicking away. I noticed that as the Portuguese community came out to support the Mayor at the Vasco de Gama Sports Club.
If this is the best Ganim can do, I’d say he is feeling the pressure of reality.
I would agree it probably wasn’t a brilliant idea, but it wasn’t like he brought Barack Obama to endorse Finch and I certainly do not believe there is one person whol believes Chief Gaudett endorsed Finch. 🙂
Geeez. Lolololol, I guess that is redundant!
You weren’t invited because the asshole quota had already been filled.
Thank you for your kind comment.
But Joe Ganim never used Chief Chapman as a political tool when he was mayor. Please. That must be just another one of those mistakes Joe promises never, ever, ever to commit again.
Say it isn’t so, Joe.
Bubba, you’re starting to sound like Steve. No disrespect, Steve. Get out there and work for your candidate.
Lisa, no problem. I heard Foster has finally started making headway into Ganim territory. Finally, Bob!
Maybe if ALL Bridgeport police officers started spending more time fighting crime than each other or politicians, maybe we would see a real drop in the crime rate.
Sidebar: So there was vandalism inside Bass Pro. Graffiti. Is it even remotely possible there is not a 24-hour guard and cameras everywhere on the site? I will bet they will not be that stupid again! The disrespect for property is just unbelievable. But I have to admit, not having top security at the site is a little more unbelievable.
Past mayors have done the same thing, they’ll bring the police chief and sometimes the fire chief, the problem is none of these men have the balls to stand up to any mayor because they are scared, they have no courage and they just follow along like little puppies.
Ron, unless I’ve lived in a bubble all the years I’ve served (five administrations, that translates to five mayors), I’ve never seen this happen. This was blatant and the Chief disappoints me.
Lisa, I agree with you 100%. I’m sure Joe Gaudett is a nice guy but he needs to be replaced. I don’t see how the residents of Bridgeport can have confidence in him as police chief. Bridgeport needs new police and fire chiefs now.
Lisa, Gaudett disappoints you because you support Ganim.
Andy, don’t you dare question why someone disappoints me. Stick to your own opinions!
That was my opinion of what you wrote. You don’t like it, tough.
Andy, sometimes you’re such an ass. You need to get out more!
Lisa, bite me.
Now my Andy, that was an outdated reply! Get with it or get out more.
This is the truth! And Bob Walsh is correct, Ganim used Chapman when convenient.
Ganim is a slimeball looking to become the enquirer. What is he doing tailing the police chief and the mayor? His holier than thou attitude is pure bullshit. BTW Joe walking around the city with ex-chief Chapman was pathetic. We have many, many of our citizens who happen to be black being shot and you trot out the ex-black police chief. Bullshit. To Sgt Paris, do you think your officers will ever catch any of these shooters?
The chief disappoints me but it has nothing to do with this silliness. It has to do with they way he is doing his job. Or not doing his job.
You’re most likely right, Bubba!
I’m beginning to think the Ganim campaign is running out of steam or running out of ideas.
Funny how Dumb and Dumber (Walsh and Fardy) criticize Ganim and gloss over the allegation. If Gaudett is willing to discipline his cops after putting out a memo about the Hatch Act, he too should be held accountable. Someone have his assistant chief call the feds for this violation of the Hatch Act immediately. The flyer is evidence this was a political event.
The Phantom, with a heavy heart I agree with you. I mean the Dumb and Dumber part. Two intelligent men whom I like and admire just can’t seem to control their venom.
Dear Phantom and Lisa,
The Hatch Act applies to federal employees and federal employees only. So who really is Dumb and Dumber on this issue?
Bob. You really disappoint me. I’ll refresh your memory. When the dueling substations came about, the PD assistant chief put out a memo that threatened cops with the Hatch Act if they dared step into Ganim’s location. I’m being purposely funny. Not surprised it went over your head, though.
Way too complicated for me to bother with. I don’t give a rat’s ass what the assistant chief said.
The Hatch Act of 1939 only applies to employees of the federal government and the District of Columbia.
Lisa, you agree with this person called Phantom about dumb and dumber. Do me a favor and cross me off your list of friends. You are upset because Ganim was taken to task I guess no one can point out Ganim’s faults without listening to BS from you and a gutless person who won’t post under his own name. Lisa, the glory years are gone and can’t be revived by Ganim or you.
Now now, Andy; don’t project your diminished relevance onto us. And I’m not taking you off my friend list. I can disagree, get edgy when necessary, but I don’t discard people just because we don’t see eye-to-eye. So there!
Diminished relevance, wow!!! Lisa, are you reading the dictionary again?
Andy, people don’t read dictionaries anymore, we have the internet, or haven’t you realized that yet? I still think you should get out more, interact with normal people, you know, the ones with manners. So there!
Gee Andy, it doesn’t take much to impress you. And to think I was afraid you wouldn’t get my drift. I know what you did, you grabbed the old dictionary for clarity.
Lisa, you never cease to amaze me. Internet, WOW I am impressed. I will look into it.
Phantom, you really are an asshole and don’t have a clue. Hatch Act, BS.
The only morons here are you and Bob for not understanding. It was Nardozzi the assistant chief who put out the Hatch Act memo, you idiots. You are making my point for me! He doesn’t understand what the Hatch Act is. I guess when you’re as moronic as you, everything goes over your head. It happens when your head is in your, though.
Why coward, where in your original post were we supposed to get the funny par?. Here is an excerpt from your original post, “If Gaudett is willing to discipline his cops after putting out a memo about the Hatch Act, he too should be held accountable. Someone have his assistant chief call the feds for this violation of the Hatch Act immediately.” Okay, where is the funny part? What happened here is you found out from Bob the Hatch Act applied to only federal employees. You are a dumb ass.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, Mayor Finch owns Chief Gaudett. He let him retire, get his pension and then let him sign a contract that’s worth $125,000, which paid the chief in excess of $200,000 a year.
It’s clear his marching orders are simply do what in hell I tell you to do if you want to continue to be paid $200,000 a year. Any questions?
WOW Donald, I wonder how many people know that?
And that’s exactly what happens when you sell your soul for the almighty dollar. Chief Gaudett should be ashamed of himself.
I agree with you 100%. Same should be said for the Fire Chief. And the City Council that allowed this to happen.
Bob, the City Council members were made aware of the illegal action of both the police and fire chiefs were going to receive both their full pension plus their full salary as chiefs, at great cost to the Bridgeport taxpayers.
Ron, this is why the CC has to change. A Mayor who owns the majority of CC members is the most dangerous entity in the City. I proudly support Joe Ganim for mayor because I served ten years with him and I know he’s the best choice; however other than Bubba, no one went head-to-head with him more than I. To the degree we were aware of Joe’s initiatives, with input from our constituency we agreed, and supported him, if we didn’t our vote reflected it. That’s not difficult to do, while maintaining professionalism and respect of the office we held.
Go, Bubba!!!
Get out a dictionary and look up the word “sarcasm.” I’d tell you to Google it, but if everything else is over your head, I can only imagine. Try your BS on someone else. I’m too witty for you.
You are dumber than dirt and when you get caught BSing, you don’t know how to handle it. If you want to play in the big leagues, stay off line for a while and practice blogging. Dumbass.
Shouldn’t you and Bob be preparing for your sequel, “Grumpy Old Men 3?” Or are you still waiting for the police to respond to your 1000th neighborhood complaint? I hear you’re “that neighbor” all the folks love to hate. I wonder why as you seem to be a very likable lad.
I gave up waiting for the police a long time ago and by the way smart ass, the complaint I filed was handled by me and my son. You hear??? You are so full of shit really, and so you know I am not likable and I don’t give a shit. I see by your latest post you have not been practicing your blogging.
This is great. You know, the Bridgeport political stuff is just growing more bizarre by the day, as if we all ended up in Wonderland. I’m looking for the caterpillar; whatever is in his hookah has to be much better than the Kool-Aid Bill Finch is serving. I’ll ask the caterpillar if he can give us some of the magic stuff to distribute among Finch re-election campaign staffers. They need a good buzz.
Too many are getting themselves worked up into a foamy lather over yard signs, debates that were cancelled by the library staff, one candidate’s criminal record, another candidate’s incompetence and who ate what for dinner. Everyone just take two steps back, a couple of deep cleansing breaths and just say “fuck it.”
Yaaay Bridgeport Kid, good for you!
I am making a Bloody Mary with the works and the best olives from Sorrento’s. I’ve only gone back there since they removed the Ganim signs. Throwing a couple of lamb chops on the grill to be eaten with mint jelly, fresh garden salad with tomatoes from my garden as well as Swiss chard and collard greens sauteed in garlic and olive oil with fresh lemon and a sweet potato with butter and cinnamon. It’s all about the food.
I will be happy to have no human contact and no political conversation. Just relax and breathe. Tomorrow is another day canvassing.
Everybody have a great evening. Bridgeport Kid, I agree with you. Fuck it!
Steve, are you trying to make us average cooks jealous, or are you torturing us with the menu? I didn’t even have to look any of my post up in the dictionary, per Andy Fardy. Bon appetite, Steve!
Make mine a well-done porterhouse and I’ll bring the chianti.
Lisa, Ron Mackey and I wrote editorials to the CT Post when both Chief Gaudett and Fire Chief Brian Rooney were given this at the expense of the residents of Bridgeport. Nobody cared or responded to our concerns. We also wrote how Mayor Finch put David Dunn to head Civil Service with no Department experience whatsoever so Mayor Finch could control the Civil Service process, again nobody cared.
Mayor Finch is the worst thing that ever happened to the City of Bridgeport and finally someone cares. Is it too little too late? Time will tell.
Donald, if it were not for others like Ron and you, no one would be aware of these backroom deals. I’m not saying my class of council members were perfect or always able to stop what we thought was wrong, but at least we tried. There’s no shame in being outvoted because your view does not meet with the approval of the “powers that be.” Every vote taken by a CC member remains as a public record forever. I would rather have my votes recorded as being in the minority than go along with the alternative. I have so much respect for you and Ron, and the involvement and knowledge you both share. I wish I could go back to a time when there were guys like you we could go to for input.