The Barnum Museum, Discovery Museum, Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo, social service organizations, businesses and more represented the city on Thursday at the annual Bridgeport Day at the State Capitol. Check out the video.
The Barnum Museum, Discovery Museum, Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo, social service organizations, businesses and more represented the city on Thursday at the annual Bridgeport Day at the State Capitol. Check out the video.
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Is Mario Testa catering the affair with finger sandwiches and freshly baked brownies?
In response to Lennie’s post about my comments, it appears as if he is parsing words.
“I did not predict Ganim reaches “a million” raised, I stated clearly (and quoted accurately by Brian Lockhart) if he maintains the same pace of raising $100,000 per month he will get there”
So I guess he said he’ll make but don’t count me as predicting …. yet.
Either go all in or stay out. You can’t have it both.
Sure you can.
If sitting on the fence were an Olympic Event, Bob Walsh would be a gold Medalist.
Besides, the less you talk about Bridgeport Day, the more selfish your comments appear.
It’s happy hour, L.E. The gin be a-flowing.
Hearst Connecticut Media found that approximately $139,000 of that $411,125 — a third — was contributed by family, friends, residents, the public and private employees living in or operating out of Bridgeport and Easton.
Broken down further, City Hall department heads and other municipal and public schools staff gave roughly $71,000; individuals living in and/or doing business in Bridgeport — developers, contractors, physicians, lawyers, even a couple strip club owners — contributed nearly $42,000.
Ganim’s $411,125 also includes $96,347 rolled over from last year’s exploratory campaign, which raised a separate $200,000; a $35,000 loan Ganim made to himself on March 30; $5,000 from a Political Action Committee run by Ganim’s father, George Ganim; and $3,500 from Bridgeport’s Democratic Town Committee, chaired by Mario Testa, who recently likened Ganim to the son he never had.
Many of Ganim’s supporters are city employees who cut checks of $1,000 or more, including: Acting Police Chief Armando Perez; Ganim’s driver, detective Ramon Garcia; Public Facilities Director John Ricci; City Attorney R. Christopher Meyer; Edward Adams, the retired FBI agent who investigated Ganim, then got hired as an aide; Economic Development Director Thomas Gill; and Russell Liskov, a municipal attorney criticized by some on the City Council for his work collecting late sewer fees.
As always, Ganim is able to rely on his family. Father George Ganim, mother Josephine and brothers Paul and Thomas all pitched in $3,500 a piece. Plus a Political Action Committee listed in the mayor’s paperwork — Committee to Elect Democrats — that gave $5,000 is, according to state records, run by Ganim’s dad.
I say he won’t raise the money. Period.
He keeps on dancing around this small circle of “friends” but he can only hit the same people up so many times. Then again, he has shown himself in the past very adept at ‘selling’ influence over development projects.
As far as Bob Keeley goes, some people feels its very admirable of him to put his family first and spend time looking at colleges with his son rather than to keep on campaigning.
It all depends on how one wants to look at it.
Bob Walsh, Keeley is very fortunate to have loyal friends like you and Jim Fox. I do not think there is anyone that thinks what Keeley did was admirable. The day of the election was the only opportunity to leave town for college investigating? I think not!
After Tuesday Bob Keeley will be lucky to have ANY friends in the political sphere.
As far as anyone goes who works outside of machine money, it takes a personal tole , financially and on family. Those on the inside actually profit. Those who care for the sake of caring can only go so far. Then they have to get berated.
Good go Bobby!
TollAs far as anyone goes who works outside of machine money, it takes a personal tole , financially and on family. Those on the inside actually profit. Those who care for the sake of caring can only go so far. Then they have to get berated.
Good go Bobby!
Bob admirable to put his family first? That is total bullshit and you know it.
Now, back to the topic at hand: Bridgeport Day in Hartford.
A fine tradition indeed. Let’s take a lead from what the Mayor had to say.
What??? The mayor wasn’t there?
Whether he has his sights set on Hartford or on Easton, its pretty clear the Bridgeport is in the rear-view mirror.
And speaking of fine traditions, I guess we stated a new on with the new president of the Discovery Museum being to busy to head on up to Hartford.
What say you Bill? To busy or just was afraid of running into Joe up there?
Bob Walsh, On this cmmment I have to agree with you. Bill Finch , Former Mayor and Former Senator was hired by Discovery to elevate their visibility . Being up in Hartford would have been and should have been a showcase for former Mayor Finch. I have to agree . There must have been a reason he stayed in Bridgeport. Not really interested in why.
Finch stayed in Bridgeport to work on his Pepsodent smile.
I have to say I appreciated the entire Youtube Video. I thought our entire delegation was outstanding. Marilyn Moore, Ed Gomes, Andre Baker, Christopher Rosario and Steve Stastrom represented us well. I am certain those missing were somewhere. This would have been an excellent opportunity to bring Bridgeport Students to the Capitol and expose them to these things. Great sense of pride. I like the comment that everyday is Bridgeport day up in Hartford., as it should be! Mayor Ganim and Mario look like they were beaming. Maybe the Hartford bailout just knocked one candidate out of the race.
Both Finch and Ganim attended Bridgeport Day
Excellent! I am pleased to hear that! Leave it to Bob Walsh in keeping with the Keeleyesque Bullshit I actually believed he wasn’t there. Thank you for clarifying!
So the bottom line, we had a home run in Hartford. Mayor Ganim , Mayor Finch and our united delegation. It must have been a great day! I am sorry I missed it and pleased through the video, I got a glimpse.
mayors ass kisser banner day in Bridgeport. We are getting screwed left and right in Hartford and this inept group is responsible
At one time, ‘Bridgeport Day’ was organized by the Bridgeport Chamber of Commerce and showcased member businesses. Gradually it morphed into ‘community groups’ pitching their services and elected representatives giving speeches. No mention of who organizes it now.