Bradley Announces For State Senate

News release from Dennis Bradley:

In front of over 500 friends, family members and supporters, Dennis Bradley announced his candidacy for the 23rd Senate District. Bradley’s announcement came in the middle of a “Thank You” celebration sponsored by BDK Law Group. The event was held on the top floor of Dolphin’s Cove Restaurant in the heart of the city’s East End neighborhood. Bradley, a Democrat, would replace Senator Ed Gomes in the 23rd State Senate District. Gomes recently announced his retirement from public service. The 23rd State Senate District covers 70% of Bridgeport, along with a small section of Stratford.

Bradley ran as the endorsed Democratic candidate against Gomes in a primary in 2016 and narrowly lost by under 200 votes. Bradley is once again seeking the party’s endorsement. Many members from the Democratic Town Committee came to the party after their first meeting ended, celebrating their own victories after many hotly contested primaries for district slates last week. Endorsements will be decided in April when the recently formed committee meets again. Long time friend and supporter Lonnie Blackwell commented, “Dennis has the necessary skills to lead our community. He understands people, and he knows how to get things done for the people.”

Acknowledging the state’s fiscal issues, Bradley is confident and optimistic that his advocacy and government experience will yield tangible results. He said proudly, “I love this community. I am inspired by this city. I chose Bridgeport for my home and business because I want to make a difference here. I want to represent my neighbors to ensure that Bridgeport and Stratford have not only a vote in Hartford, but a seat at the table when legislation is crafted. I am trained in law. I can help write laws. I will make sure Bridgeport has a voice.”

Bradley’s platform includes judicial reform, job growth through the the expansion of local community college programs, including Advanced Manufacturing, creating pathways for minority teacher recruitment through networking with HBCUs, and supporting the development of a system for free university education for all CT residents. Bradley also supports current legislation for Paid Family Medical Leave and all legislation ensuring women receive equal pay for equal work.

Bradley is licensed to practice law in Connecticut and has vast experience including but not limited to, Personal Injury, Immigration, Family and Criminal Law. Dennis earned his legal degree from UMass Dartmouth. He received the Pro Bono Award for public service, the St. Thomas Moore Award for being a voice for justice and ethics in the courtroom after winning several federal immigration cases among other awards. Bradley, who speaks English, Spanish, Portuguese, is therefore uniquely qualified to communicate with many Bridgeport individuals and families in their native languages as they try to navigate our complicated legal system, especially with recent changes to DACA. As one client said, “Dennis is truly for the people. He saved my husband from deportation. He made sure my children will grow up with their father. Bridgeport residents would be lucky to have him working for them.” The Bradley campaign is in full swing in preparation for the Tuesday, August 14th primary. Bradley plans to participate in the Citizen’s Election Program with small donations from Bridgeport and Stratford residents.



  1. The election of Dennis Bradley would lead Bridgeport further down the abyss of mediocrity and a passable candidate at best. His histrionics on the BBOE where he blocked the progress of the board because he couldn’t get his way to the detriment of Bridgeport school children further illustrates that he isn’t ready for primetime.

    The State Senate is to important to the viability of Bridgeport to have a person in that position that at the first instance of discord he’ll quit playing with the other senator’s and take his ball and go home. There is nothing that can be accomplished with a my way or the highway attitude.

    1. Dennis Bradley had a great chance to demonstrate to the voters of Bridgeport the leadership qualities as president of the Bridgeport Board Of Education and by also being a lawyer but no, Bradley instead demonstrated his inability to lead and to engage in boycott of another BOE member thereby stopping all business of improving the education of the 21,000 students of Bridgeport. Bridgeport doesn’t need a do nothing State Senator who doesn’t know how resolve problems.


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