Embracing a battle cry “Fighting for the heart and future of our great city,” Republican candidate for mayor Ethan Book released a campaign platform that calls for declaration of bankruptcy or in lieu of that a municipal accountability review board, a charter revision commission to enact minority party representation as well as development focus on the city’s deep-water harbor.
From Book:
Ethan’s Platform has four primary objectives. They are,
– Get the City of Bridgeport financial house in order, that by reducing unnecessary spending and reducing taxes (this to include better control over employee pension and related liabilities). This would encourage investment and increase jobs.– To redirect the moral compass of city government. This would also encourage investment and increase jobs.
– To get the City’s fair share of state funding, that considering the challenges of a populous urban community.
– To increase funding for education and after-school programs.
To accomplish these goals, Ethan proposes,
– That there be a city auditor (internal or independent) which reviews the cost-effectiveness of each departmental budget– That the City seriously considers declaring bankruptcy, or in the alternative that the City accepts the guidance of the Municipal Accountability Review Board*
– That there be a prompt Charter Revision review to implement such matters as,
a. Tighter controls over conflict of interest issues,
b. Established authority of the Ethics Commission to enforce its decisions,
c. The prohibition that any person with a felony conviction for which there has been less than five years since the completion of his sentence be able to be elected to any City position,
d. Minority party representation on the City Council– That the City pursues good prospects for economic development such as the revitalization of the Bridgeport deep-water harbor
Ethan has,
– Been a long-term Bridgeport resident– Been a life-long Republican
– An undergraduate degree (with honors) in Business Administration (Azusa University, Azusa, CA)
– A Masters’ Degree (with honors) in International Management (Thunderbird School of Global Management, Glendale, AZ)
– Successful work experience as a business consultant with the U.S. Peace Corps (Colombia, S.A.)
– International banking experience with Bank of America in Central America and the Caribbean (Guatemala and Dominican Republic)
– Money center banking experience in New York City with Bank of America**
– Specialized banking experience in Connecticut
– For 30 years successfully owned and operated a small limousine service business
– Served as an elected member of the Fairfield Representative Town Meeting
– Serves as a Connecticut Justice of the Peace
– Served for nine years on the Board of Directors for the El Alfarero Hispanic prison ministry
– Done considerable work developing various good issues in the City, meeting many good people, and accomplishing various matters of valuable local and state political interests
– Habla español con facilidad
* During his second period as Mayor of Washington, DC (1995-1999), Marion Barry had a major financial crisis where he was faced with the prospect of submitted to a Municipal Accountability Review Board. He resisted for a time saying that the City had already cut all the budget expenses that could be cut. But there came a point that he had no other option. After a time of implementation of that Board, he came to the conclusion that it had done a very good job, making decisions that he was politically unable to make.
** During that work with Bank of America, Ethan worked to complete documentation for a $55 million financing for a portion of the electrical transmission interconnection between Hydro-Quebec Power Company and the New England Power Pool, a project which has saved New England residence billions of dollars in energy costs.
“Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it; except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.”–Psalm 127:1
It’s difficult to understand bankruptcy or MARB being beneficial to Bridgeport but Ethan Book makes his point. His agenda impacts the whole city not just special interests.
This time, bankruptcy could reset., reform and restore Bridgeport’s financial condition to make it the low cost, low tax, high output, high yield city we all know and miss. Fairfield County awaits a trimmed-down version of city finances that makes Bridgeport the envy of other towns. Early is good and late is bad.
What’s good for Ethan Book is good for Bridgeport, too.
You’re the duck who quacked too much. Lennie can’t monetize your post. It’s too weak.
Waterfowl everywhere are bewildered and disappointed at your inability to reach liftoff velocity.
Oh please, Paulie. Give it a rest. No one else sees the pink elephants but you.