BEA Endorses Turner For State Senate

Bucking a sitting school board member, the Bridgeport Education Association that represents local public school teachers has endorsed 23rd District State Senate candidate Aaron Turner over Democratic endorsed Dennis Bradley in the August 14 primary. Bradley won a seat on the school board in 2015.

“As a graduate of Bridgeport public schools it is an honor to be endorsed by our local teachers union,” Turner stated Monday. “Many of the challenges that I faced as a student persist today. Subpar facilities and classroom conditions, outdated textbooks, and low numbers of minority teachers are all areas that we know need immediate attention.

“That being said, I am also incredibly proud of being a product of Bridgeport public schools. There is a grit that comes with graduating from here and when I was able to attend UCONN, I may not have been as prepared as my suburban counterparts, but I was able to make up the difference with determination. Nothing would make me prouder than to be able to advocate for young men and women who grew up like me, and help deliver them the education and opportunities they deserve.”

Turner has also received endorsements from past and current Board of Education members Max Medina, John Bagley, Sauda Efia-Baraka, Bobby Simmons, Maria Pereira, Ben Walker, Joe Sokolovic, and Howard Gardner.




  1. Steve, these 8 school board members have volunteered a combined total of 55 years of service to our children.

    We didn’t endorse a city school board member
    , we endorsed a public school graduate.

  2. The Bridgeport Education Association that represents local public school teachers has endorsed 23rd District State Senate candidate Aaron Turner over Democratic endorsed Dennis Bradley in the August 14 primary. Bradley won a seat on the school board in 2015. This truly a big issue because it demonstrates that although Dennis Bradley is an attorney but he doesn’t have the ability to bring people together because the other 8 Bridgeport Board Of Education members made their decision NOT to endorse one of their own members, Dennis Bradley. If Bradley can’t form a coalition with 8 other board members then he would be helpless in the State Senate where Bradley would be one of 36 other State Senators across the state. Aaron Turner is Senator Ed Gomes top aid in the Senate in Hartford and he knows all of the players and the process and he will not need a learning cure to see how things work. What has Dennis Bradley done on the BBOE that he is known for, BOYCOTT, that’s Dennis Bradley claim to fame, leading a boycott against a fellow BBOE member, Maria Pereira, because he couldn’t get along with her and this guy is an attorney. Dennis Bradly hasn’t been here in Bridgeport that long plus he never attended any Bridgeport public school.

    1. This is a very good list of endorsements from past and current Board of Education members Max Medina, John Bagley, Sauda Efia-Baraka, Bobby Simmons, Maria Pereira, Ben Walker, Joe Sokolovic, and Howard Gardner. Who is supporting Dennis Bradley?


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