Bass Pro Moves Step Closer, Finch: Life Saver For City

Bass Pro artist renderingFrom Ken Dixon, CT Post:

After two hours of questions on the state’s role in the long-languishing Bridgeport Harbor development, the legislative Finance Committee on Tuesday afternoon approved $22 million in state bonding to build a Bass Pro Shop anchor on the 56-acre site.

Read more here.



  1. EXCELLENT NEWS. I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE THE CRANES OVER THE NEXT 20 YEARS. It all started with Republican Mayor Leonard Paoletta. His dream of Harborpointe, a name since hijacked and successfully implemented by the City of Stamford. Now Mayor Finch will enjoy some glory. Will he enjoy the fruits of his labor? I suppose it all comes down to the people he surrounds himself with. He could do with a few more sincere loyalists and a lot fewer sycophantic vultures. It is sad but it is the nature of the beast in politics. Good luck and keep the good news coming. The negativity of the naysayers falls on deaf ears and does not translate into the real world of daily life in Bridgeport. We all need the Mayor to succeed.

  2. *** Enough with the talk already, seeing is believing in Bpt; ’cause we’re “not accepting” any more wooden nickels nor wooden Trojan horses with economic development “gremlins” hiding inside! ***

  3. Without developing the actual harbor of Bridgeport, Bridgeport will be a laughingstock. If Finch is putting all his eggs in one basket, it just shows his ineptness and lack of any plan B. You cannot have politicians and governmental political flies running any business. This project is doomed to failure as is any development in downtown without a complete sweep of the mechanicals and a demolition of the pigeon roosts.


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