From Alberto Negron, State House spokesman:
Andre Baker (D-Bridgeport) was officially sworn in as the State Representative from the 124th House District. Secretary of the State Denise Merrill presided over the morning ceremony in the State Capitol.
“I am looking forward to continuing the work of representing Bridgeport,” Rep. Baker said. “I have had many positive experiences serving on the Common Council and eagerly look ahead to many more in the upcoming session of the General Assembly.”
Rep. Baker will be serving on the Appropriations, Education and Public Health Committees.
“Rep. Baker has the local experience and ability to help improve the quality of life for Bridgeport,” Speaker Sharkey said. “I look forward to his contributions to these committees and to the Caucus.”
The Appropriations committee is the General Assembly’s budget-writing committee. Other issues under the committee’s jurisdiction include matters relating to state employees’ salaries, benefits and retirement, teachers’ retirement and veterans’ pensions and collective bargaining agreements and arbitration awards for all state employees.
The Education Committee oversees all matters relating to the Department of Education; local and regional boards of education collective bargaining covering teachers and professional employees of those boards. This Committee also oversees vocational rehabilitation; the Commission on the Arts; and libraries, museums and historical and cultural associations.
The Public Health Committee oversees all programs and matters relating to the Department of Public Health; the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services and the Department of Developmental Services; the Office of Health Care Access; the Department of Public Health, nursing homes, food and drugs, and controlled substances, including the treatment of substance abuse.
Rep. Baker was elected to the Bridgeport Common Council in 2005, where he served for eight years. He was President of the Black and Hispanic Caucus and co-chair of the Ordinance Committee and the Budget and Appropriations Committee.
Rep. Baker is the owner and CEO of Baker-Isaac Funeral Services, Bridgeport, CT and Baker Funeral Services, South Norwalk, CT. He is the proud father of two sons, Brandon and Chase and granddaughter, Kaylee.
Just another sad day for Bridgeport. Let’s see what Andre Baker accomplishes during his time in the legislature. My guess is little to nothing. He is incapable of drafting legislation or a bill because his writing skills are so poor, and he doesn’t even have basic knowledge of local, state or national education policy or trends.
I think he will be a Malloy and Sharkey rubber stamp, which is exactly what political leadership in Hartford loves.
Definitely a sad day for Bridgeport.
Maria, I know you have a personal thing against Baker and that’s fine but let’s tell it like it really is. The veteran members of our delegation do not have a basic knowledge of local state and national policy and trends. The same can be said for most members of the BOE. None of these people give a damn about the kids, it’s all about the MONEY.
Kenneth Moales, Andre Baker, Kadisha Coates, Hernan Illingworth, Joe Larcheveque and Dave Hennessey are absolutely not knowledgeable about local, state and national education policy and trends. They don’t even have a basic understanding of the BBOE policies and by-laws, therefore they are clearly not knowledgeable on state laws that govern the BBOE and public schools. These would be the BBOE members who don’t “give a damn about the kids.”
Dr. Kelleher has a solid grasp of these issues and a pretty good understanding of BBOE policies. Howard Gardner has learned quite a bit in his short time on the BBOE, however there is more to learn. Without question, there is no BBOE member who truly understands the BBOE, the policies and by-laws, the history of the BPS than Sauda Baraka. She is serving her tenth consecutive year on the BBOE. She also does extensive reading on education policies and/or news in CT and nationally. She reads studies and published research on public education as well.
We have often had heated differences of opinion and disagreements, but I never felt our differences were because she had any other motive than to do what she thought was best for BPS children. She has never been interested in a payday, cutting a backroom deal for personal gain, or power.
That certainly cannot be said of Dave Hennessey, Andre Baker or Kenneth Moales Jr. Power and influence mean everything to them. It meant so much to Dave and Andre they betrayed all of us who donated and worked tirelessly on their campaign. They betrayed thousands of voters who went to the polls to vote for them based on false commitments and campaign promises.
They will reap what they sow.
Sauda Baraka is only serving on the BOE due to a loophole. She finished last in the last election. She is not the choice of the people.
BOE SPY, you are incorrect. Joe Larcheveque had the lowest amount of votes. She has been elected by “the people” three consecutive times on two different party lines.
You need to continue to develop your spying techniques.
The problem is the kids will reap what they sow.
LOL, too funny. 🙂 I do have to agree with Maria on some things. Sauda and Maria did have the good sense to bring our current Superintendent and Fran seems to be making good choices for the children. You go, girls.
I am very proud and pleased to say I had absolutely nothing to do with the hiring of Fran Rabinowitz.
Why the negative spewing about Mr. Baker? His credentials seem pretty solid to me. He’s a business owner, a family man and well-respected in his community. Cut him some slack, and wish him well instead of dumping on him.
Godiva2011, I have spoken with a variety of leaders in his community over the last couple of weeks. He is no longer respected by many in his community and Andre Baker is well aware of that truth.
He is an owner of a funeral home that suddenly became the City of Bridgeport mortuary after he aligned himself with Mayor Finch. $$$
Maria, George Peterson’s funeral home was the city’s mortuary until his death a couple of years ago. No other funeral home wanted this as it was not a big money maker, but rather all it did was to get exposure to the community of indigents.
The last thing you put on your lapel is the jackass pin. Those Hartford guys do it to all the newbies.