Another Reason Bull Ramos Should Be Gored Out Of Town, Olé!

CT Post reporter Linda Conner Lambeck writes about the state takeover of city schools:

The emails suggest that as early as January, the Bridgeport situation was being discussed with local city officials–both Schools Superintendent John Ramos and Finch’s office.

Lambeck’s article chronicles a string of emails that details the various players, including outside interests, planning the state takeover of schools. For months OIB wondered about Superintendent of Schools John Ramos’ troubling absence of publicly fighting for more education dough during the budget-making process. Now we know he had good reason. Bull Ramos was intentionally tanking the school system and hiding it from parents, students, taxpayers and school employees, even though he generally had a 6-3 majority vote on the Board of Education that bailed on home rule.

It’s just a matter of time before Ramos leaves the school system. He should leave now and not get a penny for a payout that will be hundreds of thousands of dollars based on the remainder of his contract.

Lambeck’s article: here>



  1. Lennie,
    I think you’re holding back. Tell us what you really think.

    I wonder how much control over the 6 votes Mario Testa and Paul Timpanelli has or had.

    Do you see why I am so adamant that this election go to MJF? I firmly believe she will completely remediate the Bridgeport Public School System because she knows, as I know and many many others know, a productive education program is an important “component” in any economic recovery.

    Poverty is conquered by the rapier of education.

  2. The educational bureaucracy is a joke in Bridgeport’s urban environment. Essentially we require the Superintendent be a black or Latino because of the overwhelming makeup of the student population … If we would hire a competent minority superintendent, that would be for the best. Unfortunately hiring competency is where Bridgeport is totally incompetent.

    Ramos and Salcedo prior have PhDs from highly regarded universities–Unfortunately Education degrees. Brings to mind the expression, those who can’t do, teach … What about those who can’t teach–They become administrators … This is the same Old Boy, Insider network everyone rails about with the Bridgeport DTC.

    There seems to be a revolving door of school superintendents with Education PhDs who get rotated throughout the urban environment because of their minority status, not ability. Rudy Crew gets fired from NY, goes to Miami, gets fired and starts up an educational management firm. Salcedo was a NYC superintendent who gets dumped, comes to Bridgeport and gets dumped, down to FL under Crew, gets dumped again, Rudy Crew starts a “For Profit” educational management business, gets hired by Ramos, etc. When Ramos gets dumped, I’ll bet he gets hired by Rudy Crew’s firm!

    All jargon, no substance.

    The answer is simple. Hire smart young educators who have proven themselves elsewhere and give them the opportunity to hit it out of the park by making something happen in Bridgeport. Do not keep recycling the same old poverty pimps!

    1. The ethnic background of a superintendent of schools should not matter. Competency is all that should be considered.

      Adios, John Ramos. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass …

  3. Will the State have to negotiate a State Buon’ package with Ramos? Certainly, he will never get what the local board would have given him; 100s of thousands of dollars, lifetime health care, etc, etc, etc.

    We may not have fully woken up yet but I think we’re stirring.

  4. One of the many ironies here is Ramos asked the board to vote no on the budget and then turns around and says “See how dysfunctional they are they can’t even pass a budget.”

  5. *** The endorsement puzzle will start to fit after the primary, no? Welcome Bpt’s own acting superintendent, Fabrizi! Frankly I believe he can do a much better job if given a decent chance ’til the search finds someone else or he’s given the contract down the road. *** Expect the unexpected ***


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