Another Airport Suit–What About Stratford?

Bridgeport’s municipally owned airport is located in the Lordship section of Stratford. The city can do little about modernization and improvements without Stratford’s land use permission. In the myopic world of Stratford, who cares how many get hurt or die? Whatever hair Airport Manager John Ricci has left on his head he’s probably pulling out. He’s handcuffed by Stratford’s runway narrow-mindedness. Another lawsuit has been filed.

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From the CT Post:

A Westport woman who suffered severe and possibly permanent injuries to her left leg after the plane she was traveling in crashed at Sikorsky Memorial Airport on June 25 is suing the city for failing to follow Federal Aviation Administration and state recommendations to remove a steel blast wall.

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  1. The state turned down the opportunity to take over the airport. That was under Gov. Rell’s aegis. State takeover would eliminate the Stratford input and control over the non-upgrades needed to return this viable economic engine to positive status. The NIMBYs in Stratford are the ones who have created all of this blockage.


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