News release from State Senate candidate Aaron Turner:
Earlier this week, Aaron Turner surpassed his fundraising goal to qualify for public financing. In order to qualify, Turner needed to raise just over $15,000 from a minimum of 300 in district donors. Turner was able to raise approximately $17,000 in just six weeks.
“I first want to thank everyone who donated to my campaign and has been supportive in these early stages,” Turner said Friday. “We really see this campaign as different, and the grassroots support that allowed us to qualify so quickly is evidence that we are building something real. We are bringing together a coalition of people based on shared values and beliefs as opposed to political ties. I am proud of my list of donors because there are a lot of names of people who have never donated to a political campaign before.”
Carolyn Gonzalez expressed her support for Turner on Friday. “I have long conversations with Aaron about Bridgeport’s future and I continue to be deeply impressed by his knowledge of the city and the passion he has to effect change,” said Gonzalez. “It’s time to pass the baton to a new generation of leaders. Being born and raised in Bridgeport, Aaron knows the challenges we face, but he also has experience in the legislature and brings innovative thinking–we need more of that perspective in our city.”
Community leader John Torres shared a similar perspective on Turner. “I had the opportunity to work with Aaron on a few projects when he was Senator Gomes’ aide, and I was impressed by his responsiveness and follow through,” Torres stated Friday. “His priorities are in the right place. Aaron cares about the community and has a genuine desire to help people. He is worthy of representing this district.”
Turner currently serves as the Governmental Relations Chair for the Greater Bridgeport NAACP, and serves on the Board for the Bridgeport YMCA. Turner has a long history of organizing in Bridgeport, including holding police accountability rallies in Bridgeport following the Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown cases. In 2016 he became President of the Greater Bridgeport Young Dems after reviving the chapter, and currently serves in the leadership for the Connecticut Young Democrats.
Turner currently lives in the Mill Hill neighborhood in Bridgeport.
Glad to have contributed.
*** Lets hope everything will be on the up & up pertaining to the actual donations & approval by the State. We would not want another E.N-funds type of debacle!***