When examining the benefits of Bridgeport you start with assets led by sumptuous Seaside Park and its sprawling beauty along Long Island Sound. A little-known nugget of Goodwin University’s purchase of the assets of the University of Bridgeport is Paier College’s assumption of UB’s arts program, relocating its measures from Hamden to more than five acres on the UB campus operating independently of Goodwin.
CT Post reporter Cayla Bamberger shares more:
“In magnitude, it’s maybe five times bigger than where we were,” said Joe Bierbaum, the college president. “Maybe more than that.”
The college also has plans to grow its student body and add master’s programs launching at the start of 2022.
The physical move marks the latest development in Paier’s acquisition of the struggling UB’s art programs–part of a joint deal forged in June 2020 alongside Goodwin University.
Paier remains an independent institution on UB’s campus in the Arnold Bernhard Center for Arts & Humanities and the Cooper Hall Dormitory, alongside two additional buildings on the southwest side of campus.
“I’ve got the Long Island Sound that way, I have the Bridgeport beach right in front of me, and we’re surrounded by Seaside Park,” said Bierbaum. “It’s beautiful.”
Full story here.
Who’s paying who?
Paier bought UB but Paier is a for profit while UB remains a nonprofit.
Paier rents from UB the non profit but UB isn’t taxes on the land they rent.
UB allows will be housing Afghani refugee and so how making money but not being taxed.
Who’s the big winner?
Paier is.
Who’s the big loser?
The city of Bridgeport. As always.