Staying focused on the issues of the city such as taxes, crime and education, Joe Ganim told Dennis House on his Sunday Face The State program the best endorsement he received was from the thousands of voters who carried him to a Democratic primary win over Bill Finch. Ganim responded to a question from House regarding the high profile endorsements Finch had received. Ganim’s interview is attached above.
House kicked off the show asking Ganim if he had ever thought his comeback was possible.
“From being alone at the bottom and then working so hard to regain the trust from so many people, thousands and have them turn out … to move from those moments … was exhilarating,” he said.
Ganim’s comeback is not yet complete. Ganim once again called on Finch to unite the city as the mayor weighs his options. Finch is considering a legal challenge to place his name on the ballot as well as a write-in candidacy for the general election. That decision is expected to come within the next day.
Mary-Jane Foster who petitioned her way onto the general election ballot is also weighing options for a full-throttle campaign.
Where Ganim responded with the perfect voters of Bridgeport answer, Finch would have fumbled around waiting for a text from DeadWood for what to say.
There is no doubt Ganim is smart and a slick, skilled politician. The doubt remains as to whether Bridgeport needs a felon as mayor. Can this destitute city ever recover?
There are more than a few people who do not want to see a crook in City Hall, especially one who fucked over everyone.
Bpt Kid,
Think about it.
He went back directly to every one you claimed he “fucked over” and those are the very ones who said: “we will give you a second chance Joe, we are willing to take the risk and we are the very people who should have this right. No one else should decide or judge for us.”
So get over this hypocrisy that you know better.
Ms. Curry,
I am not a hypocrite. I’m all for giving the man a second chance, of forgiving his trespasses. Do I trust him? No. He has not demonstrated anything approaching remorse, humility or contrition. Has Joseph P. Ganim said, clearly and unequivocally, he is sorry for what he did, he will not do it again? No. His greed, avarice and addiction to a lavish lifestyle set the city back nearly a decade and cost overburdened middle class taxpayers more than $200,000 in lost revenue and legal expenses.
Mr. Ganim did not go to the people he fucked over, he very cynically exploited the ignorance of the people most affected by lawlessness and a lack of education. Joe Ganim is an unrepentant crook, a thief who cares more about the privileges afforded by elected office than any real concern about the city of Bridgeport.
All that bullshit about keeping taxes down? Give us a break. The city’s finances were under state oversight at the time. The arena and the ballpark were someone else’s golden idea; he’s only taking credit now because it is politically expedient to do so.
I’m a hypocrite? You’re a dumb ass if you really think a convicted felon should be mayor. I’d rather see Bill Finch re-elected. At least he has a clean criminal record.
Get over yourself, lady. Take a pill.
He did not go back and indirectly or directly speak to me about fucking me over on a promise he made not to lease the golf course. He leased the course to the worst of the three bidders and the city received no money for two years.
The majority of the Democrats said no to Joe in the primary. He did not secure 50% of the vote.
Let me further correct that. More than 50% of the registered Democrats said they couldn’t be bothered with going out to vote. And less than 50% of those who did vote voted against Joe Ganim. So please let’s not get carried away by the less than stellar results.
Bridgeport Kid, Bridgeport is not behind 10 years because of Ganim, it is behind 10 years because of Bridgeport. The elected people are idiots starting with people like Don Clemons, Warren Blunt, Denese Taylor-Moye. There are many more idiots than this and then you have a one-party system and no political competition. Some of these people barely finished school, have no legal background or finance background and they are making budget decisions for the city. But they are greedy for power. So all this nonsense of about Ganim save it, because all these politicians are all full of shit.
I’m not agreeing with Bubba, my yes post was meant for Flicka up above.
Anything this man utters should be taken with a pound of salt.
Salt, pepper, the whole celebratory meal on November 3rd.
It is disgusting Joe Ganim is making himself out to be some sort of folk hero and people who should know better are falling for it. For whatever differences I have with Steve Auerbach, I will say he is an intelligent man who sticks to his beliefs. He has reversed himself on Ganim, however. Finch is one thing, a felon is another. A vote for either of them is a vote for Mario Testa’s rule. If anyone truly believes Joseph P. Ganim has changed his ways, there’s only one thing to say: You have all given up.
Bridgeport Kid,
Let’s be perfectly clear. I am a staunch Finch supporter. I will not run away from Ganim with a campaign of anyone but Joe!
It is my goal to get Finch elected for the benefit of our city. If people want to splinter the vote then we get what we deserve. I think we deserve Mayor Finch and I believe Bridgeport will be transformed within four years.
We are just waiting for Mayor Finch to decide what direction he is going and getting a new energized group spreading the word!
Don’t you mean you will be celebrating a new job with the city?
What are you saying, Andy?
I am saying after November if Ganim wins, C Curry will again be working for the city.
Well isn’t that the reason Lisa Parziale, Ernie “Moses” Newton, Danny Roach and Steven Auerbach are hoisting the flag for a crook? They all want jobs on the city payroll. Campaigning for a convicted felon holds some sort of outlaw romance for those clowns. And it is much more palatable than applying for EBT and SAGA benefits. I can’t imagine Carolanne Curry wanting to stand in line at the DSS office on Housatonic Avenue.
Bridgeport Kid,
Just because I believe Ganim would serve the city better than Torres, that does not mean I am supporting Ganim. I will be working for the re-election of Mayor Finch.
Last month you equated me with Finch, Wood and Secrest; this week you have me with Danny Roach, Joe Ganim, Ernie Newton and Lisa Parziale.
Dude, make up your mind! I happen to like and respect everyone you just mentioned. I think every one of them is very clear where I stand.
I could happily work with any one of them. But I am working for Bill Finch’s re-election. Does it kill you I get along with the opposition?
I am not at all insulted you keep insinuating I am supporting Ganim. But I cannot emphasize enough, although I like most of his supporters and appreciate their enthusiasm and focus, I am proud to be a Finch supporter and appreciate the hard work of the Finch supporters and many of the new and enthusiastic Republicans and unaffiliated voters who are wanting to get involved.
Btw, thank you to Joe Ganim for allowing me to intrude on his photo opportunity at the Lunar Festival this past Saturday. It was quite an event and the 20 restaurants that were part of this event were excellent. Considering the lack of press, it was very well attended. Little Asia on Wood Avenue/Beechwood Avenue. The event held by Curiale School is going to become a real Bridgeport attraction. Dennis Bradley was a great Master of Ceremonies and the dancers, singers and costumes were spectacular.
Glad I attended! For those of you who missed it, better luck next year! Mayor Finch, great proclamation, it was proudly displayed!
Well soon enough you’ll be eating crow, Mr. Auerbach.
I hope you eat crow.
Thank you Steve, I always respected your loyalty, and still do.
“Trust but verify.”–Ronald Reagan.
So how can anyone really verify Joe is now a man of his word before we give him the keys to the kingdom? Past behavior? His past track record since his release?
Jennifer, Joe Ganim campaigned around the City and met and talked with the voters and they decided they believe him, they put trust in him so they voted for him in the primary. The next step comes when if Joe is elected or if Torres, MJF or anyone else, the voters will then be able to verify what they say and what they do as mayor.
To verify definition below. Seems #3 did not happen with Joe.
1. to prove to be true; confirm; substantiate
2. to check or determine the correctness or truth of by investigation, reference, etc.
3. (Law) law to add a verification to (a pleading); substantiate or confirm (an oath)
Now Mary-Jane Foster is jumping back in. As if Bill Finch isn’t delusional enough.
You are mean-spirited and combative and that reflects very poorly on your candidate.
All’s fair in love and politics, Gabby.
In my experience I have witnessed the fact anyone who truly lives by the “All’s fair in love and politics” mantra ends up eating karma for breakfast, lunch and dinner. (And alone.) By all means keep up the intellectually crippled posts.
“Intellectually crippled?” From what I hear, your golden girl is going to pimp herself out to Stafstrom. Go ahead, make that Faustian deal.
Mary-Jane Foster’s inflated ego is going to cost the city too much. She may as well go over to Ganim’s campaign headquarters and present him with the keys to the city, on a silver fucking platter. Thanks a lot, Ms. Foster. That’s grand of you.
One again Joe outmaneuvers the Democrats. Joe is Testa’s pick. Finch is Stafstrom’s pick. If Finch endorses Foster, that means she is now Stafstrom’s pick. Two different faces of the same machine. So two Democrats in the race probably guarantees a Joe victory in this partisan-heavy city. Perhaps Finch was right when he said democracy does not always work in Bridgeport, because it certainly seems to be playing out right here right now.
All of you keep your pantyhose on. This is going to get really interesting in a little while.
From the CT Post:
Joe Ganim, the Democratic mayoral nominee who spent seven years in federal prison for corruption, has said answers will come in the form of more police, community policing, jobs and after-school programs.
“If necessary, we need to recruit police officers from other communities,” Ganim said. “I would welcome any help our state and federal law enforcement partners could offer.”
Joe Ganim has spoken and hiring Bridgeport residents for Bridgeport Public Safety jobs is NOT a priority. Period. Here he is repeating the mantra of the Bridgeport Police Union.
Truly reflects the opinions of a resident from Easton.
New officers need to be recruited, Bob. Putting more cops on the street without any specific plan to combat crime other than making arrests is folly. Hopefully Gaudett will be gone soon and the new chief will institute some of the policies that have worked for Benjamin Bratton and the NYPD.
And what specific policies of Bratton are you referring to?
Community policing, “broken windows,” targeting high-crime areas with strong anti-crime efforts.