From Frank Juliano, CT Post:
Former state Sen. Ernie Newtown, twice convicted and facing prison once again, called 911 and fled his Read Street house Friday morning, when he saw smoke coming from the basement.
“I was in the house by myself, but thankfully I was here or it would have burned to the ground,” Newton said. “It’s pretty bad in there,” he said, waving his arm toward the open front door, which firefighters were venting with large fans.
Lt. Albert Cruz said the point of origin was in the basement. “The damage is minor, but we don’t know the cause yet.” Cruz said a city fire marshal would be coming to the scene shortly.
Full story here.
Statement from Newton about CT Post coverage:
Frank, I’m very disappointed in your article. This was about a house fire not about my criminal past. It should have been we are glad the Newton family is ok and what can we do to help them. It’s so sad that your newspaper only cares about a person’s troubles.”
When a fire occurs in one’s property, is it necessary for the scribes to give a reminder of the person’s past problems? Isn’t it enough a tragedy could have ensued and caused irreparable harm that would have had nothing to do with the reporting drama? Sometimes I wonder if reporters have a way of bypassing their conscience, assuming they have one.
Well said, Lisa; one has nothing to do with the other.
Lisa and Donald, I thought the exact same thing. It was a cheap shot. I believe firmly you do not kick people when they are down.
On the surface it does seem cruel and unnecessary to inject Ernie’s misfortune into the story. But Ernie is a local celebrity. With celebrity comes gossip and scandal. It sells papers. The good news is Ernie and his family are safe and sound. If it were George Clooney or Kanye West, the papers would have injected the story with useless information also. Ernie, you will live to see another battle, this isn’t one of them. Only you will be able to change the narrative down the road with your good works. I hope so.
“Have you no sense of Decency, Sir?” Welch–McCarthy.
It’s just insanely bad form to inject this type of scandal into a situation that very well could have resulted in serious injury or worse. Who is served by this juxtaposition?
And if they hadn’t mentioned his “troubles,” the CT Post would have been accused of hiding his past. It’s a no-win situation for them.
It was completely unnecessary and crass for the CT Post to have incorporated Newton’s legal issues into this article. The fire was the topic–enough said. Shame on the reporter and the CT Post, which has really turned into a rag sheet.
Good for you Godiva2011, and while I’m at it, just who do you think would take the time to accuse the CT Post of hiding anything, WittyUserName? Did you just pull that weak comment out of the air?
I think he pulled it out of something, but not the air.
Fluck the CT Post! It’s just an overpriced rag!