John Fabrizi and Bill Finch are quintessential city politicians in the right place at the right time. Fabs, the City Council president, replaced Joe Ganim as mayor when Joe resigned in April of 2003 following his conviction on federal corruption charges. Finch, the state senator, succeeded Fabs as mayor when Democratic party operatives feared Fabs could not defeat party maverick Chris Caruso in a primary in 2007. A lot has changed in nearly seven years with Finch up for reelection next year.
After more than 30 years (with exception for his 4.8 years as mayor) with the Board of Education, Fabs says he will retire at the end of the school year as director of Adult Education. He’ll have a nice pension to live on as he examines the next phase of his life. He’d like that to be another run as mayor. His chances?
For Fabs it comes down to one basic question: can he raise the money to wage a competitive race? When he replaced Ganim to fill out the final year of Ganim’s four-year term, the party apparatus largely raised the money for Fabs to win a close primary against Caruso in a large field and then the general election against Republican Rick Torres. Fabs has never been in the position to “make the ask” for campaign cash, something he must now do if he wants to put himself in position. That means examining fundraising lists, the discipline to grind out a few hours a day to call potential donors, make the case for election viability and not wait until 2015 to get in the game. Fabs must show strength before the end of the year that he can raise money. It accomplishes three things: attracts attention of political operatives, scares off other potential contenders and poises him for election viability.
John Fabrizi is the Ralph Kramden of city politics: big heart, blue-collar touch with flaws that cost him the mayoralty. In the middle of his term as mayor Fabrizi admitted to a substance abuse problem including recreational use of cocaine. He did a major public mea culpa that appeared to sway a forgiving electorate. That all changed in the spring of 2007 when he walked quietly into a city courtroom to ask a judge for leniency in the sentencing of a sexual offender. Fabs did not anticipate CT Post scribe Dan Tepfer sitting there. It changed everything, even though Fabs made the request on behalf of his son who was friends with the defendant. Fabs’ polling numbers tanked. Party regulars prevailed upon Fabs to not seek reelection and anointed Finch as the standard bearer. Finch defeated Caruso is a close primary.
Some of those pols who moved against Fabs in favor of Finch are now gravitating back to Fabs. There was nothing wrong with the way Fabs governed, they argue.
Finch is facing his own electoral challenges: tax increases, political skirmishes, government services gaffes, control loss of the school board and the lack of a major anchoring economic development initiative to call his own after more than six years on the job has caused pause among some of his supporters. Despite the challenges, Finch is still very much in play for reelection next year. As the incumbent, he’ll raise the money to keep him campaign relevant. A lot of of this depends on the opposition, organizational forces against the mayor and how he governs in the next year. A modest tax increase is likely this year. He cannot afford another next year. If Bass Pro Shops breaks ground this summer, as the mayor has promised, it’s a significant economic development win for the long-languishing redevelopment of the East Side 30 years in the making. Finch can call that his own.
Will a new Harding High School be build on Boston Avenue property owned by General Electric? The Connecticut Working Families Party that enjoys coalition control of the school board is fighting it, claiming environmental concerns the mayor assures will be properly supervised by state environmental oversight. Finch is living a fragile governmental existence that can be turned around. Will organized opposition develop?
What about other mayoral candidates? In 2011 Mary-Jane Foster, largely unknown when she started, managed 43 percent of the vote on the machines against incumbent Finch who outspent her two to one in the primary. Will the University of Bridgeport executive take another crack and step up her profile sooner than later?
Others could get in the game. John Gomes, the city’s former deputy chief administrative officer, was a candidate in 2011 before throwing his support to Foster. Gomes was money-challenged in 2011. Last month he eroded his chances for consideration as a top-tier candidate when he failed to win even a seat on the Democratic Town Committee.
Chris Caruso? He seems to enjoy the state Labor Department job Governor Dan Malloy awarded him for his support in 2010, even if he misses the political action. If Malloy does not win reelection in November, Caruso will be out of a job. Caruso as well now has enough years for a livable state pension. Will he take another shot at the mayoralty?
Candidates could also emerge from the African American and Hispanic communities.
Then there’s former Mayor Joe Ganim who polled well in 2011 irrespective of his corruption conviction. Court records show a marriage dissolution is underway for Ganim. Will this give him a new outlook to get back in the political game? There is nostalgia for Joe in some city neighborhoods.
So next year could be a whole slate of mayoral opposition to Finch or perhaps just one or two.
John Fabrizi is starting to make the rounds gauging support for a comeback. Voters like comeback stories. Fabs says he has the fire for the job. Has he the fire to raise the money?
I cringe when anybody even suggests Joe Ganim is running for Mayor. No offense, Lennie. Some people forgive certain crimes. Joe Ganim will never be forgiven. Finch has nothing to fear from Ganim. Politically, he is done. Fabrizi on the other hand, well people like him and miss him. Even more importantly, they are talking about him. They are talking about Fabrizi a lot. Even Finch supporters are talking about Fabrizi … a lot. If Steelepointe is underway during the election, John Fabrizi just may be the only candidate to Steal Finch’s thunder. People will remember John Fabrizi initiating the contract that got the wheels moving, unlike Ganim. I thought Foster was a good choice. It should be a very interesting few months.
Ganim is bad news, Fabrizi is old news and Finch is no news.
Rinse, Recycle, Rinse, Repeat seems to be the political fabric of this city.
Do you cringe when Ernie Newton wants to run for office? Or is it selective cringing? You cannot have it both ways. Both Ganim and Newton violated their oaths of office and stole from their constituents, lying while at it.
That’s just one reason why I wouldn’t vote for either of them.
Gee, how lucky are we? We get to pick from either Finch or Fabrizi and possibly Ganim, a buffoon, a cokehead or a convicted thief. Yes sir, the future looks bright for our city … oy vey. Maybe Ernie Newton or Christina Ayala will give it a shot also while we’re at it.
When you look at the three people you mention, you just have to shake your head and say is that the best we can do? I do not see a viable candidate coming out of the minority community. There are no strong individuals in the wings. If a candidate does come forward from one minority group the other group will go the other way. The question is can the minority leaders get over the mine is bigger than yours syndrome?
DTC elections are hard to gauge as it’s the whole not the parts. Gomes could have worked day and night but if the rest of the parts don’t work the whole slate falls to pieces. I myself won’t judge someone’s ability to win an election on a DTC race.
Fabrizi did a great job as Bridgeport’s boss, brought a ton of attention on the city, good and bad but mostly good and not for his personal monetary gain like Ganim did.
As for Foster she isn’t the fabric of the city but even Abe Lincoln failed eight times before winning.
Abe Lincoln wasn’t a fool, a thief, a liar, an alcoholic or a druggie.
Thieves, drug addicts and idiots. This is the best the city can come up with? Any wonder why business avoids the city? The minority is the majority, do something.
I see Fabrizi is mulling a run for the mayor’s seat against Finch, that’s amazing. The night Finch got his first nomination John Fabrizi stood up there and praised Finch to the high heavens. According to Fabrizi, Finch was better than sliced bread. Of course one has to remember Fabrizi wanted that promotion in the BOE, which was controlled by Finch people at the time.
I think after I heard that speech I knew John was an out-and-out whore and I say that because I heard him many times express his dislike for Finch.
Fabrizi loves the Trumbull Republican bully Herbst also, a lot of love in Fabs’ heart for all.
*** This city needs someone who breathes and bleeds Bpt and Fabrizi is that man! Love him or hate him, he has the spirit and energy to get things headed in the right direction towards a brighter city. And hopefully, having learned from this present administration and his past admin. when he was Mayor, he will dodge the pitfalls that plagued him and the city towards better days. *** IF NOT FABS THEN BRING ON C. SHAYS! ***
What really was accomplished while Fabrizi was mayor? We know nothing was done or has been done under Finch.
John, when you decide to run I have a check and a group of Black firefighters who will work our asses off to see you back as Mayor. Whatever you need, John!
I am sure Fabrizi would appreciate that. BTW how many fire companies did he close?
I am a resident of Bridgeport Connecticut and have been for the past 70 years. For the past 5 years we have suffered under an administration that cares very little for its residents and lies to them on a constant basis.
We have two main characters here we need jobs for:
1. Mayor Bill Finch: Great on green initiatives that don’t mean squat thus an ideal candidate for the Federal Government and the EPA. He can also read text messages at an alarming rate, just watch him at a debate. Mr. Finch is great at knowing about environmental material but don’t get off-topic because he becomes lost. Mr. Finch looks great in a suit and would be someone a government official can have lunch and bullshit with. Tell Bill anything, he will believe you.
2. The second person we need to find a job for is Adam Wood. This could be more difficult as he has the temperament of a rattlesnake and the bite of one also. He would be great down in Washington with some dumb ass agency that does nothing like the IRS. One extreme skill, he can text at lightning speed and is on top of local issues.
Both will work for salaries in the low $100K. Please get them out of here before they do any more damage.
Andrew C Fardy, on this one I’m in total agreement with you. Just look at Finch’s work record in the private sector, he earned nothing of merit, everything was given to him.
BTW Andrew C. Fardy and Steve Auerbach are just a couple of Finch Sock Puppets. Masters of the obvious!
Btw Jim Fox, are you just an ass? Not sure why you made a negative comment about myself and Andy Fardy 20 comments down the line, but apparently you had a need to open your mouth and insert your foot.
Jim really, how childish and I want to thank you for another great piece.
I worked for all three of them. Trust me, they are one big asshole after another.
This will be good because strong competition within the Democratic machine will only build resentment. This will weaken alliances and fragment the machine. This will lead to more factions in the long run, and further reduce polarization. The unintended consequence of this can be good. Strong competition is ALWAYS good.