Foster Urges State Dem Chair To Monitor Primary

The campaign of Democratic mayoral candidate Mary-Jane Foster has sent a letter to Democratic State Party Chair Nancy DiNardo asking her to activate “attorneys and observers trained in election law to come to Bridgeport on the day of the primary and serve our City’s voters to insure a fair and just election.” Don’t expect a whole lot to come from this, but Foster wants to put political and election officials on notice for the September 27 primary. Full letter below:

Dear Nancy:

Per our telephone conversation earlier today, the Foster campaign respectfully requests the State Democratic Party to activate your Voter Protection Project program for the upcoming Bridgeport Democratic Mayoral primary on September 27th 2011.

Our understanding is that the State party can send attorneys and observers trained in election law to come to Bridgeport on the day of the primary and serve our City’s voters to insure a fair and just election.

The City of Bridgeport has had repeated problems and issues in recent elections. Last November, the lack of sufficient ballots delayed the Governor’s election. The inefficient and incompetent election operations amounted to breaches of fiduciary duty. A smooth, well-run, and honest administration of the election process not only protects voters in Bridgeport but insures an equal opportunity to all who participate in the political process.

Our entire slate was summarily deprived access to the ballot based on uncooperativeness and inaccurate interpretations by the Registrar of Voters of the Connecticut General statutes and the City’s charter. It took a Superior Court judge to order Mary-Jane Foster and her slate be certified and placed on the ballot.

In addition, the City of Bridgeport did not have enough ballots for its voters in the gubernatorial election and the chain the custody of ballots was brought into question. The conduct of the last mayoral primary saw a number of issues that led to a lawsuit filed by Chris Caruso against Bill Finch.

We hope we can count on your support to insure a fair execution of the democratic process in the upcoming Bridgeport primary.

Thank you for your kind and early consideration and of this request.


Jason W. Bartlett

Campaign Manager, Foster for Bridgeport



  1. Lieberman paid a $50,000 fine for his street money distribution. I remember the attitudes of poll workers during the Lamont/Joe primary. “You talkin’ to me???”

    We had the voters in line outside Central High doing the Electric Slide just to entertain them in the rain while the “malfunctioning” machines were fixed. Two machines were in use when I got there.


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