When I began researching my history book on Bridgeport that carries the same name as this blog I visited Myra Oliver whose organization The International Institute aided the city’s foreign born. Schooling, language translation, job training, clothing, citizenship, if an immigrant or political refugee needed help, Myra was on the job, focused relentlessly to support the transition. We lost Myra on Wednesday to cancer. Thank you for all you did and will continue to do through others.
Marilyn Moore Greets OIB
Candidates poised for the Aug. 12 primary are dialing for dollars and organizing fundraisers with the hope of qualifying for the loot via Connecticut’s public financing system. Democrat Marilyn Moore is challenging the endorsed candidate Anthony Musto, the elected Trumbull town treasurer, for the right to face Republican State Sen. Rob Russo in November. The 22nd State Senate District covers Trumbull and parts of Bridgeport and Monroe. Moore understands what she’s up against – the political establishment supporting Musto – but undeterred she’s not, with about a month to go. Qualifying for the public money is a must in her quest to put herself in play, and she’s burning up phone lines with money calls as the deadline to qualify for the free dough looms. Musto had a fundraiser Wednesday night at Testo’s. I’m inviting candidates to introduce themselves to OIB readers. Moore says hello below:
I want to thank Lennie for letting me introduce myself to Only in Bridgeport readers.
I’m a lifelong Bridgeporter–I’ve been involved in the community for my whole life, and I have three adult children and eight grandchildren that have been raised here and attended our public schools.
I worked for 19 years at SNET, rising through the ranks from an entry-level job to become a corporate executive at the phone company because of my leadership skills and ability to work with differing interests. I also learned how regulation improves the quality and affordability of utilities for consumers. With rising energy costs, it’s a shame that DPUC has given up so much of its watchdog role in recent years–that means we need hard-working advocates in Hartford to balance the scales for working people in Connecticut.
In 1996 I helped launch a breast and cervical cancer education program under the auspices of Planned Parenthood called the Witness Project. The program addressed a gap in breast cancer education, and was so successful that in 2002 it became a non profit organization serving all of Connecticut. I’ve spent many hours negotiating for services at hospitals and community health centers around the state, so I understand how different “access to healthcare” is from actual, quality services delivered to people who need them. My work in the healthcare community has included service on the Cancer Care board of managers, the Connecticut Cancer Care Partnership, and the President’s Cancer Panel.
I also had the opportunity to serve for two years as Senator (Ed) Gomes’ Legislative Aide, so I have experience delivering constituent services to local residents and building relationships to secure funding and votes for our priorities.
In a lot of ways, I feel like all of my experiences have led me to this place, where I can serve the community that has served me so well over the years. From my years at SNET to gathering the signatures and donations for my campaign, I’ve worked hard all my life to achieve my goals, and I look forward to working for you in the State Senate. Thank you.
As a black man I feel good that Moore is working hard to get elected but like I said I don’t think she will deliver for our district. I’m voting for Musto. But I will not vote for him in November because Russo has my vote. Everybody knows how much I dislike Republicans but I really feel that Russo is doing a great job and he is fighting for education. Russo will be the only Republican I will ever vote for. Obama ’08 Jim Himes ’08 Russo ’08…and I don’t want my district looking like a dump like Ed Gomes’ district. I use to live in that district last year and I’m so glad I moved to Black Rock.
I like your approach to the election. Voting for Russo, for a staunch democrat is a good thing. When you vote for your second republican (after careful thought) you will be on your way to becoming a true independent soul.
For me, Chris Shays has proven himself. He has delivered for the district even with the dems in control. I don’t think Himes will have the clout as a freshman.
Obama (for change) Shays (for stability) Russo (for change).
You are hereby insulated against Philistine of the Week designation through the end of August.
The other loyalist democrats in this town should think like you do. Voting outside the party at this point in our dreadful history is mandatory if this town is going to emerge from the muck in which we have wallowed under the persistent goomba administrations.
Myra Oliver did great work for a huge number of folks from Bridgeport and beyond for decades. She fought tooth and nail to help anyone who needed it. The Bridgeport community has lost one of the great ones, she will be truly missed.
I’m willing to vote against the Democrats… but I haven’t seen a single Republican that I’d vote for. What a bunch of misfits.
It’s a start. Marlys is “willing” to vote against the democrat, but the republicans are misfits.”
I’m sorry that I don’t know the Bruce who is constantly mentioned as an alternative to Finch. I’d like to be enlightened.
If he is a viable alternative I’d suggest he get in touch with Chris Munger and the repub party of Stamford. Chris nearly beat Malloy last go round and was a nobody! Goliaths can fall when Davids get the right ammunition and learn how to aim!
yahooy – I agree with Marlys, I voted for a republican here and there, including Shays, who has now disappointed me big time. I won’t vote for Russo because I don’t think we need another republican yes-man in office to go along with the governor. As far as republicans giving Joel the endorsement for state rep – give me a break, that’s about as much as a misfit as you can get.
I’ve never been a slave to ideology, political, religious, or otherwise. Nor can I fathom the fascist behavior of hardcore sports fans. If I had to describe my political beliefs, the term “practical conservatism” would be appropriate. I’m a registered Democrat, but I live in Bridgeport. When in Rome, do Rome…
All this chatter about party affiliation, the personal lives of the candidates, etc. It’s all just so much hot gas. I have a sense of humor as much as the next guy, a requisite for living in the Park City. I don’t really care about replacing the primary with a mud wrestling match between Keeley and Grogins, and I don’t care that Chris Caruso is a gluttinous chicken hawk. What matters is that the elected officials that Represent Bridgeport comport themselves in a professional, dignified manner. The FBI didn’t rid the city of all the pols that behave like gangsters. Sure, they got rid of Ganim, Newton, and a host of others, but there are still a few that practice blackmail in order to exact a “street tax” on those trying to do business in the city. (Stand up, Bob Keeley.)
Or there are idealogues like Bob Walsh. Who is this clown, and why is he so compulsively obsessed with minutae?
bridgeport kid:
Well said!!!
Let me just add that I don’t think it’s just Walsh who is concerned with minutia … there is more of that in the gang of 20 than we think.
I would like to second that emotion written by Kevin Simmons.
The Bridgeport Kid is 100% right. I’m a democrat 2 but I hate when people try to label all of us as liberals, because I consider myself a moderate I’m pro life if they had a amendment to ban gay marriage I would vote yes because I dont support it. So that’s why I just hate when people say all democrats are liberal because I’m a moderate and you have many moderate democrats and a example is Bob Casey the sen from Pa. The reason why I never support Republicans is they are bad on the economy, they support the most wealthy they don’t give a shit about the middle class, they love war and sending our kids into harm’s way. But Russo on the other hand is a moderate if you ask me because since he’s been in Hartford he has done more than Finch has ever done and he is for people like me the middle class Russo has fought for the kids Education of Bridgeport and to me that’s good enough for me to vote for so like I said Russo is the only Republican who will get my vote. and I hate when people say Shays is a moderate because he sure is not he is just like Bush. So Obama ’08 Jim Himes ’08 Russo ’08. At my house I will have a Obama yard sign a Himes yard sign and a Russo yard sign. That might seem weird to people but that’s what I’m going to do. And I Know a lot of democrats like me who will vote for Russo.
Good people of Bridgeport and bloggers in general. Something is very wrong. The postings today all make sense. There is a conspiracy afoot. If offered Koolaid…decline.
Of course, we haven’t heard from Anna, Joel or MCAT.
The following article sums up the present state of Bridgeport politics:
The regional scum who actually control our city won’t rest until the last tree has been removed and every square inch of Bridgeport is paved over!
How is it possible that after 50 years of largely undisguised corruption, and what would have seemed to have been the culmination and undoing of that continuous proccess with the conviction of the Ganim Gang in 2003, that we still have a situation where the scum of the city and the region are calling the shots for Bridgeport?!
And it is the same parasitic scum and their political and genetic heirs that are still raping and sucking the remaining life from a partially necrotic victim (our city)! Curcio — a suspected assassin, DiNardo, Testa (or “Testo” — as his organized-crime relatives chose a couple of generations ago!)… Most of us could fill out the list…
Scinto! Some people on this blog think that that scumbag is some sort of messiah! Know your history. He is not universally popular in the places that he has developed; he has destroyed a lot of homes and neighborhoods and created a lot of dangerous traffic and flooding situations. You should know that he has caused major traffic and flooding problems for Bridgeport with his ugly, overly dense commercial development in Trumbull on Bridgeport’s border. He had scumbag Trumbull confiscate an elderly war-hero’s land by eminent domain for that project. He threatened a Bridgeport woman who lived near the property, “gangland-style” in the presence of a Trumbull official (who is still alive and living in Trumbull) after she spoke against his development at a public meeting.
Evil, greedy developers have mortally wounded Bridgeport and will soon finish us off if we let them. A stand must made and it should start with Greenwood Avenue. All people who love Bridgeport should rally behind that neighborhood to save that beautiful 9-acre woodland (adjacent to a beautiful wooded park). We must demand that the FBI investigate all development projects passed by the P and Z for the past 10 years — to the present… Take a good look at who is on the P and Z and who has been on it, and who is being nominated for it! It’s largely a very scary list!
Millionaire developers not paying taxes, while poverty-stricken families have their old cars confiscated. Developers always having their way and ruining homes and neighborhoods not only with impunity, but with our “leaders’” blessings and public praise of their neighborhood-busting, tax-base wasting projects!
(Where is the FBI? What is the Grand Jury waiting for?)
(Could a Ganim actually be our next Mayor?!)
If this isn’t Hell, then it must be Bridgeport!
I’m beginning to think yahooy and capitalist propaganda are one in the same person.
Barbara Richards, a well known Connecticut activist for immigrants’ rights, has issued the following endorsements, with commentary, in Democratic primary races, and has urged volunteers to help her endorsed candidates:
Here is a biography of Barbara, to be found on the excellent new website for immigrant’s rights she has put together, www .electionvolunteers.org:
Hey, Jon, thanks for the post.
Donj; You have great passion and it shows in your post but I do have to comment on one thing and that is when you say republicans love war and sending our kids in war. If I may World War 2 and Korea happened while Dems controlled the white house. Vietnam was started under Kennedy and followed up by Johnson. The 2 iraq wars were under Republicans.
Think again. You ignorant slug!
Well it’s good to hear from you again what part of my post is incorrect.
Yahooy what are you having for super? Could it be a roll of barbed wire and a glass of draino? Can I win your weekly award?
The “think again” post was directed at City Kitty. There are 2 “p”s in supper.
Sorry…you cannot be considered for Philistine of the Week because your Post #18 demonstrated tact and is insightful.
You basically told donj to go to hell but you made him look forward to the trip.
Thanks for your interest in my culinary embroglio. I had a roll of barbed wire and a glass of draino for breakfast. The most important meal of the day. Sharpens my blogging style. Tonight it’s dinner at R&R.
Yahooy Great Post
Sen. Edwards was in Bpt today. I really hope Obama picks Clinton.
capitalistpropaganda, You hit it right on! It gets clearer everyday the city is run by “a” mob! Don’t worry, the feds are always watching. There is just so much wrong going on, I don’t know if they are looking in the right places. As for City pussy, she has to be on the payroll. Who else would stick up for the birdman so passionately?