The Connecticut Working Families Party has enjoyed some successes on the school board and most prominently with State Senator Ed Gomes carrying its left-leaning election flag. Recently departed school board member Sauda Baraka is chair of the local Bridgeport WFP. Up next is a big election cycle for governor and state legislative races. Lindsay Farrell, executive director of the Connecticut Working Families, keeps score of Democratic legislators who stray from the organization’s core issues. And she’s put them on notice.
From the CT Mirror:
“We believe the really bad Democrats who hold their caucuses hostage, who obstruct progress on really important issues, they are a cancer,” said Lindsay Farrell, the executive director of the Working Families. “At a certain point, you’ve got to cut them out to save the rest of the body.”
The WFP has no list yet of targeted races, but Farrell said a challenge to Sen. Paul Doyle, D-Wethersfield, one of three Democrats who voted with Republicans in the Senate to block a Democratic budget, would have been inevitable. Doyle is now exploring a run for attorney general.
“There are several districts where we are looking for primary candidates,” she said. “We’ll have to make the smart calculation as we get closer to the election about where we pull the trigger on that.”
Full story here.
Well this is refreshing. Ms. Farrell and her left-wing band really ought to focus on regime change in the Democratic Town Committees and City Halls of Connecticut’s urban centers. Bridgeport’s Democratic Party is a malignancy, a tumor preventing economic growth. Little Joe Ganim has been spouting off about projects moving forward in the park city, projects begun under Smilin’ Bill Finch’s watch. Little Joe is ultra careful to not take direct credit for stuff he is not responsible for but the implication is the same. Given the tendency of the ignorant to hear what they want to hear it will be interpreted as “Hey ma, look what I done!” Hartford too, so decrepid the city motto is “Thank God for Waterbury.”