For the first time in decades the 90-member Democratic Town Committee slated no primaries for control of the party. The organizational meeting of the body politic will take place Monday, 5 p.m. at Vazzy’s on Broadbridge Avenue, a new venue since the sale of Testo’s Restaurant more than a year ago.
Mario Testa has served as party leader for the better part of 30 years. Will he have a challenger?
The makeup of the town committee has changed only slightly with some deals cut to avoid primaries. Several supporters of John Gomes for mayor have landed committee spots to eschew primaries, so we’ll see if they weigh in for the purpose of an alternative.
In the coming weeks the town committee will vote to select delegates to state and district conventions that will endorse candidates for public office. City Councilman Ernie Newton is planning to wage a primary against State Senator Herron Gaston. So far no one is making public noise to primary Marilyn Moore, Bridgeport’s other state senator.
Chairman Mao!
Tse Tongue!!
Lennie, you’re like an FBI agent– you know the answer to your questions. I heard a while ago that Tom Gaudette was next in line for Party Chairman. However, keep an eye on Paolleto Jr.
As for MOORE, I passed on the suggestion and encouragement to run. I’m happy with being President of my company. This state is beyond repair.