
Who says David Walker doesn’t know how to have fun? A day in Port Jefferson, a game of pickleball, beef at Joseph’s Steakhouse Downtown, reading his favorite local political site OIB. Okay, maybe the OIB part is a stretch. In a birthday-of-the-day interview with POLITICO, the Bridgeport resident and 2018 Republican candidate for governor responds to questions about his career start, the Trump presidency and unknown fun facts. If you’re gonna run for public office, might as well play pickleball, right?
Let’s see, what about a gubernatorial-candidate game of pickleball between Walker and Trumbull First Selectman Tim Herbst versus Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton and Shelton Mayor Mark Lauretti? On second thought, let’s make it Herbst and Boughton versus Walker and Lauretti. The way Herbst and Walker have been going at each other that’s a better matchup.
How is the Trump presidency going? “You got a new Supreme Court justice which is a plus but not much has happened in regards to his legislative agenda. And that’s going to need to change before the midterm elections. The president is finding out that Congress is an independent branch of the government and just because you wear the same color uniform doesn’t mean you vote the same way.”
What’s a fun fact that people in Washington might not know about you? “I’m in two Halls of Fame. The Accounting Hall of Fame which is international and in Columbus, Ohio and the Internal Audit Hall of Fame in Orlando, Florida. A second fun fact is I used to work for the Miami Dolphins when I was in high school. I probably had the best high school job in America. I did statistics, I did bed checks and issued fines if the players were late and I did whatever the head coach and Bob Griese wanted me to do. Griese was the quarterback for the undefeated Super Bowl team, although when I was with the Dolphins, it was in their formative years not their undefeated Super Bowl year.
Full interview here.
Candidate for governor, David Walker, in his interview NEVER addresses the issues of the large cities in Connecticut, no comment about social issues and social justice, nothing about public school system. Walker’s silence demonstrates the lack of concern that he has to cities like Bridgeport where Walker resides.
How about equal time spent sharing such a negative on our “second chance” Mayor? He is in office, failing to take positions, failing to announce priorities. Perhaps he is carrying on a silent or stealth campaign in Hartford where he is often photoed with one or more members of our Hartford delegation? What do you really think? And which of any candidates has taken up a torch for our City, raising the same issues you have called out?
By the way Ron, when was the last time you raised such an essay that would inform those who do not care to be informed, that might persuade parents to get on the march to promoting better schools for their children?
At this point Walker’s name cannot be raised in an article, even a serious one that talks about pickleball and high school work experiences, without your critical comments.
I’m sorry to raise this issue but for a time I thought you were getting more fair minded and even handed. Just saying….Time will tell.
Again, Candidate for governor, David Walker, in his interview NEVER addresses the issues of the large cities in Connecticut, no comment about social issues and social justice, nothing about public school system. Walker’s silence demonstrates the lack of concern that he has to cities like Bridgeport where Walker resides.
Perhaps not in this particular interview – he has addressed the issues on his web site, at events, on radio and TV interviews. Come to one of his events, ask him the hard questions- then if you don’t hear what you like, fire away.
Jennifer, really, why should voters have to look at Walker’s website when the majority of voters don’t even know who David Walker is? David Walker resides in Bridgeport so one would think that Dave Walker would make his position on the issues that I listed above loud and clear to the voters of Bridgeport and the other large cities in Connecticut.
Perhaps because voters who are not blindly loyal to a party want to be informed about candidates so they can cast a vote based on listening, learning and researching everything they can about a candidates experience, policy and platform. But I could be wrong.
Candidates have core valves and positions and it’s up to those candidates to make it publicly known to voters, if a candidate wants a voter vote then they need to tell the voters what they stand for.
David Walker understands accounting is the language of business and large cities. Consequently, he’s an expert on everything Bridgeport, too.
That’ll be handy in Hartford because The General Assembly uses accounting terms to describe the entire budget process and when you understand the language you can control the conversation. What every politician knows: making a connection with every legislator makes for a powerful Governor.
Sounds like Mackey is still in the Kitchen!
( Pickelball vernacular)
He’s making pickle juice.
That’s my Buddy JG
Republicans like Dave Walker allow their vacuous offspring to say and do the stupidest things with zero consequences. In turn, the 45th president of the United States of America has brought us to —what seems like— the brink of both a civil and nuclear war – after only about eight months in office. Instead of renouncing him entirely, Dave Walker and members of the GOP prefer to calibrate their moral compasses to an illogical standard in order to save their political party from admitting their ongoing heinous mess.
A man that supports Trump’s racist, misogynistic beliefs and a president who has allowed bigotry, violence, and racism to fuel his presidency is unfit to lead this state.
If Walker came even close in any way shape or form to what you describe, I would agree with you. He does not. Not even close. Your history of voting shows you do your best to find the best Democrat to support, just as I try to find the best Republicans to support. Taking the process of endorsement a step farther, attributing inaccurate character traits to the opposing candidate by aligning them with the most negative traits of anyone elected under their Party banner, no matter how untrue or easily disproved is step 2. Wanthing your president, Trump to succeed is not the same as endorsement of all his policies or beliefs. Your state is not going to be able to dig itself out of its crushing debts on taxpayers backs, it’s going to take a fair amount of federal funds and help. How is bashing Trump going to achieve the cooperation of federal funds flowing into CT? Considering Walker worked under Clinton (let’s talk about his moral compass from White House sex scandals, lying about it, to the legislation he passed in Arkansas insuring the prison were full or people of color) and while working under Clinton, the economy was never better, the department he headed improved efficiency, vastly reduced operating costs and actually returned investments to taxpayers, and he remained neutral while his department unionized. I’d say Walker has a very strong and true moral compass regardless of the sitting president.
Jennifer, here is a Republican who really had a social conscience, Jack Kemp, but there are no more Jack Kemps in the Republican Party.
‘Jack Kemp: The Bleeding-Heart Conservative Who Changed America’
A relentlessly ebullient onetime quarterback for the Buffalo Bills, Kemp served 18 years in Congress as a representative for western New York, achieving political stardom by pushing through Ronald Reagan’s 1981 tax cut, of which Kemp and Senator William V. Roth Jr., Republican of Delaware, were the principal authors. “Jack Kemp,” a new biography by Morton Kondracke and Fred Barnes — two right-of-center political journalists best known as co-hosts of “The Beltway Boys,” which ran for a decade on Fox News — gets off to a shaky start by stating that the Kemp-Roth bill helped “set off an economic boom that lasted into the 2000s.”
In fact, Kemp-Roth was a disaster. It inaugurated two decades of sky-high budget deficits, accelerated a nascent growth trend in income inequality and did (depending on who you ask) little or nothing to ease the brutal 16-month recession that began around the same time the bill was passed.
A relentlessly ebullient onetime quarterback for the Buffalo Bills, Kemp served 18 years in Congress as a representative for western New York, achieving political stardom by pushing through Ronald Reagan’s 1981 tax cut, of which Kemp and Senator William V. Roth Jr., Republican of Delaware, were the principal authors. “Jack Kemp,” a new biography by Morton Kondracke and Fred Barnes — two right-of-center political journalists best known as co-hosts of “The Beltway Boys,” which ran for a decade on Fox News — gets off to a shaky start by stating that the Kemp-Roth bill helped “set off an economic boom that lasted into the 2000s.”
In fact, Kemp-Roth was a disaster. It inaugurated two decades of sky-high budget deficits, accelerated a nascent growth trend in income inequality and did (depending on who you ask) little or nothing to ease the brutal 16-month recession that began around the same time the bill was passed.
Jennifer, when asked the question about Donald Trump’s presidency Dave Walker pretty much to took the 5th refusing to say what a large segment of America and the International community is saying, he’s appears to be unfit unhinged and unpresidential as the president of America.
When we let other people fight their own battles. We remain silent because silence is easier, Silence gives consent.’ When we say nothing, when we do nothing, we are consenting to these trespasses against us. I might need Trump so I’m not going to say anything about his bombastic, outrageous, outlandish and vitriolic behavior just in case.
Quoting Dr. King, “There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.” Calling Dave Walker.
What a large segment of the Democrats and some nonaffiates are saying. Trumps bombastic style is not the same as his policies. Walker is vocal about not agreeing with all of his policies. Wasn’t it less than 50% voter turn out elected this president, are only voters allowed to voice dissent- of course not. Perhaps the first question to all those participating in the opinion polls might be did you vote In the last election? It might shead light on who’s dissatisfied and what they did or did not do to take a position. Walker conscience is probably pretty clear and right simply because he has proven he can work around a morally compromised president to achieve a successful and honest government department, overseeing the allocation of every federal tax dollar. He didn’t take a position of non support of president Clinton while achieving a morally and positive benefit to all Americans, regardless of race, creed or political party. You as a Democrat want him to move to your side of the aisle on your moral grounds, completely understandable from your point of view. Walker’s record shows he doesn’t indulge in political games to appease any side or group, rather he successfully puts all taxpayers first by keeping one thing in focus, the greater good and benefits of every taxpayers dime, to better benefit all, rather than reward the few, no matter how popular, unpopular or manipulate those few in power are.
I agree with Kings statement, I somehow doubt King would think Walker has fallen short in his request based on Walkers well documented accomplishments. But I could be wrong. Neither of us will never know for sure, will we?
Jennifer, then where is Walker’s social conscience? How many black and Puerto Rican churches has Walker attended since he has resident in Bridgeport? What are Walker’s policies and positions for the big cities in Connecticut? What is position on educating the children in Connecticut? David Walker is scare to publicly speak out against 45 but he has no problem criticizing Joe Ganim and Governor Malloy, hell, that’s easy to do, I’ve gotten into both of their ass.
Walker has a church her both attends and supports. Meeting with Hispanics and blacks happen in many venues and settings. When the time is appropriate I’m sure you’ll hear about his visits, ample time to build your criticism case.
From his web site, from his Facebook Page, his speaking on TV, radio and events – and please let us know which of these types of media you avoid and what media he can add to reach you..
.Make meaningful investments in infrastructure, pursue alternative funding approaches, including electronic tolling for out of state vehicles, while ensuring the integrity of related “trust funds”
Pursue more affordable energy pricing and more effective oversight reforms
Improve the equity and effectiveness of the state’s education system (e.g., revise state funding formula, encourage school choice while assuring accountability for superior results, enhance coordination of business needs and education offerings, enhance trades training activities, promote coordination and shared services)
Revise and better target state economic development initiatives with an emphasis on revitalizing troubled cities and promoting initiatives where Connecticut has a comparative advantage (e.g., health, technology, financial services, environmental)
Wait, there’s more!
Implement Municipal Accountability Boards to improve the competitiveness and achieve needed restructuring of financially troubled municipalities outside of bankruptcy, as appropriate
Revise the voluntary state election program
Achieve Fiscal Responsibility and Sustainability:
Honor the state’s balanced budget requirement
Operationalize the state Constitutional spending cap based on net state spending
Adopt zero-based and performance oriented budgeting practices
Stop raiding earmarked “trust funds”
Right size state government, including reducing the number of entities, layers, and footprints in state government, and pursue High Performing Organization (HPO) approaches
Pursue shared services, Public/Private Partnerships and privatization options to improve economy, efficiency and effectiveness, including privatizing the DMV and eliminating dual delivery of state welfare services
Revise classification, compensation and other state human resource rules to focus on skills, knowledge and performance rather than length of service
Day and Mackey are tireless in their efforts to discredit Walker, the candidate. They wave the flag of negativity and pessimism.
The acronym has changed. From now on M.E.R.S. stands for Measuring, Employee Resistance to Sanity.
That’s where Day and Mackey have the highest scores.
We have NEVER said that we support M.E.R.S.
I thought we were just having a spirited discussion of our differences regarding a candidate. I won, right? Smiley Face!
When are you people going to wake up. Walker and all other politicians running for office will tell you anything they think you want to hear. They are all spineless liars
Ouch! Walker at least has years of running a government agency with published positive results. Hope and trust he will once again transform government agencies as he has in the past is at the very least better than those who will tell you anything. He’s hardly a politician by any stretch of the imagination. Especially when measured by CT standards.
Jennifer, Jennifer, Jennifer, really, I understand that you can’t answer the questions that I asked. David Walker resides in a city that is predominantly a city of color and ever since Walker has been in Bridgeport he has NO relationship at all with people of color.
Jennifer, the citizens of Bridgeport don’t know who David Walker is outside of Black Rock. Jennifer, if Walker is going to run on those talking points that you listed he won’t even win the Republican primary. By the way, you are in Indiana so is it you who has to cover for Walker? I would love to see 10 blacks from Bridgeport who would publicly speak up for David Walker. Walker needs to run the mayor of Black Rock.
Ron, Ron, Ron my blogging friend. Yes, I’m still in Indiana. i have many many many friends in CT. I also have been helping team Walker putting together fundraisers. I don’t walk away from friends and relationships. I don’t think I’m covering for Walker, whatever that means. I absolutely support him. I’ve had a long friendship with Mary and Dave Walker, both socially and working in various organizations and on campaigns. I’ve retired, I have a big ole mouth and am not opposed to put my beliefs on the line publicly. I usually research and make statements or observations based on my findings. Most people are far more comfortable to sit back quietly and just vote. You and I, we like to speak up and out. Somebody’s gotta do it, right? I would very much like to see you receive that which you would love to see. Keep your eyes and ears open…
Peace to you my friend.
Jennifer, that’s what I like about you, it’s your loyalty to a friend and I respect that, now that doesn’t change what I’m saying about Dave Walker.