Two years ago when Maria Pereira had a falling-out with three members of a Democratic Town Committee primary slate she had supported she literally crossed out their names and handed the palm card to voters in front of Thomas Hooker School. The three candidates did not win. Once again embroiled in a town committee tussle for a March 1 primary in the Upper East Side 138th District, a handout piece has emerged with five candidates on her slate X-ed out. This time, however, Pereira says she had nothing to do with it. Could this be gamesmanship by an opponent?
Pereira, a member of the Board of Education, issued this statement to OIB on behalf of her slate:
In response to the altered walk-piece you sent me, I would like to state for the record that after speaking/texting with all our slate members today, I am confident no one on our slate had anything to do with this politically motivated prank. This was our original flier in which just 300 were quickly printed for our Vazzy’s fundraiser which was made available on every table that night. Therefore everyone that attended had access to multiple copies of this flier.
We have not used this walk-piece for over two weeks because several people took stacks that night, therefore we ran out of the initial run quickly.
We continue to be focused on working together to win all nine seats on the DTC in the 138th.

Two years ago Pereira handed out cut cards to her voter contacts in front of the Hooker School precinct where she has a strong following, crossing out the names of town committee candidates she had supported including Pat Fardy and Ann Barney in the 138th District. Pereira was upset about some things Pat’s husband Andy Fardy wrote about her on OIB.
Pereira’s current slate faces challenges from two slates with 18 opponents so it’s possible the altered handout piece that was presented to OIB from a diner who saw it at Vinny’s Pizza in the district could have been manipulated by a challenger.

The 138th District has three slates competing with 27 candidates on tap. Pereira has forged a slate of insurgents: Michelle Fox, Angel Figueroa, Eric Alicea, Dolores Fonseca, Rafael Fonseca, Helen Losak, Andrea White and Erris Roy Allen. They are challenging a slate led by City Council members Anthony Paoletto, Nessah Smith as well as Martha Santiago, Kelly Perez, Sonia Belardo, Ty Bird, Kevin Monks, Robert Curwen Jr. and James Morton.
A third slate is also competing led by former city councilor and school board member Leticia Colon and activist Charles Hare. Jose Ramos, Lee Roy Owens, Samia Suliman, Sonia Kirkland, Martha Gil, Marybel Torres and Alfonso Rodriguez round out that slate.
This is not winner slate take all. The top nine vote producers are elected to the 90-member Democratic Town Committee that endorses candidates for public office and selects a chairman.
The West Side 132nd District and East Side 137th District also have town committee primaries.
Someone I don’t care to ID stopped by my house and showed me the paper with the checked-off candidates. First let me say this has happened with MP before and I can’t believe no one presently running with her did not piss her off. I know a number of her candidates and let me tell you they will piss her off more than once.
These people on all the slates have not done anything in this neighborhood for years. The Paolettos were only interested in getting their family jobs as is the case with the Curwen family. Maria Helen Losak’s brother is still a Bridgeport cop. Martha Santiago is another two-faced what’s it in for me. Can you believe there are 27 candidates running and maybe five deserve it?
Why would anyone on a slate cross out five members out of nine and campaign to be on the minority? What I found hard to believe is there are 27 people running in Andrew C Fardy’s district and here he is on OIB campaigning by slinging mud in below-zero temperatures.
Joel, just stating facts. Something that is foreign to you.
Maybe it is me, I just cannot see your average Bridgeport voter in the 138th picking up a piece of campaign literature for the Democratic Town Committee at Vinny’s Pizza. But this is Bridgeport. There is obviously a large pool of talent running in the 138th. It is sort of curious Ann Barney and Pat Fardy did not put a slate together. They are two very formidable women who would have been a real bonus to the district.
I personally know candidates on all the slates and wish them all well. I enjoyed a fundraiser at Vazzy’s for the Pereira slate a week or so ago that was packed. I will be attending Anthony Paoletto’s fundraiser on Monday weather permitting.
I am disappointed there will not be a primary in the 134th so I will live vicariously through those who will be having a primary in two weeks.
Steve, Pat & Ann say thanks. Pat stated she no longer wants anything to with Bridgeport politics. Pat stated there are very few interested in making Bpt a better place.
So Maria wants us to think someone who doesn’t like her went to her fundraiser and walked out with a couple of hundred walking pieces just to deface them and spread them throughout the district.
First, I must say I have underestimated the number of people who truly dislike this women and the level of dislike they have.
And secondly, if anyone knows who did this dastardly act, please let them know I want to shake their hand.
I am too busy to shake hands.
The good people in the 130th love Maria Pereira and her entire slate!
Go Pereiraettes!!!
Jim, once you get your head out of Roach’s ass, think about what you posted about MP.
Here is one for Maria P and the rest of the board.
“Good Afternoon Everyone:
Please be advised that this morning at approximately 4:30 a.m. the sprinkler in the front lobby (where you give your id to security) froze and burst. As a result, all the offices/work rooms in the main office were flooded. In addition to that, Ms. D’Andrea’s room and Mrs. Umpierre’s rooms were also flooded. (A total of 17 rooms). We will be assessing the damage and lost resources.
Fortunately, It was an absolute mess!
There are still some sprinkler/plumbing issues which we hope to have resolved shortly.
J. Simmons
After spending multi millions building a new school, is this what we can expect.
Just to let everyone know, Richard Paoletto is going to get hired by Ganim for a city job. How does that happen when Paoletto pleads guilty twice to sexual harassment? I hope all you people who voted for this guy are happy.
Andy, that rumor has been out there for three months. He has not yet been hired. Let’s see what happens.
Lennie, it will happen when the time is right. Nothing has changed with Ganim.
Andy, did you expect any difference? Paoletto has no integrity.
Quentin, I did not expect anything different from Joe Ganim. I was expecting or wishing R Christopher Meyer would be different. So far nothing has changed with that office.
Andy, what would you do if you were mayor? How would you handle the situation?