UPDATE: Testa sets endorsement date July 21 (earliest day possible)
June has arrived, time to examine Democratic Town Chair Mario Testa’s crystal ball to set a date for the party endorsement for mayor and other municipal offices in July. The date is key toward the Democratic primary lineup in September.
Bridgeport’s 90-member Democratic Town Committee will convene to endorse a candidate for mayor in July, either incumbent Mayor Bill Finch or former Mayor Joe Ganim. Mary-Jane Foster, Howard Gardner and Charlie Coviello are also in the race. The latter three are not in play for the endorsement, but could potentially influence the endorsement outcome.
Forty-six votes are required to seal the endorsement. By most accounts Finch has an edge, but Ganim’s telling political operatives he’s in striking distance of the endorsement.
Mario had a strong relationship with Ganim when he was mayor, he’s not so inclined with Finch. Mario’s not ready to throw Finch under the bus publicly. He’s also not set to stick his neck out publicly for Ganim. So what gives? Mario’s on record saying he will support the endorsed candidate, putting the burden on Ganim to get within range of the endorsement so Mario can twist a few extra votes in Joe’s direction.
According to the Connecticut Secretary of the State election calendar here, the window for major party endorsements can take place between July 21-28. The date is significant because the day after the endorsement petition papers must be made available to opponents to begin the process to secure–in the case for mayor and all citywide offices–roughly 2,000 certified signatures of city electors to qualify for the September 16 primary. It’s a laborious effort.
If Testa sets the convention date on July 21, that will allow opponents to the endorsed candidate the maximum three weeks to submit signatures. The deadline for opponents to submit petition papers to the registrar’s office is 4 p.m. August 12.
So if Ganim’s not the endorsed candidate, it provides him extra time to hustle signatures for ballot approval. The same for Foster, Gardner and Coviello. Does a large field help Ganim or Finch in the primary? Historically larger fields aid the incumbent to split up the anti vote, but with Ganim’s baggage from his conviction on federal corruption charges in 2003, will the secondary votes of Foster, Gardner and Coviello — if they do not make the primary ballot–go to Ganim or Finch? Or maybe it’s a wash?
Coviello is on the DTC from the East End so he has a vote to cast whether for himself or Ganim. He’s on record saying it will only go to himself or Ganim. Most of Coviello’s traditional support is with Ganim.
A couple of town committee members may also be amenable to Foster and Gardner.
Now consider this: what if it’s 45 DTC votes for Finch and 45 DTC votes for Ganim? Testa, as town chair, may break a tie. What will he do?
Or, if no candidate has enough votes for the endorsement, Testa could declare an open primary which means all candidates must petition onto the ballot.
The last time that happened in a Bridgeport mayoral primary was 1983. As a result, Democrat Charlie Tisdale became the first African American in Bridgeport to win his party’s nomination. He lost the general election to Republican incumbent Lenny Paoletta.
Mayor Finch is a two-term incumbent who is fighting to get his own party’s endorsement. Someone told me if Joe gets the endorsement over Finch, it is the equivalent of “pushing Finch down a flight of stairs.” Not a very pretty picture.
Personally, I would rather petition onto the ballot. It requires a true grassroots effort where thousands of voters are signing a petition because they agree voters should have choices.
Maria P., it would most likely be more humiliating than that. But it would not be Bill Finch standing alone with shit on his face. Yes folks, you need to see the disgusting visual. If Joe Ganim were to get the nod in some parallel universe, who is really being screwed? Bill Finch or the entire city of Bridgeport? The ripple effect would be overwhelming. The city will again become a laughing stock. Development would stop. State support would slow and what hope would there be? None. For all those who wanted to overthrow the Democratic town committee because of cronyism is just bringing it back. Sad. Very very very sad. Let’s face it. Any members of the town committee are not extremely bright or sophisticated. I still can’t see them supporting Ganim. Development will be the only ticket to reduce property taxes. Be honest, no developer is going to find our city attractive. It really is going to be a two-man fight and again most likely a yawn. In politics it really comes down to the money. We know Finch is edging toward $500,000 and Ganim has $100,000 not including the check Jim Fox promised to write. What about Foster, Gardner, Coviello and Daniels?
Finch has been Mayor for close to eight years. Because he is so “honest and ethical,” I guess there has been an abundance of development which in turn has reduced your real estate taxes. Am I correct, Steve? The reality, Steve, is real estate taxes have increased approximately 50% under Mayor Finch.
Where is the evidence developers and the state will stop investing in Bridgeport? I know, there is none. It is just political spin.
Sorry Maria, Mayor Finch has been Mayor almost eight years. Ganim had been Mayor 10 years during the most vibrant economy with nothing to show for it. As much as I’d love to go back and forth on this topic, let me be clear. The only way the city will ever have taxes reduced is through economic development and job creation. The is no other ticket other than fire every cop and firemen and closing down city hall, stop fixing the roads etc. etc. etc. We have more development happening in the city now than in the past five decades. Furthermore, the people of this city are just not that stupid. Without major development every homeowner can expect their taxes to continue to go up. Our reputation for high taxes has been here way before Finch took office. Now of course I appreciate all the other candidates and their rhetoric. Personally, I do not care what individuals have a problem with Finch. He has had many missteps but his accomplishments far outweigh them and he has $500,000 to get his message out.
On a side note, can someone in the know please explain how we have a beautiful pier by the railroad station that is used by a very few. No planters or picnic tables. To me it would be a perfect place for downtown workers to go and enjoy lunch as well as a positive marketing tool for housing. If I were the city I would get together with downtown developers and the DSSD and get some flowers and picnic tables there. We can watch Steelpointe development over the next 20 years. That development as well as other projects will eventually lower our taxes.
Maria P., Joe Ganim would just be wasting time over the next four years as I understand the bill stopping convicted felons from running would go into effect January 1.
It’s all about bricks and mortar, not about helping one man get a paycheck and increase his pension while the city becomes stagnant again for four years.
You do realize Steelpointe is a part of its own taxing district. That area will do nothing to lower the taxes in the rest of the city.
Eric, I am aware a portion of their taxes may be Steelpointe specific but not only is Steelpointe the catalyst for the entire city rejuvenation but they will eventually be paying taxes when the the abatements and all disappear. Steelpointe is part of Bridgeport and not an island unto itself.
Steve, how are you feeling? You forgot to take the pads and ointment I gave you.
As for: “… but not only is Steelpointe the catalyst for the entire city rejuvenation but they will eventually be paying taxes when …”
Sound like I may have to repeat the treatment in the future–too early to tell. In the ’80s we were sold the same pipe dream and bullshit. People’s Bank Headquarters was supposed to be the catalyst for the entire city’s rejuvenation.
The bank has proven to be one of the biggest problems for Bridgeport. The Billions of dollars they manage (including our tax dollars) and let any little guy or dreamer in Bridgeport try to get a loan or assistance from them. I will soon take all my $$$ and put it somewhere else in Bridgeport. I suggest everyone doing business with People’s Bank do the same and I guarantee that we’ll see a change in attitude.
Lennie, any thoughts here, or do you need a treatment from me.
I know where Steelpointe is. A taxing district has boundaries. For instance Norwalk has six taxing districts. Each district has its own power company. Residents of the third taxing district do not pay taxes in the first, and vice versa. Each district has its own mil rate, although they are very close. This is in essence what Steelpointe is. It will not benefit the city’s tax base for many years.
Eric, I’ll concede everything you are saying. That being said, Finch doesn’t deserve kudos for getting shovels in the ground? I am not sure of your point. Is this somehow not a plus for the city but a talking point for Ganim? What say you?
Maria, if you paid property taxes you would understand a 50 percent increase in taxes in 8 years would guarantee a win for Charlie Coviello. So who are you going to use that rap with? People who do not pay taxes or homeowners who understand? My taxes have gone up and I live in the North End. My home has gone up but 50 percent is beyond a gross exaggeration. However, taxes will only go down with major economic development which will be as abysmal as it was under Ganim’s first 10 years.
You really need evidence development will slow? Really??? You do the study and bring that rap to the voters.
My point is lipstick on a pig is still a pig. What’s the point of development if it doesn’t effect the bottom line? My son will soon be four, when some of these tax deals being proposed expire he will be 44. Shovels in the ground … really! Steelpointe will be Bridgeport’s version of Atlantic City, it’s beautiful on the inside while the rest of the city crumbles. Bass Pro shoppers will not venture past the left-hand turn to head south on I-95. Just same as when people patronize the Arena and Ballpark, our extra-duty officers wave them through back to the highway. Furthermore, low-paying sales jobs will not start an economic boom that will start allowing people to make a living wage.
As a true public school supporter I will not be casting my vote for Finch.
Steve, politically speaking you’re full of packed shit. Lucky for you, Lennie Grimaldi has signed off on my OIB license to practice at the new OIB clinic to treat people suffering from such illness–full of shit syndrome. I am glad and honored that you are my first patient and have chosen to come in for our treatment. You always have your mouth opened wide. Take this Publictical Laxative and wash it down with this milk provided by my OIB friend, Milkman. You can swallow now! Now bend over and relax your muscle. Here comes the Publictical Enema:
If what you have written above is true–you and others stated it time and time again–explain all of this:
Why is it that despite the highly publicized Joe Ganim scandal and conviction, the Ganim family law firms have continued to prosper and grow? Your head has been up Finch’s ass that you haven’t seen the new Paul Ganim law office at the intersection of Park and Capitol Avenue, yet you have been able to see the development on Steal (do not correct spelling) Point. Why is it that Joe Ganim’s brother is still the Bridgeport Probate judge? Why is it that after Joe Ganim was sent to prison, an envelop full of cash mailed to the wrong address (during the Fabrizi administration) leading to a city employee and a developer being convicted, Bridgeport seems to maintain its course? What has happened to Bridgeport after the Fabrizi cocaine and child molester scandal? The Ernie Newton scandal? Why is it that the city’s financial collapse during the five years of Fabrizi and Andres Ayala led to Ayala’s acceptance into Governor Malloy’s inner circle and Fabrizi into Bill Finch’s inner circle? You don’t think that the corruption still continues to this day? The second Ernie Newton Scandal? The Christina Ayala scandal?
Despite all of these facts, you, the Finch administration and its supporters have maintained that “Bridgeport is getting better every day.” How many tax increases have we had since Bill Finch was elected and why are businesses coming in to Steal Point? I’ll answer this one for you. Because the Bridgeport tax payers will have to pay for it. Under performing and under budgeted schools that get better every day. Why is it that Bridgeport Police Officers and even the FBI Agent who led the Ganim probe believe that Joe Ganim deserves an opportunity and has paid for his offenses. Why is it that for over decades, many Bridgeport residents have been stating that they would vote for Joe Ganim again if he ran for mayor, even when he was in prison serving his sentence? Keep this in mind, only a very small number of people know that all the contracts for which Joe Ganim was convicted were negotiated and approved for a full City Council vote or NO BID CONTRACTS (like $1 millon for Fabrizi’s brother) by none other than the Chairman of the City Council’s Contracts and Appointment Committee, Bill Finch for the signature of Mayor Joseph P. Ganim. Why was it that when I first revealed this important fact here on OIB over seven (7) years ago, Bill Finch cut the funding for my security guard position at the Beardsley ZOO? I support Joe Ganim because he was the best mayor we had. Joe Ganim has paid a dear price for his role and the only difference between him and others is not having been caught by the law yet. He will never break the law again as he personally knows the consequences better than anyone. The only things that our justice system could not take from him is his experience in running a city like Bridgeport and the love and trust Bridgeporters still have for him. Moe Grimaldi (she’s my nurse) please bring in the next patient.
Thank you Dr. Gonzalez.
Constipation (also known as musto-stiveness[1] or Finch-chezia[2]) refers to bowel movements that are infrequent or hard to pass.[2] Constipation is a common cause of painful defecation. Severe constipation includes obstipation (failure to pass stools or gas) and fecal impaction, which can progress to bowel obstruction and become life-threatening.
Musto-stipation is a symptom with many causes. These causes are of two types: obstructed of the mouth defecation and colonic slow transit (or hypomobility). About 50% of all taxpayers evaluated for constipation at tertiary referral hospitals have obstructed defecation.[3] This type of constipation has mechanical and functional causes. Causes of colonic slow transit constipation include diet, hormonal disorders such as hypothyroidism, side effects of medications, and rarely heavy metal toxicity. Because constipation is a symptom, not a disease, effective treatment of the Finch constipation may require removal from office. Treatments include changes voting habits, laxatives, enemas, biofeedback, and in particular situations surgery may be required.
Constipation is common on OIB; in the general population incidence of constipation varies from 2 to 30%.
Get well soon Stevie, Joe needs you!
Jimfox and Joel Gonzalez, well said.
Maria, have you been eating or smoking your magic squares? May I get one?
Maybe Maria is serving them to the Connecticut legislature.
Steve and Lennie, I swear I have not eaten or “smoked” a single magic square. Scout’s honor. 🙂
Joel, those of us who know Rowland thought he would never break the law again after his conviction, and in spite of his learning his lesson and contrite and humble words, he is headed back to prison. How can you be so positive Joe will not do the same? The whole country was prosperous during the years Joe was mayor. However, to Steve’s point, what development took place in Bridgeport compared to Shelton, Stamford, while Joe was in office? Yes, we had no tax increases, we also had no revals–and about a $50 million debt on the books when Joe left office. Bridgeport depends on State money to survive. Bridgeport delegation has had to work for years to prove this city’s integrity because of our former mayor’s racketeering conviction, ask any of them how hard getting our fair share of funding has been. Do you consider this might be a setback for our city on this issue? Yes, I give Joe credit for no tax increases and for his crime prevention success. I however do not hear any positive feedback about Joe being elected from outside of Bridgeport from legislators to developers. As loved as Joe is, as rosy as the years were while he was mayor, we are not a walled-off city, we are too dependent on this state to ignore our image. And he was robbing us while serving, robbing us of our reputation and our future growth.
Jennifer, I’m glad you mentioned Stamford. “What development took place in Bridgeport compared to Shelton, Stamford” Stamford WOULD BE IN OUR PLACE AND US IN THEIRS. DURING JOE’S TENURE, THERE WASN’T ANYTHING PLANNED FOR STAMFORD EXCEPT FOR THE TRAIN STATION AND SOME IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULED FOR THE MALL.
The point person on what was then “Harbor Point” (they even kept the name?) in Bridgeport was Mike Friemuth (the best ECONOMIC DIRECTOR IN THE STATE) who left Bridgeport to do what’s been done in Stamford using the very same contacts fostered through relationships with Joe Ganim. Do not believe developers will avoid doing business in Bridgeport if Joe gets elected, the developers will be much more apt to do business with an administration that is supported by its citizens then one that is looked upon with distaste by them. (What we have now because they are LIARS! DID I TELL YOU HOW ADAM WOOD SHOOK MY HAND AND LIED TO ME IN FRONT OF THE DISTRICT LEADERS AND MEMBERS OF THE DTC WHILE ON THE PHONE WITH HIS LEADER our Mayor?)
Hector Diaz, I am well aware of your great admiration for Mike Freimuth and the outstanding job he has done in Stamford. I had worked in Stamford for six years and I will tell you Stamford was booming in the ’80s and has been growing ever since with a slight blip for a few years. During Ganim’s time in office through prosperous times nothing of substance happened here. You my friend are beyond deluded to even imagine let alone verbalize you could actually believe any developer would even consider doing business in Bridgeport. Lucky for Bridgeport, we have an individual as competent and knowledgeable on all of Bridgeport’s issues, Ed Lavernoich. I have to say Hector, I cannot even imagine how you can possibly sell this bullshit to any voters. I just cannot even imagine.
Steve, what I remember of Stamford was the puzzle building and the round projects you could see from 95. I remember Swiss Bank and how it demolished a perfectly good building to build another. There were no conversations about Stamford in Hartford at the time other than the Swiss Bank thing. What I sell to those who would buy from me is based on my relationship with them and more often than not has to do with my personal feelings. As far as nothing getting done during the Ganim years, EVERYTHING YOU SEE NOW WAS STARTED THEN AND WE HAD CONTROL NOT THE DEVELOPER, NOT THE LEGISLATURE, US.
Hector, Joe gave Steelpointe to Conway to line his pockets with $500,000 for his gubernatorial campaign. There was no public input or anything. Fabrizi and Finch brought this to fruition. Ganim took the homes from the minorities through eminent domain 20 years before necessary at low prices and you imagine they are loving him? Imagine waterfront property pennies on the dollar. And who was representing the constituents at the time? Ganim did some good but he did more harm than anything. There are voters today who were in kindergarten when Ganim was in office. Did you imagine $500,000 was not going to be spent on educating them? Ganim has totally eclipsed Foster’s campaign. And she is silent on the Ganim years.
Steve, I believe it was Bedco that initiated the push for eminent domain once people started resisting their offers. Trivia question for ANYONE:
WHO WORKED FOR BEDCO AT THE TIME? Hint, he’s an elected official now.
Jennifer Buchanan, hello my dear and welcome back to the Park (Finch keeps adding more) City.
I went to Harborview Market to see you on Saturday and I was told you left with OIB Bridgeport Kid. Hmmm. I’m (kid)ding, he and I had a nice conversation before I left. I’m looking at your test results and I’m “positive” you are free (negative test) of full-of-shit syndrome. Had you tested positive by the way, OIB clinic policy requires I use the same enema on all patients. There are no other patients coming yet so we can chat in the meantime. I am not positive of a lot of things and what would Joe Ganim do in the future is one.
We can’t evenly compare Ganim and Rowland. Rowland did just 10 months in federal prison, didn’t lose his home, marriage, license to practice, pay a really heavy monetary fine of which the federal government did not give any to the City of Bridgeport as I believe. Joe Ganim robs us, the feds catch him and keeps all the proceeds of the probe? A $35,000 payment for doing some political consulting work for a candidate who was concerned about the negative attacks that would come from hiring a convicted person is not corruption in my book. The only reason the feds arranged a probe was because the candidate who filed the complaint was a former FBI agent who pulled strings to investigate what he suspected. The FBI did not conduct the probe because it was a conflict of interest. The FBI reached out to the Postal Inspector General. I once went to the FBI office on Lafayette to request they look into possible federal violations with information and documents containing red flags. The agent’s demeanor was unprofessional and I’ve been treated better by street thugs. He wanted me to provide smoking guns with bodies before they considered looking at anything. Are you positive there hasn’t been any corruption in Shelton and Stamford?
“Bridgeport delegation has had to work for years to prove this city’s integrity because of our former mayor’s racketeering conviction–ask any of them how hard getting our fair share of funding has been.”
You must be kidding me here. Wasn’t it because the Republican Governor didn’t care about Bridgeport that we were not getting our fair share? They are still blaming the Republicans for the very mess they created. The very same Bridgeport delegation made up mostly of former city council members who violated the city charter by accepting payment for their service? The very same group who knows where the bodies are provided the shovels used? The play along to get along crew and make me a Judge or DMV commissioner if I help you? The developers who are afraid to speak against the ways development deals and selection of developers are conducted? DiNardo? Beep, Beep, Beep … Excuse me, I have to answer this page. A patient may be in need of treatment.
Not sure where to start here. Long after the Republicans left the seat our delegation had real problems getting other towns to back them in funding for Bridgeport projects. Time in prison is time in prison, and neither Rowland nor Joe want to go back there, but some people just do not change. Attorneys know the laws and the loopholes in Bridgeport, anything is legal as long as you don’t get caught could be the city government’s motto Why elect, rinse and repeat if there is the slightest possibility of yet another loop hole to dive into? Was it not under Joe the first city employee was elected to city council? If not the first, it was certainly done under his watch. More than once. Most people I know who know Joe like him, just not his politics. I understand Finch displaced you in your job, so I completely understand your desire to see him defeated.
Beep beep beep … Sal DiNardo, a major contributor to all of Joe Ganim’s runs … beep beep beep you need something a little more powefrul than an enema. A frontal lobotomy couldn’t cure your delusions.
Cracking the Ganim Code on taxes
Just because it happened during his time doesn’t mean it wasn’t coincidental. While others have credited The Governor or a robust economy, it was the savings and loan restructuring that brought mega-deficit dollars to Bridgeport, re-liquidating its housing market while the weak economy produced a mini-deflation that kept prices low, erasing the need to raise taxes.
Maybe the reason Ganim couldn’t handle success is because Ganim didn’t produce success. Bush (41) is the best thing that ever happened to Joe Ganim. Bush (43) is the worst thing to happen to Mayor Finch, who’s been Mayor during some of Bridgeport’s darkest hours.
Joel Gonzalez and Jim Fox. I do appreciate both of your most talented posts. Seriously. There are a few points I’d like to make. Hopefully for the last time. First, Joe Ganim’s family law firm is prosperous simply because they are good at what they do. They are talented individuals. Joe Ganim was convicted and went to jail. The Ganim family did not join him. I have most certainly seen Paul Ganim’s new office on the corner of Capitol and Park. It used to be Jewish Family services. I wish them all well. I like Joe Ganim, I would not want anyone to imagine I do not like or respect him. To be clear, I do. The comments I made are based in reality. It is the reputation of the city I care about. It is not necessary to suggest my head is up Mayor Finch’s ass. I prefer baseball caps. I think Mayor Finch has gotten the ball rolling on development. As of today, I can assure you I have not been tapped to play any role in the Finch administration, and I do even question why I waste my breath chatting with all with these anti-Finch people. Much to the chagrin of many, I am not on the payroll. It is all about what is best for Bridgeport and our reputation. Patronage and corruption is just a sad reality. I know many would like to imagine Ganim is gaining momentum. He is not. If he is I say good for him. If he is not I say good for the city of Bridgeport. If Foster addressed Ganim she might get press. Ganim is wise to treat her as a non-issue and … enough said. I appreciate the enthusiasm of Joel, Jim, Lisa, Hector and all the rest and I do not expect you to change allegiance. I wish all well. The future of Bridgeport is at stake and this will be a call to arms.
Omg and of course Maria! The number-one Ganim cheerleader.
Steve, I believe you can understand my feelings about liars in politics and how important an issue that is. If you were to mention a situation or number of situations where one of the candidates openly lied to you, it would definitely have an impact on my feelings for that candidate and his/her integrity. I have been posting and know many of the readers are aware of the lies I write of from them being present at one of the three times this happened. I also believe this will have an impact on their votes at the convention.
Please help me understand how Joe did not lie to you (and all of us) while acting as mayor, and he was an attorney who knew better, by lining his own pockets, leaving us with an estimated 50 million deficit, his oath of office violated , yet it appears you consider him more honorable than any other candidate? I really do not understand and would really like to.
What he did is done on every level of politics and in some even sanctioned what the current administration did to me and possibly everyone else is never done (or shouldn’t be).
Hector, honestly, what Jennifer is asking is exactly what all non-Ganim supporters are asking. We just cannot wrap our heads around your support of Ganim as though he were innocent and did not destroy the reputation of our city. What he did was reprehensible. Again, any other individual, many of your constituents could not gain employment at McDonalds for minor convictions. Save the rhetoric that he served his time. So did Ernie Newton and so did John Rowland and they are hack in the saddle again. Having the former FBI agent who brought Ganim down as a supporter is so comical it is surreal.
I believe him to be the ONLY leader in the bunch. The fact he’s spoken to and has been in the company of people the other candidates will never speak to or understand also, makes him the best choice in my opinion.
Hector, I am in Hartford sitting in the gallery to find out exactly how many of the members of the Bridgeport delegation are “liars in politics.”
Let’s see if anyone in our delegation makes an amendment to remove the funding for the two new new charter schools. Let’s see if they show some leadership and courage and vote no on the budget.
Most importantly, let’s see if they keep their word. Let’s see if we have any “liars in politics” within our Bridgeport delegation.
I do admire your follow-through and involvement in causes you believe in. Sincerely, thank you for your dedication to Bridgeport public school education.
Amen. Andre Baker and Dave Hennessey are perfect examples of this. Still sitting in the gallery overlooking the House of Representatives. Waiting to see if there are any of these same individuals within the Bridgeport delegation, besides Andre Baker of course. I may be here until after midnight from what I have been told. Maybe I should have brought a pillow.
Correlation is not the same as causation. The general economy was much stronger during Ganim’s years in office and he had little or nothing to do with that. He borrowed $350 million to fund the pension plan and lost 40-50% of the money in the subsequent market decline. He also engaged in multiple corrupt activities that embarrassed him and the City and caused him to spend time in prison. If the legal profession won’t give him his law license back, why should he be able to run for office again? He breached the public trust and engaged in corruption multiple times! I spoke at a national meeting of major developers in Miami Beach in April and several major players had personal experiences with the Ganim Administration. They made it clear no major developers would want to deal with another Ganim Administration. If Ganim is endorsed or elected, it will draw negative press nationwide and major developers will not want invest in Bridgeport. You must grow the tax base faster than the budget in order to lower taxes over time. Finch has failed this test repeatedly and Ganim can’t attract needed development. Neither one of them should be acceptable as Mayor if you want a better future for our city.
Let’s remember it was Mayor Ganim who borrowed $350 million to fund the pension plan and lost 40-50% of the money in the subsequent market decline and that was not caused by the firefighters and the police officers.
Dave Walker,
You are correct about developers avoiding the city if Ganim is re-elected. They still avoid the city because of the 5% needed to play in this city. The fact Mario still rules the roost is an adverse cause and effect.
Dave, you know better than that. Developers will go where the best deal is, regardless of who the Mayor is. What they want to know is whoever is in charge has the support of its citizens.
As I recall, Trump walked from Bridgeport development because of Joe and his pay-to-play policy. I am sure I can find other developers who did the same. As much as I like you and your thoughts on this subject, a nationally known and respected authority on government accountability practices might have a bit more of the inside track on the intentions of national developers. If you are referring to our local “tax abate me for 30+ years, or I do not pay millions of taxes I owe” developers, then you might be correct. But I ask, have they not taken advantage of us for decades long enough?
Shelton and its reputation right now is a prime example. Developers are in line to do business there even with the rumors that have plagued it since they started developing.
And where has the line of developers been in Bridgeport for the last 20 years? To your point, the major developers in Shelton went to jail for taking kickbacks (or something similar) and his business is still booming, because he is and was not an elected official I would argue. Sorry, but there is a record of 12 years with not only minor, but illegal development accomplished which lined the pockets of few.
Hector, have you checked out Shelton’s tax level, balance sheet, and off-balance sheet obligations versus Bridgeport? If you did and were a developer, you would go there, too. Scinto wanted to develop Bridgeport but decided not to because of the governing and financial situation in Bridgeport. Everything in the world is relative. We have tough competition less than two miles away in every direction that does not result in being in the Long Island Sound.
Not true. Yes, the deal matters but most developers are concerned with the law and their reputation and they want to deal with political officials who are committed to the same. They also don’t need to deal with Bridgeport to be in this area.
For the past 10-plus years Ganim has not been our mayor, so what is the excuse of these major developers not coming to Bridgeport?
Time … As in is the city trustworthy. Being known nationwide as a pay to play city, while Joe was caught and convicted of this–the city reputation, no matter who was in office kept the title and reputation, the long-term, far-reaching effect did major harm for years.
Why did they continue to do business with all the players from Ganim’s administration as in Stamford?
Were they, the mayor or city convicted of pay to play?
Jennifer, if Rick Torres wins, will this be his excuse when development doesn’t materialize? It’s been part of the Bill Finch excuse, you pointed out that’s the excuse of the folks at the Capitol/Bridgeport delegation.
I hope the folks from Black Rock are not assuming I am anti-Rick Torres or anyone for that matter just because I believe people can fall from grace and come back and do good things given the opportunity. I’ve been there, no one believed in me, used my past as evidence or their best argument to keep me from serving my community and the City of Bridgeport. If I were to run for mayor of Bridgeport, the trolls will really come out against me no matter how many years have passed since and the many things I’ve done to make this city what it can and should be. Just because most of the candidates for office have no criminal past doesn’t and has never meant crap to me. At one point, Joe Ganim didn’t have a negative like a criminal conviction. What makes you the reader or candidates for any office past, present, or future so sure you won’t end up in the same predicament? It’s so ironic how so many attacking Joe Ganim for his mistake are doing it on the blog owned by one of the convicted co-defendant of the Ganim administration.
Tax abatement and development:
An incentive to encourage development in struggling parts of the country is standard. Rick was the only no vote for a 60 year tax abatement to a 600 unit apartment building and store combined project. Is this type of tax abatement incentive or insanity?
Rick now has every council member looking at every project and abatement requests, and voting no to the most egregious. For many years, the vote was a unanimous yes to 30- and 40-year abatements.
Land value taxing, where vacant property is taxed at its highest use developed value, even if vacant.
For three years Bridgeport was eligible for a land value tax pilot program, all they had to do was apply. Our state reps knew about this program, our city council members knew about this, but did not inform the citizens, hold hearings or forums on this. They ignored this program. Rick, once elected, attended the state-sponsored seminar about the pilot program then worked for months lobbying the city to apply for the Land Value Tax pilot, they applied, after the deadline with a request for an extension.
This mayor wants to grow the city by double the size, which, if he were also being prudent in growing the tax base to support this expansion, it would be a great thing. These long-term tax-abated projects, the $1 billion spent on new school construction (rather than a more reasonable budget to expand and renovate) is doing nothing but reducing the tax base, and increasing the tax burden on homeowners.
With companies like O&G owning about 40 acres throughout the city, and paying about $40K a year total in taxes would stop under programs Rick has worked to implement. The reality is, developers sit on vast property in this city and with such a low tax bill, they have no reason to sell or develop until the city offers them incentives in either abatements or keeping the land use value tax out of Bridgeport.
Would this succeed with Rick at the helm? Seems like we have tried everything except this, so why not give it a try. And this is one big part of how Pittsburgh was able to recover after the steel mills folded, similar to when manufacturing left Bridgeport.
Joe Ganim. Likeable guy. Has done his time and payment for being greedy. We may all love him in Bridgeport, and long for the days long ago when he was mayor. We were all doing better financially and Joe did a lot of law and order and beautification work that benefited us. My concern is and has always been, how do we look to the outside, those who want to move or invest here if we elect the same man who (went to federal prison) to do the same job. If developers came forward and said, I have no problem working with Joe in office and will invest in Bridgeport, I would feel much more comfortable. That being said, with this administration and their out-of-control development agenda that is crippling every single homeowner in this city, perhaps no new development in this city would be better than what we have now.
Jennifer–I admire your insightful posts. I am compelled to say the day will never come when prominent developers will come to Bridgeport if Ganim is elected. Not just Trump, but Scinto amongst others hit the ground running when he laid out his self-serving game plan to them and how much he expected them to pay him to play. He set Bridgeport’s development back by more than a decade and left the mayors who took the helm after after him in a quandry. Just my opinion but why is he even being considered by seemingly intelligent people as the light at the end of the tunnel?
Actually Andy, now the developers are looking at Bridgeport as the economy finally is rebounding. We are having more development in the city now under the Finch administration than we have in the past 50 years. It is a fact and being in denial does not make another candidate appear stronger.
Steve, why are we the only place in the WORLD that considers “Chipotle” a major development? When they open anywhere else it’s much like an opening for Dunkin Donuts.
It is indeed sad, due to our reputation small victories are cause for a major celebration.
Chipotle is not a major development, Hector. It is minor. It is just a tiny component of a huge billion dollar plan. People shopping at BassPro will eat there and have coffee. People living there and staying at hotels there may appreciate it. I know by belittling these developments you can try to diminish the success Finch has achieved with Steelpointe. Jim Fox and Bob Walsh would have preferred the land to remain vacant and litter-strewn. Hector, the construction is exciting and it will not help Joe Gwnim. He has no plan or platform . What he does have are some friends who want to see him succeed and that is most commendable.
Incompetence by and conflicts within City government, slow approvals, and the City’s poor financial condition just to name a few. In addition, it takes many years to repair a City’s image while it does not take long to do serious harm to it!
So Dave, when we led the nation in murders we were more attractive than when the Mayor who stabilized crime went to jail?
To show the momentum Ganim is having I urge you to look at the Joel G. and Jim F. posts. They are posts of utter desperation.
Jennifer Buchanan and David Walker. Both posts are on the money and the message that will go out as Bridgeport has to relieve our darkest hours over the next few months.
Post of utter desperation? Buchanan and Walker are dying to sell their homes and leave. The very points they’ve raised, I had raised them too. You haven’t backed your statements a single time I’ve pointed out its flaws.
Joel, I do not think David Walker and Jennifer B. are supporting Ganim. I do not believe they think he is the answer.
Yes Joel, like over 45% of the citizens of CT, I want out of this spend and then tax us state. Sixteen years ago when I moved here from Westport, Bridgeport was a city on the rise, a good investment, so I was sold and told. I think waiting 16 years is long enough. And my family is not here. And they miss me. And I miss them.
You must grow the tax base faster than the budget in order to lower taxes over time.
Steve and other Finch supporters, a question, in his seven years in office what has happened to the Net Taxable Grand List? Please post the last 10 years of results for the several categories that are taxable? (Please be sure to provide an appendix for all properties that have received some abatement or special tax deal and therefore are not paying 100% of taxes due per application of the mil rate to their assessed value.)
Then review the work of our fiscal watchdogs for that same time period. The minutes of the Annual Budget Process will indicate many department budgets are not reviewed (out of bounds), during the year transfers are not subject to Council review or notice, and the ignorance of grants and employee figures each month (although available to BOE reviewers) eliminates a significant story line for Council members in their work. But then they leave half the stipend amount intact and on average about 90% of their Other Services budget also totaling upwards of $170,000 annually that gets spent elsewhere by the City … but where? Shouldn’t watchdogs know that? Shouldn’t they be curious that it is happening in other Departments as well? What are City Watchdogs being fed? What type of diet leads to failure to stand up, use your nose to investigate, growl or bark once in a while? Time will tell.
John Marshall Lee, I think it is time to look to the future. Your selective questions for this administration without addressing the equally disturbing numbers from every administration is just silly. The question is, Is Mayor Finch laying the groundwork for a prosperous future and is there another candidate who can improve our chances for a better future without stopping the forward momentum? Time will tell.
When it comes to finances, you remain blissfully unaware and that is silly!!! Think of this as a professional educator, as a teacher might. As a writer or speaker I am attempting to get my audience to understand the current situation. I am not teaching history. I am talking about current governance.
You are so wrapped up in supporting the Finch administration because of some shovels in the ground, some green signs costing $165 each from a business in Monroe no less to trumpet street paving that is a normal City item, and something happening at SPIID you never ask about what it cost, where the $$$ come from or what it may mean in the future.
So what happened in the Ganim or Fabrizi administrations is not my subject until the class of readers on OIB becomes much more familiar with the subject of Finch governance and the lack of fiscal governance (checks and balance including good WATCHDOGS). We are nowhere near there based on my comments last night to the CC and the response.
“Forward momentum” that fails to understand the fiscal underpinning is looking to a scaffold that will fail to serve the future, but fail under pressure. When the Council passes budgets that are not real or when the Council fails in oversight, a real WATCHDOG role, we are not served and neither ultimately is your “forward momentum.” Are you content with the financial information you currently receive through your Council person? Isn’t that a problem? Time will tell.
G-d Bless you, JML–you just keep hammering away. Yes, shovels in the ground and green is about all that excites me these days. Joe Ganim was Mayor for 10 years. If you cannot address his governance, I will assume your post is just a negative anti-Finch post and yes I am a Finch supporter and your post just becomes noise to me. I appreciate the questions you ask to those in office. It is not place to answer or defend. All you need to know until notified otherwise, I am supporting the shovels in the ground and the cranes in the air. I will let you and David Walker discuss your favorite topics. I will bet if you and David Walker and myself were put in separate rooms and asked to improve the quality of life and desirability of this city and how to attract and market the city I believe I will take the prize over numbers guys who lack enthusiasm and hope. I have a friend who is a genius. He is my best friend. I often wonder what is the common denominator. The guy reads medical journals and is a computer genius. What he doesn’t have is very sad. Common Sense. He can answer nearly any question posed and the conversations are outrageously intense. But he has no common sense and I am afraid you lack that also so when you take your act on the road and talk to potential voters. Let’s try a little optimistic cheerleading about your hope and vision for the city. Numbers are dry, boring and as you have seen on this blog, few are listening and fewer appreciate. I appreciate your wealth of knowledge on the budget but it is not my topic of interest. I majored in Psychology and Business and Marketing. I am not into numbers or I would have been an accountant. So please address your well-thought-out posts to somebody who has the time to respond in a robotic thoughtful manner. If I run for Mayor I will consult you. I am sure MJF and GANIM have already done so. I will always surround myself with people more knowledgeable as I am sure most Mayors do. Talk to me about building up the city, marketing the city and attracting business to the city and addressing the image and then sir, you will be talking my language. Otherwise, it is not for me on this blog.
BTW–regarding my council people Paniccia and Lyons I have never asked for information that was not given in a timely fashion. I voted for them to think for me. If I have a major issue I will call them and they will always be available because my councilwomen do an awesome job!!!
Steve, you used many words to explain you have no interest in how “other people’s money” is handled including your own dollars. So I will give you a sandbox, some Tonka toys and invite you to play games so when you grow up you will be ready to consider how all resources may be used for the people’s long-term benefit, rather than momentary emotional excitation when a bulldozer passes. “Other people’s money” is what is spent by the Finch administration without fully meeting the requirements of the Charter or the Ordinances. Do they care? They do not seem to. When tax money arrives at City Hall it has no direction stamped on it, does it? It gets its orders from Sherwood, and Adam Wood, and Andy Nunn, oh yeah, and we mustn’t forget Mayor Finch, and Construction Management Services with School Building Committee members. Who are they? Exactly. How much money? Hundreds of millions during the Finch administration.
Was it effective? Is it effective? Who needs to watch it so you can remain uninvolved and uncritical, though you have sold some real estate recently. Why aren’t you holding for the inevitable gain you predict the Finch administration will bring to Bridgeport property owners? Time will tell.
JML, why why why me? Please just give me my damned Tonka toys and let me play in my sandbox. Better yet, just shoot me now! 🙂
Steven, a 60-year tax abatement on a 600 apartment unit project is allowing every homeowner without a tax abatement to foot the bill for city services. So is a 40-year and 30-year abatement. I argue this policy is not solid groundwork, this administration’s agenda has moved from incentive to develop to taxpayer burden insanity.
Jennifer, please refresh my memory as I must be brain dead this morning. Who has a 60-year tax abatement for 600 units of housing? Seriously, please respond immediately. I would only agree to a 20-year abatement as the max.
On the property being developed on the South End in the old Marina Village site.
Isn’t that the Marina Village replacement housing by the Arena?
Another interesting part of this is, where will the MJF and Gardner block of DTC votes go in the endorsement voting? A few Black Rock DTC members are supporting MJF. With Danny Roach as Joe’s supporter, will they go with their DTC leader?
Jennifer, if all she has is Black Rock, there is a council seat open she may be better suited for.
She has the esteemed Senators Moore and Gomes. I would imagine they can whip up a few votes.
MJF has no more than three DTC votes. I believe two in Danny Roach’s district and one in Lisa Parziale’s district. She has zero in Ralph Ford’s, Scott Hughes’, Steve Nelson’s, Gil Hernandez’s and Chris Rosario’s districts.
And those three votes could decide who the endorsed candidate is, and while asking for vote commitments gives a candidate political clout, until the day arrives and votes are actually cast no one knows for certain what the outcome will be. A convention worth attending this year for sure!
These three votes could make a difference in the endorsement, however not for MJF.
I would love to see an open primary where every candidate has to petition onto the ballot.
I did not mean MJF could win. Her delegate votes, once they are encouraged to change could win for one of the two strongest candidates. I do like your open primary idea. That would be worth the price of admission!
Has Gomes committed? I wasn’t aware.
Hmmm–I recall this conversation with you as the candidate.
They could help her get elected for councilwoman, she’d just about walk on without Rick in the race, why not learn a little something about Robert’s Rules of Order, etc.
Esteemed? Do your research.
Okay, in my eyes they are esteemed. You may use whatever title you wish in your posts.
Or maybe voters in Black Rock will listen to their digital heartbeat:
www .BlackRockCTUSA.com
Thanks to the Almighty I do not have to cast a vote in Bridgeport. For many years I was a member of the DTC. I was also one of the three Vice-Chairs, in name only, for a few terms. If I did have a vote I would think take a walk and not give a proxy to anyone. I would not want the proxy to follow his/her feelings and not mine. Since I do not have a vote, I would likely give it to the incumbent, Bill Finch. I would not play games with dates, tie breaks, etc.
I believe in second chances. However, for politicians of any race or color who were convicted in a court of law for corruption while in office, the “second chance” should not be run for the same office again. Get a regular job like the rest of us non-politicians. Even if rehabilitated, I would personally take a pause in voting for anyone with that baggage.
cmvazquez, very informative post. Since you were once in a political position of power in Bridgeport, I’d say you, as a former insider, know more than most people.
Hi Godiva2011, Cmvazquez, welcome to the OIB webzine. You could have started by using your full name assuming it’s not another handle. Questions: Would you still vote for Bill Finch despite the fact he was the one who did nothing to stop or prevent the vetting of non-bids and contracts to the same developers as the chair of the contract and appointments committee? Did you support Fabrizi as DTC member?
Cmvazquez, I KNOW you know the importance of a handshake a look in the eye and the giving of one’s word. Mayor Finch and his chief of staff both did this to me with the whole DTC as witness and went back on their word. If you were present for this would you still give it to the incumbent? Honest answer?
Hmmm, an incumbent, or one convicted of looking all of us in the eye, shaking our hands and stealing from us with his other hand? Difficult choice.
Hector, could you pleasevsay what the Mayor promised you and what he ultimately did in front of witnesses?
Hector, would you mind indulging me by explaining exactly what happened with you? You keep referring to people not keeping their word to you, but I for one, and I’m sure there are others who don’t know what went down. Can you spare a few details to those of us who aren’t in the know?
Hector, you are starting to sound like MJF. She hates Finch and Ganim because they allegedly promised her the right to the Arena after giving her a sweetheart deal on the Bluefish Stadium. I was the City Councilmen representing that area District 131. She nor any of her partners ever reached out to me. There was a team of developers who wanted to build it with their own money who reached out to me and the OED or DECC. I was kept in the dark for most of the negotiations because they all knew my reputation of asking real tough questions. Like why were they building a parking lot (cost us millions) next to the Stadium being fully aware it was on land that was designated for the future Arena? MJF never reached out about the Arena part when (the promise) was supposed to have been delivered upon. Hector you did see and like my pictures on Facebook of the Arena Grand Opening on October 13, 2001. Come and like it, Jennifer Buchanan and OIB friends.
Joel G, just out of curiosity, why are you trashing Mary-Jane Foster regarding her attempted sweetheart deal and hating Finch and Ganim? Four years ago you supported her (as only a Joel Gonzalez could support a candidate), why now are you talking trash? Her deal was water under the bridge four years ago and totally irrelevant today. How lucky is Joe Ganim to have you. I am thinking, not very.
Jennifer, Joe Ganim wouldn’t be looking in your eye. He is a DEMOCRAT. Maybe we will all have good fortune before September, and you will successfully sell your home. Although I have converted six Republicans to Democrats in my neighborhood because they want to vote for Joe in the primary.
He was my mayor, regardless of my party affiliation. And he has looked me in the eye while shaking my hand, more than once.
Did you or he commit to something when you shook hands? Jennifer not being a politician yourself, you might not understand where I am coming from (and that’s okay).
Yeah, he committed to all of us to uphold the laws and constitution of the state of CT. Hector, I completely understand Finch and/or his administration has treated you very badly, and you want him out because of this. I also understand putting your support behind the candidate you believe can win an election. The heavens know I have worked on many campaigns watching the most qualified and honorable candidate be defeated, by a known name and popular candidate, and that candidate was neither qualified nor honorable.
You don’t understand, it’s not just about me. The fact they would do that to ANYONE shows their total disregard of TRADITIONS that make politics a good thing, and no one is bigger than that. I don’t expect everyone or anyone other than those who feel exactly the same way about this game we play, as in all games there are rules that are just not violated. I was raised in politics my entire 54 years, I’ve been witness to many things both good and bad.
You are so right, JHB. The voters and non-voters get what they elect or fail to vote for. If we ever finally elect a truly qualified and honorable candidate, we will all agree he or she fits the mold because there is nothing to steal or give away left.
Exactly what was done that you keep hinting at? Seriously, I want to know.
Jennifer, it will be said before the primary, for now I’m really just reminding those who are AWARE, like me this could be them at any time. This is really for all the DTC members and district leaders who know ME to be a person of my word and a true Democrat. I thank Lennie for the use of his blog to do this.
Hector D., like Jennifer and everyone else we want to know since you have mentioned it over and over again. What did Finch and friends do that was so traumatic to you? Nobody is interested in hearing this before the primary. Tell us. It’s not going to make headlines, but perhaps we can understand why you are so anti-Finch. Is this much ado about nothing?
Funny thing, Jennifer. I just posed the same question to Hector. I’m glad I’m not the only one who needs to buy a clue. Revenge, in my opinion, is not an adequate reason to support a candidate who has proven himself to be unfit to hold office based on past performance by violating the public’s trust.
PS, thank you for the positive message to the universe for my house to be sold! From your lips to God’s Ears.
No problem. Anything to help.
if you believe anything I would do or say would be for revenge, I am so clear on who I am, I’m not insulted by your, or anyone’s thoughts of me. I KNOW why I do what I do. If it gets past you, let it go. If you don’t stand for something, be prepared to fall for everything. My VOTE, MY SUPPORT GOES TO MY CANDIDATE, as all yours should go to those whom you believe in. To the friends and those who know me to be a person with nothing but the best of intentions for this CITY I love, BRIDGEPORT CT, those of you who KNOW me like that and there are some (if few) who do, to them I ask, am I vengeful, am I one to speak about others in general, do I gossip, am I a hater? I am a grown man with certain convictions and one of the creeds I was raised under is “A MAN KEEPS HIS WORD.” I’m sorry if that’s a small thing for some of you, yet proud for those of you who understand. “PEOPLE HEAR A LOT, IT’S WHAT THEY LISTEN TO THAT COUNTS.”
I’m going to miss you. I’d be a happy and proud homeowner knowing someone like you lived there.
Jennifer, who is YOUR candidate?
Well let’s see, I am a Republican (until Maria registered me as a Dem to vote in the primary).
Let me try that again. I am Torres’ treasurer of record, a Republican, so once again the heavens know the enviable position I occupy.
Wood and Nunn are preparing to star in their own Reality Series to be Billed as: “Anus and Andy!”
Nunn Wood watch …
Very Good, Jennifer!
Grin 1,978,436 and Jennifer 1.
Lennie, I had a woman who resides in Bridgeport chase me down in the Capitol to ask me “are you Maria Pereira?” I said “yes, how do we know each other?” She said I met you once in 2011, but I read you on OIB all the time. She told me she loves my comments and commended me for being able to take on the entire MJF Gang. I gave her my number and encouraged her to volunteer for Joe. She said she would love to. Let’s see if she calls.
I was just leaving the cafeteria and I started speaking with a woman who is a lobbyist with a P.R. firm. She told me her firm used to represent Bridgeport under Ganim. She gave me a lot of info about Ganim’s history I was unaware of. After a few minutes we exchanged names. She said “you’re Maria Pereira, I read you on OIB all the time.” She seemed to be positive about my postings and position???
Your blog IS clearly read far and wide.
Oh boy, here we go again. Maria, another anonymous person patting you on the back telling you something about this, that or the other. Trust me, no one believes anything you say anymore.
I get nothing but kudos from many OIB readers. I take it the same way as the attacks I get here. The only attack that could have misfired dearly to the poster who did it was when Donald Duck Day called me an S.O.B. Lennie replied with, “I agree.” My mother is dead and she was a good grandmother to my nieces and nephews. I didn’t know several of them read OIB following their uncle. One of them set out to find Donald Duck Day on the day of the election following the OIB comment. They came close to catching up to the Driver of Miss Daisy. They told me this after and I made it clear to them it’s not the way to deal with ignorant fools. You can keep driving safely, Donald Duck Day. The only one I can recall taking a comment of mine so personally was Mitch ‘the switch’ Robles and long-time OIB readers know the story. If any OIB fan wants to approach me, don’t do it by running behind me. I don’t want to pee on my pants in public.
Yeah, you really told the MJF group, didn’t you. I am sure that woman really mentioned the NJF crowd by name. You just can’t stop making stuff up, can you?
I just passed the woman from Bridgeport who had chased me down previously, I showed her this comment and rebuttal. She just laughed and stated “who would make something like that up?” I replied only members of the MJF Gang.
Show her this comment. Maria, you are full of it right up to your eyebrows.
That can’t be true. She hasn’t made an appointment at the OIB clinic yet. What are you waiting for, Andy?
Okay, I wasn’t going to mention this but hey. So I am sitting at home and my phone starts ringing, four different folks whom I regularly have political conversations with and also staunch Democrats. I actually met them four years ago on the MJF campaign. So here it goes. Joe Ganim is knocking on doors in the North End of our great city with of all people a staunch Republican from the Trumbull Republican town committee. I kid you not. Most were very respectful to Joe but non committal. The calls I got were from three homes Mr. Ganim went to and they are not even thinking twice. It is between Foster and Finch. They will vote for the candidate who can win the primary and are extremely happy with the new roads and ball parks at Blackham.
Lennie–is it possible to forward this particular comment of Steve’s to someone else?
Come Back Bridgeport, Lennie would do that BECAUSE?
Oh, Come Back Bridgeport– Because the Republican walking the streets of the North End of Bridgeport was only doing it as a favor as Ganim is using the man’s company for all his Mayoral mailings. IT IS A FACT!
Personally, I’d want to get someone’s permission before I forwarded a comment they wrote, but you can always forward a link to the comment without permission.
Steel Point is a separate tax district. It will not help Bridgeport’s tax base. Under Mayor Finch, Bridgeport has grown spending much faster than the tax base. That’s what my property taxes and those of many others have gone up 40 percent in 5 years! That is unacceptable and unsustainable. We need competent and honest leadership. I don’t want Bridgeport to be green and bankrupt!
Dave, why don’t you change parties and run for office? No I am not being sarcastic.
Thanks for your comment. People should vote based on person rather than party. The fact people often don’t is one of the reasons we have so many problems and so little confidence in government.
I agree with you, Dave Walker. I have voted Democratic, Republican and independent.
Dave, if the son of GOD were to run as a Republican, he wouldn’t be elected. When the method is less important than the outcome you need to take the path of least resistance. Look what is happening in Hartford, organized ritual suicide for the State in the name of politics.
Thank GOD someone said that, Charlie.
The business of elections is best addressed on a more realistic level. Who actually CAN possibly win is far too often overlooked as a reason to support a candidate. But it’s a valid one, the ignorance of which has been the culprit for many outcomes adverse to constituent needs.
We all need to take a look at the part we could have played in the perpetuation of current circumstances. For many that mirror tells a far too truthful tale than is palatable.
David, I am sure you understand what you think you are saying. But let me respond to exactly what you did say. First, maybe you would like Bridgeport to go bankrupt. Dissolve the unions and start with a level playing field. Second, spoken like a true Republican, completely ignorant of green initiatives.
Maybe the answer is to be green and bankrupt.
So I totally understand the city of Bridgeport will not see any benefit from Steelpointe? You are kidding, right? Enrique Torres is your choice?
Steve Auerbach, on this one I agree with you about Dave Walker. He would like Bridgeport to go bankrupt. Do away with the union pensions and do away with the unions and start with a level playing field. That was the direction Dave Walker was making for Bridgeport, it was the path Republican Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker took.
Ron, I do not want the City to go bankrupt but that is where we are headed absent a change in course. I support smart green initiatives but not in lieu of making tough economic decisions. You should benchmark the economic and competitiveness situation in Wisconsin versus Connecticut. We are in poor shape and they are not! Focus on the facts.
Steven, do you do any homework before you spout off? I support collective bargaining. Both my grandfathers were union members and the head of one of the largest unions in the country was on my non-profit’s Board of Directors. When people make up things and engage in personal attacks it normally means they can’t prevail based on the facts and the merits of the issue at hand. I did not say we would not receive any benefit at all from a Steelpointe. I did say it is a separate tax district and not part of Bridgeport’s property tax base. That is a fact!
While various political Town Committees in both Bridgeport and other Connecticut cities may have more than once turned a “blind eye” toward Mayoral candidates with less than a squeaky clean record, still I doubt very much the Democratic Town Committee would be willing to turn a “blind eye” toward someone who was amateur enough and careless enough to actually get caught.
It’s OK to engage in criminal activities and share the wealth with other party members SO LONG AS YOU DON’T GET CAUGHT. If you get caught, you are no longer an asset to the Party, but you are now detrimental to the party! And chances are you learned nothing while in prison and will repeat the same bad behavior all over again as did our ex-Governor.
Wait until the reevaluation next year. It is going to be a disaster.
Yes, and Ganim can blame Finch, that’s how politics works in the real world. That’s why Fabrizi isn’t running. Duh!
That makes a person wonder why anyone would want to be mayor with that disaster waiting to greet you.
The re-val is overrated as a problem. Re-elect Mayor Finch in 2015.
As I’ve noted previously, Finch is one of the few in Bpt to make Ganim look marginally good.
Local Eyes, prove it. The City won’t release the data based on the work that was done in 2013 with our tax dollars. If it wasn’t a problem they would release it. We paid for it! Don’t be so naive.
The re-val data will show the current Administration has failed to grow the net tax base since 2008 and yet the budget has grown significantly. That is a double failure and will result in a significant mil rate and effective tax rate increase. Any serious Mayoral candidate should commit not to raise the current amount of taxes that individual residential homeowners pay. Commercial property should be taxed based on the fair value of the land and the City needs to work with the state to deal with the impact of non-profits. There are plenty of ways to cut the City budget and not harm essential services, including police, fire and public works. All it takes is real leadership and making tough choices.
Here’s the proof: problems that don’t exist can’t be measured. It’s a delayed problem. You can’t prove me wrong. I offered my opinion before you did. Very few have grown their net tax base since 2008.
Very few municipalities have grown their net tax base since 2008 when David Walker left his position as CGOTUS. In Bridgeport, real estate prices–the best indicator of any tax base–have yet to reach their former levels.
Mayor Finch hasn’t failed at anything. He’s leading a revival that’s producing a breakout year for Bridgeport.
Local Eyes, you are wrong! Name me another city that has had a 40 percent tax increase in the past five years. In addition, I have heard directly from top officials in the Finch Administration the tax base has gone down and has not recovered since the last re-val. I do benchmarking and research all the time and my data is up to date. For example, Bridgeport has the highest unfunded retiree health care obligation of any City in the country AFTER the recent changes. And yet Bridgeport’s median household income is 20% below the national average! Shocking, unacceptable and unsustainable. I like to gather facts before I express an opinion on an important topic. You should do the same.
Local Eyes, I meant to say the highest unfunded retiree health care obligation per taxpayer. Did you notice we have the highest residential property taxes too?!
Dave Walker, you are wrong. In contrast to you, I like to gather an opinion before I mention the facts. I did not misrepresent the facts. Instead, I positioned the future, which combines fact and opinion.
Local Eyes, you need facts to form an opinion unless you are a political hack. The fact is higher taxes mean lower property values, less development and less opportunity. It is a vicious downward cycle.
Dave Walker, you just came close to calling me a political hack. Otherwise, we’re in agreement. I need not be a former CGOTUS to understand downward cycles. Mayor Finch has upheld his oath even when it meant unwanted taxes.
Wicca, you are the smartest insightful person on this blog. No insult to all the others. I always look forward to reading the opinions of Wicca.
Wicca, I have to agree with Lisa Parziale, that was a very interesting post and very true.
Mary-Jane Foster is lucky to have you as a supporter. Could Lisa Parziale be changing her tune???
Well good for you.
The concerns regarding those who are supporting Joe Ganim remind me of a Shakespearean quote: “Methinks thou dost protest too much!” Usually the only time people protest or “worry” too much is when they are afraid!