Jose Torres, a city firefighter, who hosts the Facebook page Bridgeport Parents Initiative reports a peaceful demonstration will take place Monday, 4 p.m. in front of City Hall, 45 Lyon Terrace to protest the Board of Education decision not to terminate school principal Carmen Dickson for excessive force on young city students. Says Torres, “We want her fired.” Facebook page here. Torres says parents of victims will take part in protest.

*** Only those who truly know the facts of the incident, have had problems with Ms. Dickson in the past or have children in Ms. Dickson’s school and also feel the BOE should dismiss her really need show. Not onlookers who don’t have a clue about Bpt schools nor have kids in that particular school district or in any Bpt schools for that matter! Circus-type protests seem to undermine the real issues at hand and serve no real purpose when all is said and done! *** PLEASE NO CLOWNS NEEDED, THE BPT EDUCATION SYSTEM HAS MORE THAN ITS SHARE TO GO AROUND! ***
Mojo, I disagree. This is a democracy and any parent who has a child in the school system has a right to attend to show their support. If this principal gets off this easily, it sets a precedent as well as opening a door for other educators to physically and mentally abuse 5- and 6-year-old school children. They have every right to make their voices heard. Bottom line is this bully needs to be fired.
Lennie, any relationship between this Jose Torres and Rick Torres? I noticed the creator of this Fb page likes Joe Larcheveque for BOE. I’m wondering where were these folks when the Dickson matter was being investigated and how active or up in arms were they during this long process including the BOE hearings held. I would have most likely voted to fire Dickson. The issue of abuse of kids and the rights of parents, public viewing of videos and the protection of videos as evidence is not a moot subject. The video from my daughter’s bus was destroyed or allowed to be erased in order to cover up the method by which my daughter was getting the injuries mysteriously appearing on her body after arriving home from school.
Speedy, Jose Torres has been front and center for a long time challenging and speaking out against Dickson.
*** The teachers union will not allow Dickson to be fired regardless of parents, OIB or Vallas’ protest and opinions. Nor will her lawyer who can call it an admin. personal vendetta and witch hunt against a black woman administrator like the movie character (Mr. Clark) who’s old school and prefers to do things her way due to past and present continued lack of BOE overall support! It’s Ms. Dickson against the present “look the other way” status quo. *** LIKE HER OR NOT, SHE’S GOT 35+ YEAR’S EXPERIENCE OVER HER CRITICS AND VALLAS! ***
One would think after 34 years of experience she would at least get one out of three attempts to move or remove a 5- or 6-year-old right–without raising concern as to her way of doing it.
Are you suggesting every time someone is facing a similar accusation, the charges must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in order to fire the accused? It’s pretty clear “beyond a reasonable doubt” was the standard or level of proof the board was using. The proof was sufficient for the board to arrive at a guilty verdict. I think the verdict leaves an ugly mark on Dickson’s 35 years of employment. Asking for her to be fired is a waste of time at this point–it’s not going to happen. However, she should consider retirement.
As for the BOE, it’s time for them to look into the method of restraining kids, the protection and the safekeeping of videos of suspected incidents (in schools AND SCHOOL BUSES). There are different standards for the handling and control of videos from cameras in schools and those in school buses. Imagine what would happen if bank robbers were allowed to have control of bank camera videos. Now imagine what happens when a school bus company is allowed to have control of cameras in school buses and there is suspicion bus company employees (drivers and bus monitors) are committing child abuse.
There it is Mojo, they don’t want Old School they want Irresponsible School. The Irresponsible Parents don’t discipline at home and they don’t want discipline at school either. The circle jerk goes around and around … We are at only 10% of kids learning at grade level. Will it stop when we hit 0%?
I get the game now, everyone plays Irresponsible so when someone does the Responsible thing and screws up, another payday comes. The only fault in Dickson was she should have done it to the parents, not the child.