From News 8:
It’s a problem that plagues every city and town in Connecticut: dangerous drivers who refuse to stop for school buses. Now, AI Technology has come to Bridgeport as the first city to bring these cameras online in a widespread way. These cameras capture video live and in real time.
Now, 270 buses have been outfitted with these cameras.
“The individual who violated the traffic violation has the ability to go to court and defend themselves until the judge sees the video and says, ‘Is that you? Is that your car?” Bridgeport’s (Acting) School Superintendent Dr. Royce Avery said.
These cameras capture violators in a unique way. They record the car’s front and back license plates live and in real-time. The violations are also tracked by GPS and time-stamped.
Full story here
Drivers ignoring stopped school bus signals alerting all traffic to cease while students board or exit the yellow buses. That story became part of local news courtesy of current State Senator Herron Gaston noting a study where 10,000 such infractions were reported several years ago.
Those moving violations are being tracked for enforcement purposes today, live and online. The information can be seen on camera, but the stories do not identify who monitors, what department does oversight, and who is responsible for enrorcement. Does that surprise you?
Guess how Bridgeport has assigned the task:
**Was it to Education Department, as a reasonable guess, since Acting Superintendent Avery is responding to a reporter above? NO…..
**Was it the Police Department responsible for a number of cameras in the City that provide info for public safety and property security, as well as enforcing MOVING VIOLATIONS? No, again….
**Is it the Parking Violations Bureau that oversees the meters in the downtown area principally, the section of the Police Department that Mayor Ganim transferred from the Police Department? Apparently not directly, at least…..
** Who would guess that Parks and Recreation would get this assignment? With cameras on 270 buses already creating evidence for possible enforcement issues, who will speak up for the City?
Time will tell.
John, quantumly speaking this is just the tip of the rise of AI 🙂
Blowing through red lights and speeding are next, considering the number of people being hit by cars, these days.
Though I am sure like many things made to assist, and enhance, like the Bible, (God), AI, will be used for other means at a cost.
There are other ways than a tax as a means to support (financially), restrict, and segregate a segment of a city population in the process through the use of such advancement in AI.
I am sure, like Christmas when making a case to sell something for its existence, “Use the Children” I mean precious cargo. Then a comprehensive pragmatic approach to strategic locations to reduce.
P.S. My AI tells me that Port’s operation “precious cargo’ was a dig at Sen. I Candy for his use of word terminology in selling this to the “people” In another terminology it was “black-on-black crime/sides thing y’all got going on, because can you imagine a white person using the term ‘Cargo” to describe people, particular African Americans. I am sure the president of the NAACP, regardless of who would have something to asy about that, No?
Lennie, delete this one, edited,
Joe hates cameras you can’t trust the cops after the Gomes grand slam.
John, quantumly speaking, this is just the tip of the rise of AI 🙂
Blowing through red lights and speeding are next, considering the number of people being hit by cars these days.
Though I am sure like many things made to assist, and enhance, like the Bible, (God), AI, will be used for other means at a cost.
There are other ways than a tax as a means to support (financially), restrict, and segregate a segment of a city population through such advancements in AI.
I am sure, like Christmas when making a case to sell something for its existence, “Use the Children” I mean precious cargo. Then a comprehensive pragmatic approach in strategic locations to reduce such things
P.S. My AI tells me that Port’s operation “precious cargo’ was a dig at Sen. Gaston, I mean Candy for his use of word terminology in selling this to the “people” In another terminology it was “black-on-black crime/sides thing y’all got going on, because can you imagine a white person using the term ‘Cargo” to describe people, particular African Americans. I am sure the president of the NAACP, regardless of who would have something to asy about that, No?
BTW, John, I see a few questions, and noted Sen, I candy, do you suspect nefarious motives behind AIs advancement in Chief Porter’s “operation previous cargo”
To be fair, like “buck up” wearing seat belts, I suspect as human consciousness becomes aware of the ticketing for such actions it will taper down. Though you have to be somewhat. “Less Conscious:” to run past a school bus with its stop sign out.
Speaking of human consciousness, be it AI or humans, on its quantum level, at its core, bringing. It’s Darwin’s theory of life, existence itself that wins out. Self-preservation,
Until it evolves, learns beyond such.
Hmmm! My AI perceives that X is a thing in this coded side thing y’all got going on, So by quantum entanglement O has to be a thing. No?
I know “disingenuous” tends to sit in a circle. Come to think about it, Chess, black in white seems to be a coded side thing. What say you Port, people, sides? Is Gen Now disingenuous🤣
Did you see what I did there, people? 🙃
Wait, Twitter, now X, Musk, who is a Trumper, perhaps Trump identifies with side X. John, I perceive you don’t I identify with Trump or Musk, perhaps X as well, but do you appreciate Trump’s new cabinet Department of Government Efficiency’?
What say you AI and Baby Jesus.?