Four years ago incumbent Mayor Bill Finch was backed by a majority of union leadership in his primary battle against insurgent Joe Ganim who leveraged the rank and file of the Police Union for campaign contributions and boots on the streets as his key union backing.
So far the Police Union is taking a pass on endorsing Ganim or State Senator Marilyn Moore for the September 10 Democratic primary. Shortly after Ganim returned to the mayoralty he delivered on a promise to the union removing Police Chief Joe Gaudett who segued into another city role to fill out his contract.
Contract negotiations between Ganim and the union cooled relations.
Four years ago Ganim had little business community support that pumped its money into Finch’s reelection treasury.
This time around Ganim enjoys most of the labor and business support.

Moore is not without union support. She is backed by the Service Employees International Union, the United Auto Workers, the Connecticut State Employees Union, Connecticut Education Association and Carpenter’s Local 326. The Connecticut Working Families Party has also taken on a key outreach role in Moore’s campaign to identify voters and pull them out primary day.
Union leadership is one thing, it’s another to maximize the campaign work of its members, something Moore’s camp blended to secure thousands of petition signatures to qualify for the primary ballot.
In her early professional career, Moore was a member of the Carpenters Union.

“As a proud union member for 20 years with multiple unions and advocate for organized labor and workers rights, I’m honored to be endorsed by several of the largest labor unions in Connecticut,” says Moore.
This week Ganim trotted out endorsements from both the business community and unions including the Fairfield County Building And Construction Trades Council that represents a coalition from organized labor:
The Asbestos Workers Local 33; Bricklayers Local 1 CT; Eastern Millwright Regional; IBEW Local 3 and 488; Iron Workers Local 424; IUPAT DC 11, Painter/Drywall Finishers/Glaziers; Laborers Local 146 and 665; Northeast District Council of Plasterers and Cement Masons; Operating Engineers Local 478; Operative Plasterers & Cement Masons LU 262; Plasterers & Cement Masons Local 40; Plumbers Local 777; Roofers, Waterproofers Local 12; Sheetmetal Workers Local 38; Sprinkler Fitters Local Union 669 and the Teamsters Local 191.
“The Fairfield County Building Trades support Mayor Ganim because of his commitment to working people and to job growth,” said Pete Carroll, president of the organization. “We are happy to endorse Mayor Ganim as the best person to keep the City of Bridgeport on track for a prosperous future.”
Ganim also announced support for his re-election from Bridgeport area business community leaders and owners of city property.
— Paul Antinozzi (Antinozzi Associates Architecture & Interiors)
— Robert Berchem (Berchem Moses PC)
— Sean Carroll (Merit Insurance)
— Steve Fiore (Orthopaedic Specialty Group)
— Gary Flocco (Corvus Capital Partners)
— Sam Gault (Gault Energy)
— Brandon Hall (Forstone Capital, LLC)
— Terry O’Connor (Community Leader)
— Alan Phillips (SportsCenter of Connecticut)
— Howard Saffan (Harbor Yard Amphitheater LLC)
— Chris Trefz (Trefz Corporations)
— Brett Wilderman (Forstone Capital, LLC)
Saffan, in partnership with the city, is transforming the former Ballpark at Harbor Yard into a warm-weather concert amphitheater scheduled to open in 2020.
“As active participants in the Bridgeport business community, we look forward to working with Mayor Ganim and his administration as Bridgeport continues to move forward, expands its affordable housing stock, and provides new and exciting commercial and entertainment options,” said Saffan in a statement issued by the campaign. “Bridgeport has emerged as a city whose day has come, a city for whom continued and experienced leadership is key. Mayor Joe Ganim has that experience and certainly provides that necessary leadership.”
The hits just keep on a coming…
A true List of Governor Ganim’s Supporters (9 out of 11)
Robert Berchem (Berchem Moses PC) > Westport. Ct
Sean Carroll (Merit Insurance) >Shelton. Ct
Steve Fiore (Orthopaedic Specialty Group) > Fairfield. Ct
Sam Gault (Gault Energy) > Westport. Ct
Brandon Hall (Forstone Capital, LLC) > Stamford. Ct
Alan Phillips (SportsCenter of New York) > New York
Howard Saffan (Harbor Yard Amphitheater LLC) > Weston Ct.
Brett Wilderman (Forstone Capital, LLC) > Darien. Ct
This is what happens when you’ve been in office too long, not one of these Ganim fluckers will move their Business to Bridgeport, But they love our money! Right Joe!
I just called to get a Marilyn Moore sign for the front of my house. Apparently the latest order(500 signs) is gone already. I don’t know if that is bad or good. Hopefully,I will get a sign from the next batch. Beyond that,it’s time to hit the streets. IT’S LIKE 13 DAYS!!!!!!!
Where do these folks live and vote? If we were really rolling up economic development, we would find many of these “players” supporting both candidates to keep doors open in the future. Operating businesses with good employment opportunities, safe and secure working sites with good transportation and growing revenues? Where are they on the list? Where are they, period? And the simple questions have been……
Is this a new day?
Can Joe show the way?
To play without pay?
To overcome delay?
To ” Welcome” and “Stay”?
Time will tell.
As a matter of fact Merit Insurance picked up and left Bpt about 8 yrs ago or so and moved into one of Scinto’s buildings in Shelton..Lol, now there’s a company invested in Bpt.You can’t make this stuff up.
Harvey, Merit still maintains a Bridgeport office Downtown.
Thanks Lenny.. my mistake
Forstone also has an office in Downtown Bridgeport, and Howard Saffan has the new Harbor Yard venue in the works. Just to clarify.
Senator Moore is endorsed by the SEIOU! They will cost us a bundle in a payback. All those Unions will fall into line to endorse Joe that day after he beats Senator Moore in the Democratic Primary.
Many of the Mayor’s backers have skin in the game with risk capital. Sorry but Senator Moore is just too progressive. She’s anti-gaming for Bridgeport but in 2015 and 2017 supported the Tribes in Least Windsor.
So now we have civilians with the police department going to crime scenes now wtf you cant Make this up wtf!!!
This the same guy they gave an unmarked police car to as well wtf!! The FBI needs to look into this entire situation as a resident of bpt I dont feel safe with civilians showing up to crine scenes and driving unmarked police cars. This is down right bad!
Interesting the police union is holding off endorsing Little Joe. Hmmmmmm…
Derek,doesn’t matter really,hardly any of the cops live in Bpt anyway. They can’t vote for Joe.
Lennie, Saffron does not own any property to my knowledge since selling his old doors business on Knowlton St.. What am I Missing? Am I incorrect here? For that reason alone,I don’t consider him a developer of Bridgeport. He will be a tenant/operator of the Amphitheater, He does not own the property and will not pay taxes on it.
Saffron also brings Myrrh and Frankincense to the table with FF & E to his business. That’s furniture, fixtures and equipment
Kelvin, saffron is my favorite spice.
You are a Wise Man!