Dozens of members of Connecticut Laborers’ District Council www.ctlpl.com led by Business Manager Charles LeConche protested in front of the City Hall Annex on Broad Street Wednesday morning, charging workers of an affiliated union have come under attack by Mayor Bill Finch and administration officials.
The issue, the union claims, is treatment of Local 200 of the Laborers International Union of North America whose membership includes more than 90 middle management positions throughout the city including health, central grants, finance, economic and community development, public facilities and the airport. A few months ago LIUNA local official Val Sorrentino, whose title is deputy director of human services, filed a complaint against the city with the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities in connection with informing the administration of her need for a kidney transplant. Sorrentino says she is among the Health Department employees stripped of long-standing responsibilities. She is awaiting a kidney donor while continuing to work full time.
Union leadership contends that city officials have personally attacked Health Department employees, stripped workers of responsibilities and issued trumped-up disciplinary action. The union claims workers have done their part to help the city during its budget crunch, responding to Finch’s call for wage and health care concessions. LeConche had publicly supported Finch’s reelection last year. A number of Health Department employees, however, did not and wonder if they’re victims of retribution.
An example of administrative intrusion, say Health Department workers, is Assistant Chief Administrative Officer Alanna Kabel’s recent memorandum about “Chain of Command Policy” that makes clear “Employees are not to skip the chain of command and contact the Mayor’s Office directly under any circumstances. Failure to follow the chain of command policy will be considered insubordinate behavior and may result in disciplinary action.” See text of letter below:
Alanna Kabel, Asst. Chief Administrative Officer
Re: Chain of Command Policy
Within any organization, a well defined hierarchy of authority, communication, and responsibility is essential to effective management. This is commonly referred to as a chain of command. Within the Health Department all employees are to adhere to the following chain of command policy when an issue warrants management attention:
• All such issues are to be first brought to the attention of the employee’s immediate supervisor.
• If the issue remains unresolved, the employee may bring said issue to the attention of the Acting Deputy Director of Health once the employee has notified their immediate supervisor of same.
• In the event the issue is still not resolved, the employee may bring said issue to the attention of the Acting and/or Director of Health once the employee has notified the Acting Deputy Director of this intention.
• The decision of the Acting and/or Director of Health with regard to the issue will be final.
Employees are not to skip the chain of command and contact the Mayor’s Office directly under any circumstances. Failure to follow the chain of command policy will be considered insubordinate behavior and may result in disciplinary action.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Unions stink!
Well duh, Alanna.
The nastiness and unfair labor practices exhibited in 4-1/2 years with Finch as mayor are the reason there are unions. Finch and his band of mean assholes have gone after city employees with a vengeance. How low can you go when you attack a long-time employee like Sorrentino who is awaiting a kidney transplant?
Haven’t the powers that be realized we are tired of Kabel and her ways yet? Guess they don’t care. (sarcasm)
I’d like to thank Joe Ambrosini and Charles LeConche from LIUNA for appearing on The Jim & Tom Show WDJZ 1530AM this morning.
Union leadership contends city officials have personally attacked Health Department employees, stripped workers of responsibilities and issued trumped-up disciplinary actions.
It’s time to stop the Finch Administration from using Einsatzgruppen tactics on city employees.
Can anyone not realize why teachers are so concerned about tenure? Let a tenured teacher speak out against Finch or Vallas or Malloy’s education reform and watch how quickly they get canned.
Joe is an all-right guy, but he and the city LIUNA leaders never should have given in to Finch. This is what happens when you bargain in good faith with a bunch of LIARS!!!
*** Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t all but the teachers union make “deals” with the Finch Admin. in one way or another? How about those who endorsed and voted for Finch or simply did “nothing” during the Mayoral election? (Lesson 1) Once you’ve made a “deal” with the devil, there is no re-bargaining, no crying foul, etc., it is what it is for the next 3+ years! *** To be continued! ***
This reminds me of the woman in NY whose boss needed a kidney transplant. The woman wasn’t a match so she donated her kidney to a stranger and, in turn, her boss received a kidney from someone else. The woman was pressured to come back to work after her surgery, was demoted and eventually terminated. There is a place for bosses like that and it is not in heaven.
Too bad the other unions didn’t join in the fun. This mayor rules with gestapo tactics. Don’t complain or else. Don’t talk to the press or else. Don’t speak to the mayor or else. Step out of line and we’ll demote you, eliminate your position, make your life miserable. Intimidation. I agree with Mr. LeConche on this one.
Valerie has been the “go to” person at the health dept for many years and everyone knows that. She pissed someone off and now they are after her. They don’t care if she needs a kidney transplant or even if she is on her deathbed. They have no conscience. Why does this surprise anyone?
There was a dept head under Mayor Fabrizi whom Fabrizi didn’t like and was about to terminate. The man, unfortunately, had a terrible tragedy in his family. Fabrizi called off the termination and allowed the dept head to remain for several more years. Despite Fabrizi’s faults, he had a heart. The Finch administration has no heart.
I’m glad to see some light is being shed on the ugliness and pettiness promoted by the Finch administration. It is downright despikabel, oops, I meant despicable. What makes it worse and exposes Finch and his dirty little henchmen (and henchwomen) as the frauds they are is the complete disregard of fairness and equality in their actions. What is a mandatory rule for one department (with dire consequences if broken) is not even mentioned, much less required, for others (see Alanna Kabel’s “Chain of Command” edict to the Health Dept). Her gag order clearly comes from “the top” and is directed to keep certain people quiet. This is just one example of many on how this administration operates–by intimidation and without any thought of fairness and logic. Oh, but I’m sure our honorable mayor would just hide behind the usual political rhetoric if asked (by a non-Health Department employee of course) how he could allow such a disgusting climate to be the accepted and expected behavior at City Hall. The robin may be the state bird of Connecticut, but the bullfinch is clearly the official bird of Bridgeport.