CT Post reporter Brian Lockhart and your favorite whipping boy were guests Wednesday morning on WNPR’s Wheelhouse show hosted by John Dankosky and Colin McEnroe. We talked Trump, Ganim, OIB, sanctuary cities, casinos, parking meters, the budget, taxes, public safety, Lowell Weicker and other stuff.
They gave a nice plug to my new book Connecticut Characters, Personalities Spicing Up The Nutmeg State. Grab your favorite beverage and listen here.
Both casino bills are now scheduled for a vote. The HB is #226 and the senate bill is #173. If the HB is passed a casino will be built in Bridgeport! Keep your fingers crossed and call Gomes to vote for the HB and against the senate bill.
Sorry Charlie! Both these Bills are DOA!!!
Ganim and Trump have a 25-year relationship? Give us all a break. A couple of years two decades ago. Did Trump visit Joey in the slammer? Let’s see the visitor logs.