It took 10 years, but Republican City Councilman Enrique Torres got through to conservative talk show godfather Rush Limbaugh on Thursday to agree with Barack Obama about free trade with Cuba where Torres once lived. Torres also told Rush “I’d love to call you some future day and talk to you about black relations, because that’s my new pet.” The transcript from Rush’s website follows:
RUSH: Enrique, Bridgeport, Connecticut. Hi, Enrique, great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.
CALLER: Hey, Rush, it’s a real, real pleasure. I gotta tell you, I graduated from a very liberal university, and I was as liberal and as atheist as I could be, and once I listened to Rush Limbaugh by the demands of my mother-in-law, that I listened to you for a day, caused a complete turnaround and I am now as conservative as they come.
RUSH: That is amazing, and you owe it all to your mother-in-law to boot.
CALLER: My mother-in-law. She’s a wonderful woman, and at the time I hated her like the devil. But now I’m as Christian as can be and as conservative as can be, and conservatism is truly the answer to all ills.
RUSH: Enrique, that’s wonderful to hear.
CALLER: That’s a fact. I tried calling you for ten years! Ten years I’ve been calling you, and I just got through today. I’d love to call you some future day and talk to you about black relations, because that’s my new pet. I am an elected official in the city of Bridgeport. I am a city councilman. I’m the only Republican out of 20, and I’m the first Republican in eight years to sit in that council. So, you know, frankly, as conservative as can be and looking–
RUSH: Okay, let me guess what’s coming next. Let me guess what’s coming next. The lifting of the embargo was a great thing?
CALLER: Well, now, look, let’s not go there. My father fought against Fidel Castro, okay, so I don’t even want to go to the point that I think that helping a Regime or a Castro-like person is a good thing. However, I do believe that free trade with Cuba, because I believe in capitalism, will liberate the people a hell of a lot faster than what’s been the example for 53 years–
RUSH: Right.
CALLER: –it’s not 55; it’s 53 years of an embargo that has not worked.
RUSH: Well, Enrique, look, I appreciate the call. I am moved deeply by your announced conversion. It’s great. I’m thrilled that your mother-in-law is your mother-in-law. I’m really glad you called. Thanks much. Okay, that’s two today. Do you know what I’m talking about? What am I talking about? (interruption) Hm-hm. (interruption) No, it’s not just that. You’re leaving out a key ingredient. We’ve had two people who have called, “Rush, I am as conservative as can be.” This last guy, “I used to be the biggest liberal, but I am more conserve, I’m the biggest conservative. I love lifting the embargo.”
Look, I’ll drop it. It doesn’t matter. It’s a no-win in this case. This is one of those moments where I’ll hold my opinion in check. Anyway, Snerdley, I know, when we have a day like this, when Obama comes along and does something that America has steadfastly stood for for decades and then reverses it, you are guaranteed to find me at least two people who claim to be more conservative than anybody in the country who love the idea. (interruption) No, I’m not calling–no, no, no, no, no, no. No, I’m observing how these things happen.
RUSH: Now, don’t misunderstand me, folks. Our last caller, Enrique, we looked him up. He’s Enrique Torres, city councilman in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Might run for mayor of Bridgeport. He is a pretty conservative guy. I was not challenging what he said. I just … I don’t know. This is the second call today, we got a guy calling up, “Man, I’m the biggest conservative in the world. I used to be the biggest liberal. I used to hate you, but my mother-in-law, my sister convinced me that you’re the greatest guy in the world. I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for 10 years, and I finally have, and I just gotta tell you, I’m the biggest conservative in the world, and I agree with Obama.”
Lennie, please don’t insult us with pictures of that fucking tattoo on Torres’ arm. These guy is way out there and needs a checkup from the neck up.
Andy, be careful what you write about Enrique. He might tattoo an image of you on his other arm!
I give Enrique Torres credit for supporting Obama on Limbaugh’s show. I called Limbaugh on Obamacare and was dismissed after I uttered Obama’s progressive attitude. For the record, I can’t stand Rush Limbaugh, however he did win an outstanding achievement award last year for his children’s books. Hard to believe, es verdad!
Michele and Rick host all people at Harborview.
It’s a story of hard work and success in Bridgeport, too.
Those gathered represent many deeply held points of view,
But the croissants and beliefs are not mutually exclu … sive!
Change happens while we hold onto facts and fancy, opinions and dreams and oftentimes we miss the changes. Fashions in political philosophy and philosophers cycle also. Economic development in Bridgeport can use more hardworking families like the Torres family. They live in town. No handouts. No abatements. Earned respect. Having fun while making it happen. Harborview is getting better every day! And if it doesn’t the customers will share their opinions with management … who will listen … or not … but … time will tell.
What does that have to do with his tattoo of the black panther symbol on his arm? That symbol represents a group that is anti-white and that group known as black panthers. He has done what we all do, he worked. Last I looked nobody was handing out medals to those who did what they were supposed to.
It’s winter and his sleeves are down. He’s got lots of beliefs that make for living his life journey. We don’t keep reminding Lennie about any missteps in his life. Let it go for now. It may turn out to be a reminder of justice to him rather than what others, like you, saw up close and real and dangerous years ago.
Time says liberals get conservative and conservatives find a need to turn in another direction, and it is only over time we see that.
Finally, think of all of the wives who put up with the “silliness,” in one way or another, of their spouses who have toys, games, pursuits that may be outgrown. So think of patience, my friend, because that is where I may be wrong, or right, but only time will tell.
Sorry John, I have no patience for this fool.
So now Republican City Councilman Enrique Torres said, “I’d love to call you some future day and talk to you about black relations, because that’s my new pet,” so now blacks are Enrique Torres’ “new pet.” What a loser.
Ron, I guess for the past few weeks he has been oblivious to what we have been talking about. I guess he is out of touch with what’s going on here and around the country. This guy is really a space cadet.
That is a great example of politics in motion. Torres says “pet” and it gets turned into the people are his pets. Read subservient, read favorite new toy … read whatever into it. That is a snapshot of a moment in time when you can observe political spin in motion, right here in just a few comments. I’m sure he meant the conversation of the history of blacks and whites, this America thing, but it was a very not good choice of a word, because it is a home run politically to turn the phrase into a bigoted statement, even with a tattoo on the arm. It seems Lennie has it in for Torres, I sense that anyway, not neutral I would say. Or is it simply the political version of throwing someone’s beliefs and bumblings to the lions? Will time tell, John? This is Bridgeport, but I enjoy it too, I guess. Have a good holiday season, tear each other up again after the new year.
Park City, I find Torres an intriguing political study, a solid family man who built a popular neighborhood business. He’s also someone without a political filter and that scores many points with me on some level. He’s willing to put himself out there and I simply chronicle what he shares publicly, be it tattoo or various social declarations he shares on his Facebook page. I also find him more artist than politician. If he were an artist he’d be celebrated for his courageous positions. But when you’re willing to place your name on the ballot it takes on a whole new dimension.
Thank you for the reply, Lennie. I take that for what you say …
Rick Torres would be wise to focus on what he was elected to do, serve on the city council and address the needs of his constituents and the cause of good government.
Does that mean he should think and say only local thoughts and should not call a radio program other than WICC? I’m sure that is not what you mean. But since this is a post about calling a national program, it seems to suggest he is off in some field other than the rather boring realm of the BPT City Council. I believe anyone could call him with a constituent concern and get a response, more than can be said for many politicians, I believe. All the best.
Republican City Councilman Enrique Torres cannot do what Tom White has suggested because it’s more important for Torres to follow the real head of the Republican Party, Rush Limbaugh.
Torres also told Rush “I’d love to call you some future day and talk to you about black relations, because that’s my new pet.” If Torres is serious he should talk to blacks who live right here, in fact it could be an open debate with Torres and say someone like Rev. Anthony Bennett, there are many others who Torres could have this discussion with. All Torres really does is give the talking points of the “right wing” of the Republican Party including its leader Rush Limbaugh. Rick Torres will never do this because he is scared.