Tom White: OIB Misrepresented His Role

Tom White, legislative services director who provides staff support for the City Council, writes OIB inaccurately reflected the role of his job when declaring “Tom White, a council legislative staffer, who’d like to reform the way the council conducts business … .” OIB’s introductory remarks set up a commentary by city fiscal watchdog John Marshall Lee who shared observations about White regarding a budget committee session. From White:

I was reporting on a matter related to the Office of Legislative Services budget to the Council’s Budget and Appropriations committee on a component of the department budget. I develop most of the budget components and I am responsible for it.

Most of what I covered in the meeting was rather mundane matters such as explaining budget transfers in this fiscal year and the connection to the proposed department budget for next fiscal year.

One of the points I reviewed with the committee members was my lack of access to reports which would assure that the line item in the department budget for city council stipends is reconciled.

I shared this concern with the council president several months ago as I do anything that I feel needs to be brought to his attention. I included it in my FY2013 budget review because the city council stipends are a line item in the department budget and an accurate accounting of how money is spent is part of any department management function.

Over the years, as reflected in my job description, I have made many recommendations to city council leadership on ways to improve legislative services department operations but saying I wish to “reform the way the council conducts business” is inaccurate and misleading and not the role of my position.



  1. See how simple it is? There is nothing wrong when City Employees and City Officials enter OIB to share their views, positions and set the record straight. A big high-four to Tom White.

  2. Damn, Lennie! Those OIB ads are just rolling right in. How about spending some of that (moe)ney on a OIB weekend party? Take it to the next level, Lennie, and include some kind of OIB Community Award Ceremony. I got some ideas if you’d like to hear them. You’ve Got Mail!

  3. Poor Tom White. He should know employees are not allowed to have an opinion (even if they are absolutely right). Now they got to Tom and are making him eat his words. Another example of ruling by threats and intimidation.

  4. It’s May 5 and I had the pleasure of watching CC members including 6 of the 7 B&A committee continue their pursuit of cuts. (I have not seen Howard Austin in my visits this year, but he was present on Friday evening as it was recalled what a genuinely funny guy he is and devoted to his grandchildren. Isn’t that nice but he is contributing nothing to the understaffed and overworked B&A group and that is nothing to salute from a municipal viewpoint.)

    Not one Council member has made a comment about the info in the article above. I have said before, curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought him back. There is no curiosity on the part of most CC members. The Gospel according to Thomas works for them just fine for the most part. And the narrative you will see when they hand the budget back to the Mayor on Monday night will tell the story of how they wish to be seen.

    I have not heard all of the commentaries as they have pursued their marathon schedule. Maybe they should consider getting Charter Revision to increase the time to study with meetings that start on time as announced and last no longer than three hours with a real performance agenda. Andy, wouldn’t that be different? Of course, then more members of the public might drop in to observe. How would that be received? I’ll have some more suggestions on Monday evening. Time will tell.


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