This Is Too Funny–Cecil Files Suit Over City Council Riot

It was just a matter of time before the human blowhorn Cecil Young would file a lawsuit over the 2010 City Council brawl. Check it out. That’s City Councilwoman Evette Brantley sticking her finger in Cecil’s face.

For OIB background see here.

For lawsuit background see here.



  1. That’s it, Lennie? That’s your story? Who is he suing, what are the charges and who is his attorney? And last but not least, what took him so long?

      1. Poor Mr. Young was mugged by the city Council!
        I hope he’s feeling better, I was there that Night and Ms. Brantley tried to take the mic from Mr. Young’s hand.
        Mr. Mulligan came late as I recall.
        Mr. Tom McCarthy said, your time is almost up. I have it all on my tape recorder.
        Get well soon, Mr. Young.

        1. The earliest known attestation is in 1899.

          “Mulligan” is a stand-in for any Irishman, and mulligan stew is simply an Irish stew that includes meat, potatoes, vegetables, and whatever else can be begged, scavenged, found or stolen. A local Appalachian variant is a burgoo, where the available ingredients might include squirrel or opossum. Only a pot and a fire are required. The hobo who put it together was known as the “mulligan mixer.”

          The verse to The Lady is a Tramp by Rogers and Hart begins: “I’ve wined and dined on mulligan stew, and never wished for turkey.”

  2. Holy Guacamole! Brantley’s got some guns! (I really find this totally deplorable, but we live in a comic book in BEPO and if I don’t laugh just stick a fork in me.)

  3. *** This is of no surprise; however curious as to why Young took so long? It’s a future slam-dunk out-of-court settlement win for Mr. Young that will bring more negative attention to the city of Bpt. A low-budget comical reality show at best about urban city government and its cast of characters! *** OIB ***

  4. Under the law, you generally have two years from the date of the injury to file a personal injury lawsuit that is based upon the negligent conduct of another person or entity. The time limitation for filing a lawsuit varies, however, depending upon the nature of the claim. With certain types of claims there are also notice requirements that must be met before you file suit. It is therefore always wise to consult with a lawyer as soon as possible after your injury to make certain your case is not time-barred.

  5. Phineas T. Barnum is laughing in his grave at the shenanigans in Bridgeport. If it weren’t so sad about the political “stature” of Bridgeport this blog wouldn’t be a pressure escape valve for the politically disenfranchised. Keep up the good work, Len.

  6. Anna, I am surprised you think I am crabby. This was not a fight, it was a game of pattycake. No real punches were thrown. It’s just another example of the low-lifes we elect to represent us. I couldn’t break up the fight, I was laughing too hard.

  7. What a farce. I’m not justifying the actions of Ms. Brantley, but Cecil Young is a well-known thorn in peoples’ sides. A master provocateur. From what I’m told, he repeatedly goes before the council with the same dead issue on a monthly basis for years. He doesn’t abide by the time limit set forth for the public speaking session and everyone has to sit back and endure while he incessantly rambles on with total disregard for both the council and the other speakers. It’s easy to see how someone can just lose patience. He barely made it under the wire of the 2-year statute of limitations for filing suit. For sure, he’ll walk away with a settlement and continue to subject everyone with his litany of complaints; real, imagined or otherwise.

  8. Give it a break, Go Dive A. I do not care if a member of the public stands before the council for 5 minutes and doesn’t say a word or rambles on incoherently. NEVER can you justify a member of the council physically taking the microphone away from the member of the public.
    I hope Mr. Young sues, wins and bankrupts the city and Ms. Brantley

  9. The writer should take note that Brantley and DePara have a history of hostility toward the public in general. There is no excuse and any defense of them constitutes the syndrome of Lowest Common Denominator, at best. Get toe, at worst. A defense of the machine politics that drag us all down. Enough is enough!

  10. Watching the video again, I see when President McCarthy came down, instead of holding the aggressive 30-year-old DePara back, he joined DePara in pushing the 60-year-old Cecil Young away who clearly was defending himself against an assault.

  11. Can Ms. Brantley’s constituents sue for malpractice?
    Can the state remove Brantley and dePara for being dysfunctional like they did the BOE members? For all you want to say about the BOE Trio, they NEVER physically attacked a member of the public!

  12. Cecil may be a pain in the ass, but it is his right as a citizen of Bridgeport to have his 5 minutes–at every single meeting if he so chooses. Looks to me like he was finishing his remarks and putting the microphone back. Brantley came down from her seat and pointed in his face, making threatening gestures. She was clearly the aggressor. DePara and McCarthy should have restrained Brantley, not tackled Cecil. What an embarrassment. Get Toe is right.


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