Sweet Surrender! For Sarah McLachlan, A Freight Train And An OIB Moment

OIB friend Douglass Davidoff

 attended the Sara McLachlan concert at The Amp the other night. He shares this first-hand account:

 The blog is Only in Bridgeport.

At the Hartford Healthcare Amphitheater last night, we had an OIB moment.
Headliner Sarah McLachlan was finishing her concert just before 11pm. The hot air of the early evening had turned into cool breezes that washed over the band and audience. The mood was mellow. McLachlan was excellent. The crowd gave her several standing ovations.
To one of these, she responded with a solo performance. She sat at the piano and sang a new song. It was lyrical and sweet.
One of those occasional nighttime freight trains full of coal hopper cars entered the tracks next to the Amp shortly after McLachlan began.
She sang so sweetly.
The coal cars screeched on the curving tracks,
McLachlan carried on. She sang. On the oversized screens, we watched her glance in amazement at the train.
She did not break stride. She kept singing.
The train kept screeching. Not in any kind of harmony.
I nudged the friends with me at the concert. “That train is going to keep running throughout the song. When the song ends, the train will end.”
Which is what happened. McLachlan brought her song to a close. As she did, the last coal hopper car screeched down the track. For a moment, silence on the stage and the track. Then the applause.
McLachlan will never forget her coal train accompaniment in Bridgeport at the Amp.

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