Chris Caruso and Joe Ganim attended high school together at Notre Dame. They’ve known each other for about 40 years. Caruso says voters should not return Ganim to the mayor’s office. The two-time mayoral candidate and government reformer who led passage of the state’s landmark campaign finance reform law in the state legislature, has endorsed Mary-Jane Foster for mayor saying, “The future of our city is at stake. Mary-Jane Foster is our best hope for moving forward.”
These days Caruso, the Big Wave, works out of the state Labor Department building Downtown as an appointee of Governor Dan Malloy. Caruso has been particular about issuing endorsements in recent years, largely taking a low profile. Caruso was among the first to call for Ganim’s resignation following the 2001 Halloween federal indictment that ultimately led to Ganim’s 2003 conviction.
Caruso says the city’s at a crossroads. “As a proud resident of Bridgeport, who has always loved the City and its people, I feel Bridgeport is at a critical juncture–where we will either go forward or relive the past. The city has begun to move in the right direction and I know that Mary-Jane will accelerate this growth, which will lead to tax relief for all of us.”
Caruso served 20 years in the State House before his appointment by Malloy in 2010. As co-chair of the Legislature’s Government Administration and Elections Committee, he pushed for a law that led to passage of the state’s Citizens Election Program of publicly funded races, in the aftermath of Governor John Rowland’s public corruption conviction.
“I am honored that Representative Caruso has endorsed my campaign for mayor,” said Foster in a statement. “He has been a leading voice for clean government and public integrity. It is not often he lends his endorsement. I understand the significance of such an endorsement and pledge to honor its meaning.”
Caruso came close to winning the mayoralty on two occasions, losing Democratic primaries in 2003 to John Fabrizi and in 2007 to Bill Finch. As a legislator Caruso built a strong following in predominantly African American precincts such as Wilbur Cross and Hallen schools, areas in which Ganim performed well in his Democratic primary win over Finch. If utilized correctly with phone calls and a mailer, this type of endorsement could cut into Ganim’s support where Caruso has built up good will.
“I call on my fellow Bridgeporters, especially those who long for good government as I do, to join me in voting for Mary-Jane Foster and making her our next Mayor,” said Caruso.
*** I would think it comes as no surprise Mr. Caruso is endorsing MJ Foster. He was always a thorn during Joe’s admin. back in the day as well as Johnny Fabs later on! Anyone endorsed by the Dem Machine back then was not well liked by the Big Wave, no? MJ Foster and Torres offer a change away from the usual political puppet masters, etc. However the majority of local Dem voters in Bpt just seem to vote by party alone and not the best individual suited for the task. And the rest don’t vote at all, leaving only a low percentage of GOP or Independent voters, which doesn’t make much of a difference in the overall election! *** WHOOP***
Not true, Torres had 8255 votes against Fabrizi’s 11,816. No one knows voter turnout this year but the Dem vote will split, with Torres getting plenty of them and deservedly so.
CT Election Stats for those who want to study them.
www .ct.gov/sots/cwp/view.asp?q=392194
Torres had Dem votes in 2003. Those Dem votes will split. Split from him. Similar turnout probably this election but completely different dynamics.
His campaign has received far more Democratic support this time than last. It has elevated to the front page of the Post, Democrats for Torres, even while they were trying to do a hatchet job on him. Torres for the win. The win for Bridgeport.
If memory serves, he is also a former Ganim campaign manager (1989).
This is a huge endorsement. Not because he was a former Ganim campaign manager. Not because Enrique Torres endorsed him and not because Caruso needs 15 minutes of glory. Chris Caruso is a beloved North End icon. He is a most respected politician who truly cares about the city. He has always attempted efforts to clean out the cancer that has poisoned the Democratic party in Bridgeport. His endorsement is a very big deal and I am very pleased he came out in support of Mary-Jane Foster, Row G!
On a side bar, Chris Caruso is well aware of the Ganim involvement with Dewhirst dairy and Stop & Shop as well as Ganim supporting the destruction of the upper North End with the Sacred Heart University dormitories. Only Testa and Ganim know what plans are in the works for the restaurant as far as building up for future dorms.
I appreciate Chris came out for Foster as she is an independent Democrat unlike other former elected officials who think silence is okay to let Ganim destroy the city. It is pathetic at best. Thank you Chris! That is a selfless gesture from a man who truly loves Bridgeport. Almost as much as me. 🙂
Steve Auerbach, I totally agree with you, 100%.
All the endorsements in the world will not hide the fact Ms. Foster has been co-opted by the machine. She’ll be riding Finch’s (and Caruso’s) coattails right out to pasture.
If Foster’s numbers are so good, why is she not willing to publish her poll numbers? Voters want to defeat Ganim and vote for the person who can defeat him. Publishing her push poll numbers, iF they are as great as you keep reporting, would certainly move votes to her.
Jennifer–and Rick’s numbers?
Rick has not done a poll. Correct me if I am wrong.
Leaked but not verified in Black Rock Torres 45 Joe 35 and Foster 19 or 20. Again, not verified, told by “former” Foster supporter to Torres team member, poll conducted about 10 days ago.
Obviously we do not have the $$$ to conduct a poll.
Jennifer, I have asked before and I ask again. What is the name of this alleged polling firm you keep referring to? I have heard of no poll being conducted and I am in Foster’s HQ far more than you.
Again, Connecticut Votes is the organization.
Torres needs Foster to take votes from Ganim, we would not expect the Democratic party at the state level to not close ranks. I worked with Chris during his primary against Finch. He lost because he allowed people from outside Bridgeport to run his campaign messaging.
He lost because Bridgeport elections are about what Mario and Stafstrom want, not what the voters want.
Chris Caruso did not put his political reputation on the line because he didn’t believe the independent DEMOCRAT was not going to win! Wake Up!
Chris Caruso is still alive? I was sure he passed away back in 1974! The story goes Caruso choked to death on a ham sandwich!
Oh shit! I’ll take that back. I’m sorry, that was Mama Cass Elliot.
Mama Cass did not choke on a ham sandwich. Show some respect!
No, Mama Cass Elliot died of a heart attack.
Okay! Okay! It was a 15-inch kielbasa with kraut!
I think Chris Caruso was with the Mars Bar in the carpet.
Many candidates want to be Mayor of Bridgeport but only one can be the best.
www .Only1canbethebest.com
Think of the future and vote for Mary-Jane Foster.
Shouldn’t you be working for Tim Herbst?
Snorefest …
Caruso is just courting Stafstrom and McClutchy for running against Ganim next election cycle. ONLY IN BRIDGEPORT!
Former Sate Representative Chris Caruso’s endorsement is the first wave of the Foster tsunami, a storm that threatens to topple the bunker built by a former mayor. Make the switch, change your mind.
Even The FBI says: I-told-you-so.
Bonus: www .FosterforBridgeport.com
Caruso backing MJF definitely helps Rick. She and her campaign are on fumes, regardless of her endorsements and money raising. Anyone who saw that debate knows she is acting a part, and not doing a good job of it. The last couple of questions posed to her, I couldn’t even hear her response because of all the talking in the audience; people weren’t talking about her, they were indifferent to her presence. She cannot and has not connected with Bridgeporters, all the endorsements and money will not help that. She is simply a “don’t vote for Joe” vote, yet Rick Torres has been flying high lately, he clearly won the debate and won over numerous D’s and unaffiliated voters in the process. He is channeling their pain, fears, hopes and dreams. His platform, ideas and truly spiritual journey to do the right thing, and bring honor and integrity to city government, while being the vehicle that disenfranchised citizens who have been taken for granted by Democrats for generations can ride to begin to lift themselves with the helping hand of government. He feels more than a responsibility, he feels a spiritual mission to lead the city. Everyone at that debate who loudly cheered half a dozen times with Rick’s thoughtful and passionate responses found out what Rick supporters have known for awhile, he is completely connecting with people. Joe Ganim as a politician also has a way of connecting, but he’s lost tremendous steam in the past few weeks, evidenced by his dismal debate performance filled with regurgitated rhetoric and talking points, and it’s obvious he’s become a spiritually empty shell. He thinks he can cruise to the finish, but he’s sadly mistaken. MJF has no true believers, Ganim has some true believers whom he’s connected with, but they are likely coming to the conclusion his passion and energy are for personal gain, ego and glory and not for their welfare. All Rick’s supporters quickly become true believers and know he is on another level than these posers, and his selflessness and competence are obvious and genuine. Bridgeport may not even deserve Rick Torres.
Wow, I would say that was well-written George, no matter who you wrote it for. Nice. Let me see the passion and personal knowledge of a candidate written for Ganim or Foster like that. Have not seen it, it is not there. Good job.
*** Where was the Big Wave during the Dem Primary, I wonder? *** WHOOP! ***
Hanging out with Jared from Subway.
The Big Wave couldn’t come out against Finch. Notice what is behind Caruso in that picture. If you look closely you can see the golden parachute Stafstrom negotiated for him. If he isn’t going to all the funerals in the North End, he isn’t going to be worth dick shit as his name recognition is sliding and his progressive cred in town is shot.
CC is a BACK STABBER! He is looking out for CC and only CC. Shame on him and shame on us for being fooled by him.