The Wakeman Boys & Girls Club is an outstanding organization on behalf of city kids. On Saturday at noon Mayor Bill Finch and several other city pols such as City Council President Tom McCarthy and City Councilwoman Sue Brannelly will plunge into Long Island Sound to raise money at the Freezin’ For A Reason event.
Funds raised benefit all of the programs at Wakeman’s three Clubhouses–including Smilow-Burroughs located in Bridgeport. This year, Wakeman Boys & Girls Club is celebrating its 100th anniversary. In 2012, plungers raised more than $80,000 for Wakeman programs.
Check out the mayor’s fundraising page for a donation here.
*** The reason is not only for a good cause but also for badly needed positive Mayoral P/R, no? *** WARM KOOL-AID ANYONE? ***
Great PR and great cause. I applaud all those involved.
*** Has S.A. gotten hold of large amounts of Finch political kool-aid, I wonder? *** SOS ***
Not at all. It is respect for a good cause and a pat on the back when he represents the City in a positive light. I cannot think of one thing the Mayor has done for me in the past. So my positive words are sincere. I choose not to use this blog as a platform for character assasinations against the Mayor. I will when I have something meaningful to say that will benefit the Mayor and the City. I DO NOT drink Kool-aid nor do I owe any politician anything. When I decide to run for Mayor, my slate will be clean and then I will address the issues that will affect the residents. I appreciate all the positive press Bridgeport gets including the leadership of the City. Finch has a high-priced PR person on the payroll, which is heightening good press and that is a good thing to attract investors. You know Mojo, when MJF lost the primary I supported Finch. There was no secret there. When I say support I mean I voted for him! He may not forgive me for supporting Mary -Jane Foster, but if my memory serves me correctly he supported someone other than Malloy.
Please enlighten me to all the positive good press Bridgeport has gotten in the major media the last few months. Maybe you have been listening to items I have missed.
But Finch won’t do anything for the Boys and Girls Club of Bridgeport on either Park Street or Madison Avenue…Lennie, go ask the president of those combined clubs and find out why.