Michelle Margo and Karyn Leito organize the popular Black Rock Farmers Market that supports local farmers, food producers and local artists. It’s a year-around operation that requires a January commitment to farmers to prepare and plant crops. Check out their campaign here. More info follows.
You reap what you sow … Support the Black Rock Farmers Market and you’ll treat your community (and yourself!) to farm fresh produce and more amazing local goods.
Over the last two years, the Black Rock Farmers Market has become a very popular community gathering place, but in order to maintain the momentum and return for our third year, WE NEED YOUR HELP!
The Black Rock Farmers Market currently supports 4 local farmers, approximately 20 food producers, and dozens of artisans and musicians. Every dollar spent at the market supports growers and producers, but we need operating capital to become sustainable and transition from a volunteer run organization.
Our mission is to provide real food grown by local farmers to keep our community healthy and strong. The market has also helped launch several successful small businesses. We want to grow that even further and keep this market in the community.
Why Food, Artisans and Music?
Seasonal food, artisans and music together in one marketplace provide our customers and neighbors with several reasons to gather on the field and enjoy a Saturday morning together. We are excited to bring many facets of the local community together including regional organic farmers, food producers, artisans, and musicians to the ethnically diverse population of the Black Rock area of Bridgeport and nearby communities. Total attendance for the 2015 season was over 12,000 people. We know that by increasing attendance at the market, we generate support for our farmers, food producers, and artisans whose livelihoods depend on these dollars. In fact, over the last two years we have helped accelerate small businesses and stimulated the local economy.
These women do great work! Please help spread the word and our food wealth!
*** Bridgeport needs more of this, however meetings at work sites, schools, parishes, shelters and hospitals, etc. are needed to explain the benefits in eating healthy and better! The city must spread the word to young and old and help its residents eat healthier, no? *** EAT HEALTHIER, BPT ***