State Senate Forum Thursday

Bridgeport Generation Now

 will co-host a forum Thursday 7 p.m. at the University of Bridgeport’s John J. Cox Student Center featuring candidates running for the open State Senate seat in Connecticut’s 23rd District, Democratic-endorsed Dennis Bradley and primary opponent Aaron Turner, Republican-endorsed John Rodriguez and opponent Casimir Mizera. The respective party candidates square off in an August 14 primary.

Hang Time, a community support group for returning citizens, Connecticut Against Gun Violence and The Council of Churches of Greater Bridgeport are also participating partners.

Incumbent Ed Gomes is not seeking reelection to the district seat that covers about two thirds of Bridgeport and a portion of western Stratford,

Topics will include
– Personal experience
– Passion
– Leadership Style
– Youth/After School Programming
– Gun Violence
– Potential Casino
– Economic Development
– Anti-Corruption/Good Governance



  1. Hopefully questions will be ask about Dennis Bradley the voting charges that have been filed against him and Bradley leading a boycott by not holding Board Of Education meetings and thereby not taking care of the business of the education of the 21,000 Bridgeport school students. What was the benefit of those boycotts for those students?

  2. It’s like the Wild, Wild West in the 138th District.

    I will begin filing complaints regarding absentee ballot fraud against Lydia Martinez, two additional 137th TC members, Tyreke Bird and now I have caught Tony Barr.

    No time now, but I will start drafting them right after the election.

  3. Don’t forget that Dennis Bradley offered a Stratford mayoral candidate a $5,000 contribution in return for “a position” with the town. Dennis Bradley isn’t fit to be the State Senator from Bridgeport. He can’t be trusted and his moral compass is obviously broken. Bridgeport, you deserve better than Dennis Bradley.

  4. Aaron Turner is caring, hardworking, smart, and dedicated. Ed Gomes chose his protoge well. Aaron will make a great legislator for Bridgeport and a good partner for our other legislators including his senate neighbor Marilyn Moore. I will enthusiastically vote for Aaron Turner.

    A question for Lennie: Is this really bullet voting? I always thought that bullet voting is the action of voting for one person in a multi-member seat. An example would be voting for one candidate in a two-person City Council district. It’s difficult for me to think of voting for a state Senate candidate — no matter which line they’re on — as bullet voting since only one person can win the election.

    I suppose is it is a form of bullet voting to stray from the endorsed candidates on Line A to vote for a challenger candidate, but that’s only viewed in the sense of fealty to the endorsed line, not in terms of electing one person in particular to a multi-member start.

    When I lived in North Carolina back during the late 1970s and early 1980s, one means suspected to keep African-Americans out of the legislature was establishment of multi-member House and Senate districts electing two or three members from a single super-sized district. This had the effect of electing, say, three Euro-Americans to the legislature rather than perhaps one Afrtican-American and two Euro-Americans elected from three single-member districts in the same territory. Muti-member districts in North Carolina were eliminated with the 1980 redistricting, as I recall. A strong campaign to elect an African-American under those circumstances would encourage bullet voting to deny votes to the Euro-American candidate(s).

    1. Oops. I may have confused readers!

      1. Substitute “seat” for “start” at the end of the third paragraph.

      2. I meant to add this comment to another post in which Lennie wrote about the 23rd Senate District and In particular about bullet voting. I apologize for attaching the comment to the wrong thread.

  5. *** TURNER is young & still has the passion in his heart to do the right thing, lets hope he’s doesn’t lose it should he make it to the State Senate. ***

  6. *** I saw Turner/Gomes & Bratley/Barr passing their campaign message’s at the P.T Barb. this past Sat. Most of the folk there, really seemed not interested either way! *** Wonder why? ***


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