State Officials: Harding School Site Will Be Safe

From Linda Conner Lambeck: CT Post:

Seated in the cafeteria of the 89-year-old Harding High School, a team of state, city and GE officials held an information session on Thursday trying to convince about 100 members of the public that building a new Harding High School on a toxin-filled former industrial parcel is safe.

“We will make sure the cleanup is done in a safe way,” Meg Harvey, an epidemiologist from the state Department of Public Health, said.

This type of cleanup is “commonly done and meets state standards,” Robert Bell, assistant director of state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s remediation division said.

Full story here.



  1. I was present for this Public Forum last night. It was nothing more than a slick sales job. One presenter actually stated “7,000 cars of soil have been removed” from the site. Why would you possibly utilize the number of cars instead of dump trucks? Because 1,000 cars probably equals one dump truck.

    I specifically asked if a child or staff member develops a serious illness that can be linked to the contaminant sites, who will be liable for the purposes of litigation? Would it be DEEP, GE, Mayor Finch, the five members of the BBOE who voted to approve this site or would it be all of you? The GE representatives cheeks turned bright red, and the rest of them just looked at each other in silence.

    I would think if you truly believe the site will be 100% safe, which is all of their claims, you would simply answer the question. I do think it says a lot when no one wanted to directly answer my question.

  2. On a side note, here is the clip of Mayor Grinch at this week’s rally on the New Haven Green funded by Families for Ex$ellent Schools, Northeast Charter $chools and can-CON.

    He has the nerve to speak about what BPS children need to be successful for all the minimum-wage jobs he is bringing to Bridgeport. All while he is UNLAWFULLY and ILLEGALLY underfunding the BPS by approximately $5 million dollars over the last three years. Can’t wait until 2015.

  3. A person from DEEP was asked the following question and gave an answer which is a 100% lie.

    “One speaker asked Bell if anyone had ever become sick for having been exposed to a site DEEP deemed as clean.
    “Is this 100 percent?”
    “People wont be exposed,” the speaker was told.

    Well the DEEP deemed the site of the new power plant in Milford safe from contaminants a few years ago and the plant was built. What was found out later was it was in fact contaminated. My son and his electrical crew were exposed to many known carcinogens, many became ill with many forms of cancer. My son was exposed to polyvinylchloride and suffered many seizures that he never had and it does not run in the family. The state is being sued by these workers and at least one killed himself. I would not believe a word spoke by DEEP.

  4. Where is Erin Brockovich? Have these liars live on-site for a month, drink the water and have feet on the ground. Watch how fast their tune changes.
    Robin Williams once said about Lake Erie (a reclaimed natural resource for food and water) perch (a good eating fish in its day), “They are great eating and delicious, once you get past the tumors.”

  5. It is a giant lie. The pond and the old ballfield are highly contaminated and they were not fully addressed. GE centered on the
    building and the land under the building. You must know GE had a guard on the site 24/7, how good is this piece of property???


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