Speaking Of The Vote Recount …

The Connecticut Citizen Audit Coalition that supervised the vote recount sponsored by the Connecticut Post reports the following:

Bridgeport, Connecticut – The Connecticut Citizen Audit Coalition conducted a citizen recount of the ballots cast in the gubernatorial race in Bridgeport, in conjunction with the Connecticut Post and with the cooperation with the City of Bridgeport, The Connecticut Citizen Audit Coalition is comprised of the League of Women Voters of Connecticut, Common Cause, Connecticut Citizen Action Group and CTVotersCount.

The recount counted all ballots cast in the City of Bridgeport in the race for governor and compared ballot counts to voters checked-in. The recount was conducted by fifty-six (56) citizen volunteers donating over one-hundred and fifteen (115) days to the cause of democracy. Most of the volunteers had previous experience observing post-election audits for the Coalition.

Luther Weeks of CTVotersCount states, “We found evidence suggesting just about every type of counting and calculation error one would imagine from officials who worked extended days and counted under pressure. We also found differences between numbers of ballots cast and numbers of voters checked-in at the polls.”

Cheryl Dunson of the League of Women Voters of CT stated, “Voters deserve better. Municipalities must provide sufficient numbers of ballots. Election officials need more training, organization, and more time to determine and report results. There is also a need for more enforcement of our election laws.”

Cheri Quickmire, Executive Director, Common Cause of Connecticut said “While the recount showed no evidence of fraud, there were numerous errors. It is time for elections officials to be accountable to the citizens of the state. It is time to professionalize elections in Connecticut.”

Connecticut Citizen Action Group Executive Director, Tom Swan said, “In a closer election, similar errors could have changed an election result, precluded a necessary recanvass or caused an unnecessary one.”

Further Data and Full Report: ctelectionaudit.org/bridgeport-recount-report

To learn more about the Coalition or to view all of the coalition’s reports visit: www.CTElectionAudit.org



  1. *** Everything found in any of these recounts & observations concerning the ballot debacle has already been mentioned several times in the past by OIB bloggers, no? Maybe political people should start reading more of “OIB.” *** BACK to Basics. ***

  2. The recurrence of these election day shenanigans should absolutely appall the people of Bridgeport. The various political factions in Bridgeport did a laudable job cooperating with each other to help put Dan Malloy and other Democratic candidates into office. Although there was a modicum of in-fighting, the Testacrats, Finch Fanatics, Caruso Crusaders and Stafstrom All-Stars had much more cooperation vis-a-vis the gubernatorial campaign than in past years. To have such a landmark election (that ultimately bucked the national conservative sweep) almost derailed by gross negligence is simply unacceptable.


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