Snooze And Lose–Zoning Gaffe Paves Way For Shopping Center On Upper East Side

From Dan Tepfer, CT Post:

An oops by city officials has opened the door for a controversial developer to put a shopping center smack in the middle of a residential neighborhood on the Bridgeport-Trumbull line.

Superior Court Judge Richard Gilardi Wednesday refused a city request to block further construction on a three and a half-acre site on Huntington Turnpike where developer Manuel Moutinho plans to put up a 19,500 square foot shopping center.

Read entire story here.



  1. It’s not an “Ooops,” Lennie. This is either a perfect example of the Peter Principle, or as BlackRockGuy says, “Could this be the old pay to play?” Methinks it is probably both.

  2. The court should have ruled the City should reimburse the developer for his costs instead of letting the construction proceed–instead the neighbors lose here. And the City employee should be fired immediately.

  3. Common Good,
    I find “zero tolerance” in this situation as too severe an outcome for one employee to bear. The neighbors have had an opportunity for years to organize around this issue, to dig out all the facts around the property including past zoning appearances and/or court actions, and to advocate for their residential values. At this time I assume they might have a chance to appeal in court or to seek a negotiation that recovers some values for them.
    On the City side I want to know the process that brought the employee to ignore or miss the pre-existing decision, to know which appointed Board members over the years had input on the matter and to see what supervisory sign-off was required in such a case, if any. Process takes time and that frustrates some. But it can protect the status quo and long-term ‘master plan’ intent. However, when things are slow, slipshod, and cost the taxpayer in terms of residential values, someone in the administration needs to own up to a miscarriage of administration. Time will tell.

  4. Superior Court Judge Richard Gilardi was wrong on his decision to overturn a previous court ruling. The judge should have waited before he rendered a decision without giving the neighborhood a chance to protect their property values.
    Now the neighborhood and the Town of Trumbull will have to appeal to the State Supreme Court.
    Here’s the big lie. So what piece of paper was Bonney looking at that gave Moutinho the OK?


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