Silenced For Months, Pereira’s City Council Committee Assignments Restored

From Brian Lockhart, CT Post:

Four months after being stripped of her committee assignments as punishment for her actions and statements in opposing a Middle East ceasefire resolution, Councilwoman Maria Pereira can resume those duties.

“I do not agree with Maria Pereira’s politics, but she is a diligent member,” Council President Aidee Nieves said Tuesday in defense of her decision this week to add Pereira back to the local legislative body’s contracts and education subcommittees’ rosters. “Right now I need individuals to show up for meetings who are going to be engaged in the work that needs to be done.”

…Pereira had argued the ceasefire resolution was poorly written and the topic was out of the council’s jurisdiction. Then, in an email the next morning to Nieves and Mayor Joe Ganim’s deputy chief of staff, Thomas Gaudett, she referred to members of the Islamic community who attended that meeting as a “Palestinian mob” and “Palestinian thugs.”

She also called an unidentified man she claimed yelled at her “possibly a Hamas terrorist,” criticized Police Chief Roderick Porter and his officers as a “pig and his piglets” and mocked a Ganim aide’s weight.

Pereira in her email also admitted that after the Jan. 2 meeting had adjourned she twice stuck up her middle finger at an individual she said “repeatedly yelled out my name and was waving some propaganda poster at me.”

Full story here


One comment

  1. her comments were dispicable but for all those crying foul, its all a dog and pony show. these are easy ways to score plotical points, meanwhile where is the outrage when Ganim demolished blocks of afforable housing in the east side, mainly black and latino households, to only shrink the tax base and have it empty for over thirty years, And finally when it’s all set and done build luxury housing. basically ganim’s “progress” means replace working black and latino families with luxury housing. and bridgeport politicians can save their crocodile tears when a developer evicts their residents. it’s a crisis they manufactured.


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