UPDATED: A Facebook thread about City Councilman Marcus Brown’s run for State Senate devolved into inflammatory remarks made by city employee Steven Auerbach, a member of the Democratic Town Committee, against State Senator Marilyn Moore. Moore on Wednesday issued a statement.
“Comments like these reflect a trend of increasingly divisive politics locally and nationally. They have no place in this country, this state or Bridgeport,” Sen. Moore said. “To use such vulgar language in an attack is demeaning and offensive, especially sexist language. It is an assault on democracy and could discourage women for running for public office. City leadership remains quiet on these remarks; they should be denounced. There should be no place in politics for such an attack. I challenge Bridgeport leaders and officials to stand up against these remarks.”

The Facebook exchange was brought to OIB’s attention by Joey Colon who took screen shots prior to Auerbach deleting the profanities. The comments were followed by a series of posts condemning Auerbach’s language, among the first City Councilman Ernie Newton who wrote “Steven Auerbach, You owe Sen. Marilyn Moore an apology … Shame politics has reached a new Low.”
Newton, for this story, also took OIB to task for failing to point out that during the 2019 mayoral campaign supporters of Moore were more than willing to play the race card on Facebook.
Several Moore supporters during the heat of the mayoral campaign highlighted “corrupt white males” in reference to defeating the Ganim administration.
“This has to stop on both sides,” says Newton.
One of Moore’s closest friends and mayoral campaign adviser Sauda Baraka, a former school board member, throws around inflammatory remarks about “white males” like nickels and dimes. Moore’s mayoral campaign manager Gemeem Davis did the same on Facebook.

The irony in all of this, had Moore placed people in charge of her mayoral campaign who knew how to run a citywide race–like former State Rep. Chris Caruso, a “white male” that she rejected–she’d be mayor today. God forbid a “white male” manage her race.
OIB received several phone calls in response to the original article wondering, why is this a story? Moore went out of her way, in a news release, to bring attention to Auerbach’s remarks. She wants attention, otherwise you say nothing. In private Moore is unabashed about crowing “all you white males” when she feels it goes against her sensibilities. But how often does Moore say this in public? Fact is, Moore has enjoyed a majority of white voters in her elections. Does she reel in her supporters when they make inflammatory remarks on her behalf? Nope.
Auerbach works in the Public Facilities Department overseeing parking regulations. He is also a member of the Democratic Town Committee in the 134th District.
Auerbach, for years, has been a critic of Moore in the OIB comments section, though he has not posted in about six months when once a regular contributor.
Moore’s Senate office provided whited-out screen shots of the profanities because of her disdain for offensive language. The screen shots posted above were provided by Joey Colon.
Also, keep in mind Auerbach’s comments and Moore’s response comes less than a week from a Democratic Town Committee primary on the West Side that includes Marcus Brown’s slate and an opposition slate that includes Marilyn Moore’s son.
Tit for tat, it’s politics in the ‘Port.
Stevie A’s Mother, should wash his mouth out with soap!
This is what happens when you live in your Mother basement with 6 cats!
Steve Auerbach,
You surprise me!! For a guy who has had to fight social stigma for a good number of years and is often seen publicly surrounded by women, for you to use language that is disrespectful to a woman, also a woman of color, and also a leader of public service to this community, I want to ask, “What is going on in your head?” Are you less intelligent than the Smart parking meter in the picture with you?
Facebook is a public platform, and you are a citizen and over 21, but what type of example does this set for youth of the City? How do your factually void statements support your antipathy to the Senator? Trying to make a splash again? Not the way to do it, I suggest. Perhaps you wish to explain? Time will tell.
Little Stevie A is acting like the bitch that he is, Little Stevie A just can’t get over the fact that Marilyn Moore kicked his hero former State Senator, Anthony Musto ass and took the Senate position from him. Facebook is the only place Little Stevie can speak because Mario has placed Little Stevie A from posting on OIB. Little Stevie S needs to be disciplined for his public disrespect to a elected State Senator.
How could anyone be surprised that her referred to Senator Moore in this manner when he called me a nigger and talked about Mary Lee, both in this forum. Little Steve is a bigot who lacks a shred of decency. Why are Black tax payers of the city of Bridgeport paying the salary of a known bigot? I guess you can be a bigot just as long as you’re a good DTC member!
Steven Auerbach // Aug 10, 2015 at 2:06 pm
And this is why I think the Rev. McBride is a poor excuse for a minister and an embarrassment to her community and this is how an ordained Minister reacts when they have their lips firmly planted on Mr. Joseph Ganim’s ass.
This is appalling! Senator Moore can thank Steve Auerbach ,because of his disrespectful remarks against her I intend to get back out in my district and work as I did the last time she ran. I intentionally held my tongue after reading the article about Marcus Brown. Believe me it took all the will power I have not to respond, but as a woman who held public office, and has been active for over 40 years in the Democratic Party, I realize he is presently running for a Town Committee seat, so I’ll save my comments for another time. This did not take much pondering on my part, believe it or not some of us do exercise political decency. When I run into Joe, I will make it a point to share my position regarding patronage City employees blogging in a negative manner. I realize that little Stevie is protected under the First Amendment to speak his meaness, but Joe is not hamstrumg by any law that says he can’t let little Stevie go if he deems to. The Senator is a lady, she doesn’t get down and dirty, but I do. Just try me!
Wait a minute. I don’t remember reading anything about Ernest Newton,Sauda Baraka,Chris Caruso and white males in the original post.
Frank, story has been updated. I have written many times had Chris Caruso managed Moore’s mayoral campaign she’d be mayor today. She did not ask him.
Wait a minute. The issue of race was brought into the open by none other than TestaGanim puppet Mary McBride Lee when she said that Marilyn Moore was “not Black Enough,” The issue of race was then picked up by Ernest Newton and the Ganim campaign against the BPT GenNow lawsuit. Why was all this extra stuff about Newton etc added to the original story about Auerbach using his slur words against Moore.
C’mon Ernie, what the hell are you talking about? Why the need to run to the rescue of white males? Why do you feel the need to run to the rescue of Mayor Ganim? Not one time are you critical of the misogynist remark from Mayor Ganim’s hire hand, but quite critical of the Black woman? The closet you come to admonishing the white Male is to say, “This has to stop on both sides.” That’s straight up bullshit and the sad part about it is that you won’t see or understand!
You know being a Black man is more than attending marches and living on the East End! You need to quit being an enthusiastic apologist for Mayor Ganim, Mario and Steve, it’s embarrassing.
Don, Ernie doesn’t know any better, remember he’ll say, “I’ll leave that up to you and Ron.” Ernie wants to be a State Senator so he can’t speak out against out against the boss, we sick boss, supporting and speaking up for a black woman is not as important because there’s nothing in it for him compare to speaking up for boss Joe and Mario.
Stevie is a clown,fact is if Moore won in November,Stevie would be kissing HER ass and calling Joe a “bitch”. Remember when Finch was going into the primary with Joe?,Stevie was talking all kinds of shit about Joe..
“I think medical science now uses the term “Genetic congenital Liar” and there is a picture of Joe Ganim next to the medical term. Again, Foster fails to address Joe Ganim and he really is her only roadblock. Three weeks to go. Boring!
Then fast forward a month or so after Joe beat Finch,Stevie,realizing he better start kissing Joe’s ass started saying things like this..
“Actually, first I really wanted to congratulate many of my friends who supported Joe Ganim. Tirelessly. I always said Joe Ganim was a tenacious campaigner and I thought he ran a great campaign. That congratulations is for Joe Ganim also.”
Stevie will turn on his”friends”in a second if he sees the wind blowing that way.Be very careful with this guy,you can’t trust him..
Ron and Don
First of all what Steve said was out of line. Both of you in the mayor’s election share how you felt about blacks who didn’t support Sen Moore. Sen Moore people said things about me on social media Wanda Simmons right here on this Blog and on Facebook along with many others in hear camp said things and many of them I had to block because my children was ready along with many of their friends to take it to those who said many nasty things about me. Politics is one thing so don’t get on this blog acting like both sides need to realize the election for Mayor is over. Ron and Don you guys know what you say about me is your opinion and you know what they say about opinions lol. I said both side should Stop 🛑 The disrespect for each other like I said Our community is divided I saw it 30 years ago with The late Sen Morton’s people and The late Tisdale’s People. You guys could use your talents by trying to be healers in stead of dividers.
Ernest Newton,,,,,,you have no credibility. It’s quite noticeable that you did not mention your fellow Testa puppet, Mary McBride Lee who said that Moore was “NOT BLACK ENOUGH” in last year’s mayoral election. Shame on you for your selective memory.
Councilwoman Lee didn’t call the Sen. A Bitch. so it was ok to have people go to her church and say things about her two wrongs don’t make it right. Steve should never call any Women a bitch be it Black, White, or Hispanic. People have a right to support who they wish too. Many Black including myself who supported Joe right her on this Blog and on social media said things about US that I had to block many of them because of my family want to deal with those individuals. People in politics need to grow the hell up and stop making it so personal. The rules of politics No Permanent friends and No Permanent enemies Just common interest. Frank you are the last person i need to have credibility with as long as i have credibility with the 139th district that’s all that counts. The Numbers from my elections don;t LIE!
Ernie, so you support Rev. Mary Lee statement that Senator Marilyn Moore “IS NOT BLACK ENOUGH?”
I did not support what was said, just like i did not support the names you and Ron have said about other black Leaders in our city me included.
Marilyn Moore’s disdain for offensive language is tiny compared my disdain for offensive debt levels!
Words quickly vaporize but the debt with her fingerprints on it lasts twenty years.
NOBODY wants to vote for tolls and what is Lamont’s response?
More debt.
The debt solution is the Republican plan. Both chambers have supported a bonding plan to repair the roads as opposed to tolls. I for one, a person that travels all over the state wouldn’t mind paying tolls as described (once a day in a direction) if the toll revenue was lock-boxed.
So does Mayor Ganim have a plan for the Coronavirus ? Closing Schools, test kits, Hospital overflows, Red Cross?
He’s waiting for instructions from his President, Donald J Trump.
Right now he concentrating on boosting the Dow Jones.
He is planning on forming a task force to deal with it. He is planning on naming a Coronavirus Czar any day now. Stay tuned for news of his Press Conference.
Free Jessica Martinez!! Bb
Sybil Allen for President of the Bridgeport Board of Education!!!
Ernie you said, “I said both side should Stop 🛑 The disrespect for each other.” What has Senator Moore Ever said to disrespect Little Steve Blunder or you? You went on to say, “Steve should never call any Women a bitch be it Black, White, or Hispanic. Was he talking about any other women except our Black Senator? As a Black man, but more importantly as a Black political leader you have a responsibility to admonish any man that disrespects our Black women, NO EXCEPTIONS!
Lennie, what did Senator Moore say about white males that would perpetuate you to admonish her in this forum, to cause this negative view of our good Senator? You just can’t put this false narrative out about the Senator without some background at to what was said. It appears as if you have again drank the Mayor Ganim koolaid especially with this being a political cycle! C’mon man are working for Mayor Ganim again and didn’t you learn anything the first time you rode the Ganim train? What could Senator Moore have said that would impugn the integrity of white males considering their place in the barbaric history of this America? White males have earned their place in the Hall of Shame of American Barbarism and all one has to do is to look at your current president and the right wing senators to see that not much has changed in the over 500 years that white males have been in America! If OIB has now turned into an arm of the DTC just say so, so that all of us that read and post in this forum will know the deal and not have to guess.
Lennie please put up my post off of FB I was the First to say that Steve owned Sen. Moore an apology for calling her a Bitch. Don i guess its all right for a black person to call another black person a Bitch. You seem to be up set because a white man said it. You should be upset anytime some one call a women a bitch. What if someone said that to your wife sister daughter etc.Black or white. Steve was out of place for saying it. yes i received a lot of phone calls yesterday from many people that supported Joe Ganmin about me saying what I said on facebook saying Steve should apology for what he said. I told them if he call your mother, sister, aunt etc a Bitch would you like that. Some people have taken politics to a level of NO Return. DON YOU AND RON see things one way. You let one of sen. moore supporter come on OIB and say I was on Crack and you GUYS no better and you said nothing. Both side need to stop with the disrespect of each other. Maybe we could start with RON,and DON!
Ernie, you sound like President 45 with your comment, “both side should Stop,” and 45’s comment about the violence in Charlottesville, VA, when he said there were fine people on “both sides.” Ernie, Don and myself have always watched your back when someone would make comments about you drugs and in fact we told that you had NO business getting into a piss war with Maria with you taking a piss test to prove that you wre not on drugs.
Looks like Ernest Newton just can’t get things right. Maria Pereira was never a supporter of Marilyn Moore. Please get your facts straight.
Frank, you are 100% right about Maria but for all of the those loyal Maria supporters you also know that Maria had a hand in Marilyn losing along with Marilyn’s mistakes.
Donald Day,
Thank you for your above comment about something that most have missed here. I made similar comments but those comments never saw the light of day and OIB knows that.
I saw the original post which was strictly about Auerbach. House later,I come back and I see an “update.” I saw that Ernest Newton and his “musings” got thrown into the mix. Okay???? However,then we got this “ANTI-MALE” attitude/accusation directly against Senator Marilyn Moore,her friends,political allies. WTH did this come from which is what you are asking. In my deleted comments,I asked OIB directly,,,,,Was this “Update” created to blunt/dilute Auerbach’s singular issue? There was no answer and it was all deleted. Lennie,can you please say something about this. Thank you.
Thank you.
Frank, stories are updated all the time for various reasons. I am comfortable with the balance of the story. Newton made a point: both sides are doing it and it should stop. It was a relevant comment that I included in the update. Moore’s mayoral campaign had several supporters on Facebook who used inflammatory rhetoric, name calling, vulgarities. It cuts both ways. The Moore and Ganim primary campaigns were train wrecks strategically and organizationally. Both sides missed opportunities.
Thank you.
Greater Bridgeport NAACP calls on Auerbach to apologize to Senator Moore
Sorry..it’s a small image. Maybe someone can download a better size. I’m a tech baddie.
Frank, that’s nice but they didn’t say a word when City Council member Rev. Mary Lee, who is black said that State Senator Marilyn Moore, a black woman, ‘was not black enough.”
My issue with the statement from the Greater Bridgeport NAACP is that it should call for Mayor Joe Ganim to show some leadership and FIRE Steven Auerbach. This would send a strong message to the Testa puppets that the ugly remarks that began in last year’s mayoral campaign (with McBride-Lee being the most outrageous) against Marilyn Moore would come at a price. If Auerbach was fired,this would give Marcus Brown and his supporters pause before they try those personal attacks.
Frank, again, Don has given you a good answer:
Donald Day says:
February 27, 2020 at 6:04 pm
Frank, the NAACP’s response is wreak as BABY SPIT, but that’s what they’ve become, a caricature of is self. Don’t be surprised, just be surprised that they said anything!
Frank, let me say this about the NAACP, I was once a member but once they lost they had their charter taken away from them by the national NAACP I’ve never renewed my membership because the lack of leadership from their President past Presidents going back to the lost of their charter, they are wreak as BABY SPIT. They will not put any pressue on Mayor Joe Ganim.
Ernie, when the subject of Maria and asking you to take a drug test my response to you was for you NOT to take this test because those of us that love you, those of us that know you and those of us that voted for you know that you are no longer drug active! You have nothing to prove to Maria of anyone else. I guess you must have selective amnesia.
You stated I should have a problem with any man calling a woman a bitch, I’m sorry but I don’t. I was raised by a single Black mother and I have seven sisters and my mom told me at an early age, Never Let A Man Disrespect A Black Woman! I understood at an early age that I am my Brother’s keeper and I’ve lived that credo my whole life. If a saw a man of any ethnicity call your wife or daughter a bitch I would speak to it immediately because I know them and they are Black Women. If I saw a man of any ethnicity call a white woman a bitch, while I’d be surprised by this I wouldn’t really care because I don’t know her. If I saw a man of any ethnicity call Lisa a bitch I would step to it immediately because I know her. If a saw a man refer to a Latina as a bitch I would be surprised, but I wouldn’t really care because I don’t really know her. If I saw a man refer to Enida as a bitch I would step to it immediately because I know her.
I don’t have any idea what you said on FB about Little Steve Blunder referring to OUR sister as a bitch, I just know what was said on this forum and I found it woefully inadequate. My Brother, Ron or I have never disrespected you in this forum or any other and for you insinuate that we had is disingenuous at best and an outright lie at its worst. Have we criticized you, HELL YES! Will we continue to criticize you, HELL YES if you continue to give less than your very best! Disrespect, HELL NO!
ALL i’m saying is Disrespecting people base on politics is wrong. I don’t mind people holding me accountable. When people start calling you out of your name, such as steve did and many others on this Blog we have to speak up.When Wanda Simmons said I was a Crack Head, right here on this Blog you nor Ron said anything.Both sides are wrong for saying things like HOUSE NIGGERS, UNCLE TOMS, I may disagree with you and Ron but i never take it personal because i know if i need either one of you guys you would be there for me and bye the way Thanks for attending my Birthday party.
I have just contacted my local representatives,City Council reps Scott Burns and Matt McCarthy and State Representative Steve Stafstrom to demand that Mayor Joe Gamin set a standard of ZERO TOLERANCE towards such unacceptable behavior from City Employee Steven Auerbach. The three mentioned civic leaders share the same constituently as Senator Moore and they also need to stand up and demand ZERO TOLERANCE.
Frank, the NAACP’s response is wreak as BABY SPIT, but that’s what they’ve become, a caricature of is self. Don’t be surprised, just be surprised that they said anything!
Ernie, thank you for having me at your birthday party my Brother. I enjoyed it and it was good to see a lot of friends there.
“State senator calls out Bridgeport employee for his ‘vulgar’ comments about her”
Brian Lockhart Feb. 26, 2020 Updated: Feb. 26, 2020 6:54 p.m.
The City must do an investigation into Steve Auerbach who works in the Public Facilities Department overseeing parking regulation and who is also a member of the Democratic Town Committee in the 134th District. Auerbach is in violation of the City of Bridgeport Work Rules about workplace conduct promoting a culture of respect and good performance. Other City employees have been bought on charges similar to Auerbach, the City needs to know if this act was done on the work hours and o City equipment. Steve Auerbach has not given State Senator Marilyn Moore an apology for calling her a “bitch.” This type of conduct can not be condone in the City workplace.
Ron,unless Joe/Mario tells him too,Stevie isn’t aplogizing.He takes his marching orders from them and them only.That’s why Joe/Mario keep him around.
Harvey, without a doubt Little Stevie A won’t do anything unless he gets the ok from Joe/Mario so no thank you will be given for Stevie to apologize. Little Stevie A got keeps getting his ass kicked by Judge Carmen Lopez with his parking so call parking violation. Joe and Mario placed a ban on Stevie from posting on OIB because of his post concerning his back and forth with Judge Lopez because he can’t win. Little Stevie A. only relief was to use Facebook to get his frustration out to the public because Joe and Mario didn’t ban him from Facebook yet. Little Stevie A. must face discipline for his actions in violation of City Workplace Rules and Regulations, there needs to be a investigation, then a suspension and a fine.