Bridgeport alert on Rush Limbaugh’s Wednesday show. He was talking about one of his favorite subjects, voter fraud, and then how Elmer Fudd could defeat Barack in next year’s election (but could Rush defeat Elmer?), yadda, yadda. This call came from Connecticut.
CALLER: But the concern about vote fraud, Rush, has to be ubiquitous. Here in Connecticut, where the commander-in-chief has visited today for another campaign speech at the commencement ceremonies of the Coast Guard Academy in New London, we had the polls that were vacated by the authorities in Bridgeport, Connecticut.
RUSH: You people in Connecticut don’t have a prayer, it’s over then, when you talk about Republicans winning anything there, unless they’re RINOs. Yeah, I feel for you. Every time I go to Connecticut–I go there every summer–they’re the most depressed Republicans in the country. I mean they out-depress even Republicans in California.
CALLER: Well, one of the reasons is that we’ve perfected vote fraud here. Could you imagine leaving the polls open in Bridgeport, people walked away and let those Obamaites take over the polls and print extra ballots, make copies, and totally defuse the system. We have Richard Blumenthal, for God’s sake, as a United States senator. We have Joseph Lieberman.
RUSH: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hey Bridgeport Republicans, are you going to take that from Rush?
This last election there was a choice of various political stands. The majority of people, not all, decided to return the incumbents. As a resident I hate to state the obvious, the people get the government and economy they deserve. To those who regret the political and economic conditions that exist, I suggest go to the meet and greets and never take the standard template answer as acceptable.
Rush speaks truth: most Connecticut Republicans, indeed most New England Republicans, are out of step with Republican America. They are RINOs–Republicans in Name Only–as Mr. Limbaugh said.
Rush knows. After all, he is the acknowledged spokesman of the national Republican Party.
The caller obviously does not know anything about vote fraud. Running out of ballots in Bridgeport wasn’t fraudulent–it was pathologically stupid. The Democrats stepped all over their own vote.
That was the conspiracy. The incident in Bridgeport goes to show just how much the local Democratic Party would like to play Santa Claus to the Republican Party. The Dems tried to gift-wrap the election for the GOPers.
A radio talk show host in Florida should not be expected to know this. I really think OIB owes Rush an apology.
The caller sounds like an embittered soul, perhaps he is a Trumbull resident who was unable to get a parking ticket fixed.
Bridgeporters should be proud of themselves. They decided the gubernatorial election, most likely, and put Himes over the top.
I hope they continue to participate. After all, it would be a shame to waste all the ballots the registrars will provide, wouldn’t it?
Isn’t it odd how whenever places like Bridgeport vote, the Republicans get upset?
Rush Limbaugh has no moral compass.
If bashing Republicans paid, he’d be a Democrat.
Here’s a prescription for a depressed Bridgeport Republican.
The cure for what ails you! Even if it’s for a day.
Who in the administration authorized a $14,000 salary increase to Councilman Warren Blunt??? The mayor? The new health director? The OPM Director? The CAO? Who did this??? Lennie please look into this matter. How can one person get such a steep increase? How many others are getting this kind of an increase? Please, I want to see the list.
Junk Yard Dog II,
Great question. And think how this was reported: not in a press release celebrating raises for some while unions were asked for giveups or givebacks; not in a release about wonderful efficiencies in City governance discovered under Councilman Blunt and therefore a well deserved reward for greater responsibilities, etc.; no it comes as part of an article showing continuing difficulties of one man to responsibly handle personal financial obligations, namely payments to the City where he is employed by all the taxpayers and where he has been elected by his District voters to represent them legislatively.
Again I will ask about conflicts of interest. How can Councilman Blunt to maintain salary and a $14,000 salary increase not be conflicted in voting for such a financial package? Why does he not (along with others) recuse himself on such votes?
I also found it interesting to listen to another Councilman address people in his district who are concerned about their children and the education being offered to them. Superintendent Ramos had outlined in ten minutes the problems and issues currently facing him and the system, including a flat budget for the fourth year, and then outlined how Dunbar School might be used in a new way next year as part of consolidations and other changes. Rather than ask any questions the Councilman talked to his constituents about their children being most important and constituent voices needing to be raised and be heard. He NEVER said: “I voted for that flatline budget this year and here’s my reasoning.” Can people connect the dots? I guess if they are challenged, the people just might make the effort to identify and act upon such hypocrisy! And finally the hypocrisy goes right to the top where the City is asking for waivers on actuarial minimum funding for Pension Plan A, at the same time he and others including Councilman Blunt are taking increases. How tight has the belt been pulled? NOT!
Well stated. $14,000 is a bit too much for me. No one should be receiving that kind of a salary increase in this municipality. Again, I implore someone out there, Lennie, John Gomes, MJF–please investigate this outrage and report back to the electorate.
One corrupt city.
Nepotism and cronyism is business as usual in the armpit of Connecticut. TERM LIMITS is the best answer, but the only people whose terms would be limited are those who would vote for TERM LIMITS!!!
It should be STATE MANDATED. But that also applies at the state level.