Now this is funny. Republican U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, in the mix for a possible presidential run, had a case of cotton mouth in his state of the union rebuttal to the president. He washed it down from a bottle of water. Wonder if Poland Spring will be the first to write a fat check to Rubio.
Maybe he’s drinking some of that Republican Kool-Aid?
I thought Pres. Obama gave an outstanding speech. I was extremely disappointed with Rubio’s response. The poor Republicans’ vain attempt to change their brand will fail miserably. First, to assume the Latino community will rally around Rubio because he speaks Spanish is an insult at best. He’s Cuban. Nothing wrong with that but let’s face it, have you ever met a Cuban Democrat? I have not. I have many Cuban friends who are also staunch Catholics. They are all Republicans. Nothing wrong with that. Rubio responded as a man who had not even listened to Obama speak. Rubio was mean-spirited and hostile. It seems the Republicans are again running to take the White House in 2016. It is unfortunate Obama covered a lot of territory and yet the responses from both Rubio and Rand Paul were a sad regurgitation of the past-looking Republican campaign. So sad and out of touch. I do not think Rubio responded to anything Obama addressed. During the speech John Boehner looked bored out of his mind. The total disrespect the Republicans have for Obama is embarrassing and unacceptable. But alas, there are people who still follow the path of Lincoln yet do nothing to help them change their path; that will bring the party to its knees. Remember, the next Presidential election will have current 14-year-olds voting. Does anybody really believe the Republican party has a chance? I do not and I do not believe Rubio will be a top contender in the next election. Rand Paul will be as exciting as his father.
Steven Auerbach, I’m in agreement although young voters don’t vote in large numbers, whatever numbers they do vote the Republican party has lost any hope of getting any of those voters.
*** What’s the big deal, he’s just a bit nervous and appears to be sweating quite a bit in front of those hot camera lights before going on. Which make him realize just as he starts his “GOP” response that he needs to wet his whistle (P/S GOP contributors) because all that man-made sugared-up “Republican Kool-Aid” he’s been drinking has gotten him real thirsty! Now that’s being a “Kool” senator with nothing to say under pressure, no? ***