Retired Cop Heading To Prison For Sexually Assaulting Young Girls

From Dan Tepfer, CT Post:

A former city police officer was sentenced Thursday to a little more than 7 years in prison for sexually assaulting two young girls while he was on the force.

“I’m really sorry,” Ivan Delgado, a 14-year veteran of the Bridgeport Police Department, told Superior Court Judge Tracy Lee Dayton.

“You were a police officer. You are supposed to protect people. You are never to harm children, never,” the judge told Delgado. “I just hope that when you get out, that the treatment you receive teaches you how to behave in the future.”

Delgado, who retired in 2020 following his two arrests, previously pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree sexual assault and two counts of risk of injury to a child.

Full story here


One comment

  1. “Delgado, who retired in 2020 following his two arrests, previously pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree sexual assault and two counts of risk of injury to a child.”

    Is this piece of human garbage receiving a pension?

    The victim was 11 years old!

    “A few days before the assaults were reported, the affidavit said, the girl told investigators that she had been at Delgado’s home when he pulled her into his bedroom. She said he told her he found her “so sexy” and then raped her as she begged him to stop, the affidavit said”

    “The judge sentenced Delgado to 20 years, suspended after he serves 85 months, or roughly seven years, in prison and followed by 30 years of probation. She also fined him $300 and ordered that he have no further contact with children.”

    7 Years out of 20 ? Really? Give me a break, I hope the prison justice system corrects this mistake and he will have no future contact with the human race.


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