Reminder: Public Safety Forum In Black Rock

Following a menacing robbery at gunpoint last week, the Black Rock Community Council at the urging of State Rep. Auden Grogins has organized a forum for tonight (Wednesday) at 7 at the Burroughs Community Center, 2470 Fairfield Avenue. In addition to Grogins, Mayor Bill Finch, City Council members Sue Brannelly and Marty McCarthy as well as police officials are expected to attend.



  1. Meeting from a NO-GO ZONE.

    Bridgeport is turning into a ‘no-go area’ or no-go zone is a region where the ruling authorities have lost control and are unable to enforce the rule of law.
    Where a City Council member in Black Rock keeps voting for the strip club owners.
    Where our State Rep Auden Grogins (D-Bridgeport) is pleased to announce the approval of $106,000 for renovations of the Burroughs Community Center, while our kids keep getting killed on our City streets, but no money for gun control.
    Where the mayor never mentioned the killing of a UB student. Why not?
    Where our taxes are so high our kids can’t afford to live here, or care to.
    It’s time to put our so-called leaders’ feet to the fire.
    Maybe it’s time to ask the Police Chief to step down.

  2. Or maybe it’s time for citizens to unite and work with the elected leaders to make the issues that are important to them known and put together a plan and work the plan to show those who do not obey the law we will not tolerate their presence in the city.

      1. You are certainly entitled to your own opinion on any subject on OIB. But Jennifer Buchanan is not a dreamer, but an activist who has been to multiple City Council and Ordinance meetings as well as to Hartford to express her concerns and suggestions. That group planned their work, and then they worked their plan around massage parlors and adult sex entertainment venues. And they made progress.
        And your complaint are the other things that are done by those who plan and execute in other areas.
        Why don’t you research when the Police Commission meets each month? I have never been to such a meeting. Does the public have a right at these meetings to speak/be heard? Perhaps a few signs and a large number of people present may draw attention to your concerns and that of many other OIB readers. Do the work. Ask for some help on OIB. There seem to be more people active on City items than previously. That’s necessary. That creates momentum.
        Two weeks ago I posted observations about the Police Commission regarding outdated appointments, perhaps only one person serving an unexpired term. Write City Hall and ask Mayor Accountable how that can possibly happen since he is so on top of what happens in the City! Let us know what response you receive. If people can go for five or more years over their appointed term, it may be assumed the Mayor approves of their performance, so they are being ACCOUNTABLE to him. But are they representing the “public” in their position? How do they feel about 21 officers per shift? What are they doing about cleaning up injured, sick, disabled or low-functioning safety officers not able to put in a full day protecting the public? Time for retirement, you would think? Time will tell.

        1. John, both you and jhbv51 are blowing smoke up each other’s butts if you think the Finch Admin. cares about working with the public.
          They view the public as a pain in their ass.
          You and jhbv51 are no longer in Fairfield, never forget this government serves itself, and taxpayers be damned. Time has told.

  3. Interesting how when something happens in Black Rock all of a sudden Sue Brannelly and Mayor Finch are concerned about crime Our police department is shorthanded and the city council has funded all sorts of useless projects that contribute NOTHING to public safety such as the bike path and that hideous fountain across from McDonalds, an unnecessary PR staff for the Mayor and I could go on and on.

  4. *** Don’t forget to bring a candle in case the power goes out and your good walking shoes for a hand-in-hand “stop the violence” march to city hall! *** No Alcohol, Please! ***

  5. This event was standing room only. I had the distinct impression the police were more interested in what their position or response was going to be regarding what citizens had to say than what citizens actually had to say. You could sense the Deputy Chief was formulating an argument in his mind halfway through the statements being made and his attention shifting from the citizens back to his own defense posture. The classic defensive posture of the narcissist. The Mayor was forthcoming and accommodating, however. It was not perfect, but then what is?

  6. Stay home and point out flaws or attend and be informed, speak up and get involved. Until you are willing to speak directly to the mayor and police, voice your concerns and report incidents–you are part of the problems that will never be solved.
    How will the mayor and police know you are unhappy with services provided if you do not tell them directly?


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