Rasmussen Poll: Murphy Leads By Five Points

Latest poll from www.rasmussenreports.com

Democratic Congressman Chris Murphy has now moved to five-point lead over Republican businesswoman Linda McMahon in Connecticut’s U.S. Senate race.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Connecticut Voters shows Murphy with 51% of the vote, while McMahon earns 46% support. Two percent (2%) favor another candidate in the race, and one percent (1%) is undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

The two candidates met in their first debate late Sunday morning. This poll was conducted later that day.

Additionally, Murphy’s lead is largely derived from “leaners.” These are people who initially indicate no preference for either of the candidates but indicate they are leaning towards one candidate when asked a follow-up question. Without leaners, it’s Murphy 46% and McMahon 45%. This is consistent with the notion that the state’s underlying Democratic tilt will help Murphy in the final analysis.



  1. Murphy’s got this! Linda was so off-putting on Sunday. She came off as a nagging old woman. Nobody wants that. That sunset quote will be the end of her, too.

  2. *** Murph the surf has about a 5-point poll lead due to an anticipated Obama voting surge come Nov 6. If it were not for that, I believe McMahon would be the overwhelming favorite just for mere change alone. It will be close with weather conditions playing a big part in a Republican win for US Senate. *** Time for Change! ***

  3. I do agree the weather will play a huge role. I’m not old enough to remember but has there ever been a presidential election where it rained??? If turnout hits 40,000 in Bridgeport, Linda is done. And I doubt she can even come close to 30%. My election day prediction is Murphy 80% and Linda 20% in the city. With Obama getting 84% and Romney 16%. Himes 82%. Foley should have run for this seat.


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