Rain Delayed: Gates Opening Saturday For Sound On Sound 2:45 PM

Maybe Phish should be Saturday’s headliner. Don’t be surprised if a few bluefish chase a school of bunkers up to the VIP areas.

The weather projection anticipates a break for Saturday afternoon for the initial day of the Sound On Sound Music Festival at Seaside Park. Sunday looks sunny in mid 70s.

Saturday will be soggy for sure, a torrent impacting the tri-state area. And, I’m guessing, pumper engineers furiously diverting ponding areas for pedestrian access.

Okay, time for resiliency and music. You know what: a place with music, food and drink can’t be all bad! Plus, add chili peppers on Saturday for sunny Sunday.


We look forward to welcoming you to Sound On Sound this weekend. Seaside Park has taken on a lot of water with the ongoing unprecedented rainfall and our team is working diligently to address the soggy conditions throughout the festival grounds.

A bit more time is needed to fully prepare for your arrival. The festival start time tomorrow is DELAYED, and festival gates will now open at 2:45pm ET. Updated set times are here. Parking Lots will open at 1pm ET and the Box Office will open at 1:30pm ET.

Keep in mind, the grounds will still be wet. Please plan accordingly, and we highly encourage wearing appropriate footwear (i.e. rain boots). Be sure to check the list of Allowed & Prohibited items before heading to the park.

Some areas in the park will be roped off to maintain the integrity of the grass. Please help us keep Seaside Park beautiful by avoiding these areas.

Our team is closely monitoring the weather forecast and we will continue to keep you updated on any developments. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.



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